5 things that people totally regret not having home

According to a recent survey, overlooking these characteristics of the house can lead to the replacement of the buyer on the road.

If you have already bought a house or plan to do it in the future, chances you had or have a wish list well thought out ofCharacteristics of the house that your ideal place would understand. However, with all the stress that can come with a purchase as important - especially if you cross the process during the pandemic - there are features that you may never have thought. Erie insurance conducted a national survey in 2019, requesting500 US owners What characteristics would they choose If they bought a house today. You want to know what people have said they wanted to have at home but do not do it? Here are the five most desirable household characteristics they have named. Get ready to learn from their supervisions!

A pantry

Walk-in pantry in home

A 30.2% heavyweight of respondents reported having aspiring a walk - by far the most desired characteristic covered by the survey. These useful spaces are perfect for storing groceries and storing onCleaning supplies. And if you want to know more about some cooking tools that go totally your game, check20 cooking gadgets All needs.

Granite countertops

Granite countertop in kitchen

The granite counters held second place on the list of the investigation ofFeatures The owners regret not having, with 17.8% of respondents saying they want them to have. And for some ideas about the interior decoration of your home, check25 kitchen decorations that will completely turn your space.

A cooking island

Kitchen island

The kitchen islands offer more space to prepare food, eat and store necessities, so it is not surprising why many owners-16.8% of them, in this case, regret buying a house without one. And for other ideas on how to improve your culinary space, check27 best ways to upgrade your kitchen, according to experts.

A water heater without reservoir

Tankless water heater

Looking for a house, potential buyers can easily focus onThe visual attraction of a house. However, survey participants wanted to pay more attention to the technical aspects of their property - specifically with regard to water heaters. Among the respondents, 16.4% wanted to have aTankless water heater, which is more energy efficient than its traditional counterpart and twice the service life.

A finished basement

Finished basement

AFinished basement Was something that 16.2% of participants wanted their homes, but no. There is so much potential in these underground rooms, which can serve as a desk, a playground, a suite of guests or a home cinema. And for advice on the reorganization of your lower floor, check15 brilliant ways to disband your subsoil right now.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Home
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