15 subtle signs that you eat too much junk food
To fight against the fatigue of Blaite, here are the red flags that you consume a lot of packaged foods.

A bagel with cream cheese for breakfast. Salami on white bread for lunch. A blueberry muffin for a snack, followed by a frozen chicken tart for dinner. What's wrong with this picture? Besides the fact that your number of calories could be too high, all these foods are very transformed. Here's what you need to know aboutProcessed foods, including subtle signs that you eat too much.
While the junk food is delicious, it's not a secret that eat a lot, it's not great for your body. Here is some of theSide effects of eating junk food-If you experience them, you may want to reduce. And for more health and food care,Sign up for our newsletter for daily recipes and new foods in your inbox!
What are the processed foods?
Processed foods are those who have undergone a level of modification once they are picked from nature, freezing, canned, cooking or drying. "It's food that has been changed or does a little different from its natural form," explains Torey Armul, R.D., a spokesman for theAcademy of Nutrition and Dietary (AND).
Technically, the treatment can be as simple as pore apple slices or a washing and bagging salad. "Most foods are treated in a certain way unless you eat from your garden," said Angela Lemond, R.D. and and spokesperson.
In other words, all treatments are not bad for you. "For a long time, we have added iron and minerals to grains and cereals in the United States, and we have been able to reduce a lot of nutrient deficiency and save people's lives," she says.
However, when most of us think of processed foods, however, we think that very transformed stuff, like sodas, cookies and sweets, which simply do not exist in nature and are slaughtered together in factory. "Very transformed foods tend to be made of too much erroneous ingredients, such as white flours, white sugars andunhealthy fats. And they tend to have additives that increase fat,sodium, andsugar Levels to increase life or palatability, "says ARMUL.
The most integer and natural a food is, the better for you because it has morefiber,vitaminsAnd the minerals, as well as a better equilibrium of macronutrients (ie proteins, carbohydrates and grease). But keep in mind, the amount of treatment in similar foods can vary a little - and that counts.
For example, considerbread. The whole grain stuff includes the three parts of the grain: the core, the sound and the seed. But in the white bread, the Bran, which contains a lot of fibers, vitamins and minerals of food, is removed. "I'm trying to get people to eat more food in its most entire form. But that does not mean that you should not have bread because it is treated. It's when it goes to the sea" , says Lemond.
How much transformed food is too important?
Although the experts will not put a number on the maximum amount of processed foods, you should eat in a day or a week, they recommend making the majority of meals and entire and natural snacks. This means charging fresh fruit and vegetables, lean protein, nuts, beans and legumes. "I would say that a meal turned a meal is a place to start," Armul said. You do not know if you have too much packed things? Here is 15Side effects of processed foods to look for.
You are thirsty all the time.

Packaged foods tend to be charged with sodium Improve taste and prolong life. All that salt can, however, make you thirstle by moving it from where your body needs it. "Sodium derives from the water from your system, you must drink more to stay hydrated," says Lemond.
Keep in mind, if you are active or that it is very hot outside, you will have to drink more water. And some people deal with sodium differently, so you risk feeling super thirsty after a portion of fries while your friend is very good. But if you are constantly thirsty despite sipping a lot of drinks, it might be interesting to look in the amount of foods highly transformed into your diet.
You feel swollen.

All that excess salt intake inevitably leads to water retention, that is to say.Bathing and swelling-Who tend to sand in the hands, ankles and feet. "Sodium eliminates cell water Where it is necessary, and it collects in these other regions, "says Armul.
Get more than anotherelectrolyte,potassium-Find in natural, plant-based foods such as bananas, sweet potatoes and a united yogurt - neutralize sodium. "Potassium And sodium work in a balance, so having enough can help to counteract the negative effects of too much sodium, "says Armul. In just one to three days of exchange treated for these foods rich in potassium, you will most likely feel very much he says lighter and less inflated.
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You get regular headaches.

Dehydration is a common source ofheadache,Researchers say. Too much salt in your diet pulls the water from your cells, where it is necessary - and it can make you dehydrated, even if your body as a whole is to retain more water."Sodium is the leading cause of dehydration headaches," says Armul.
In addition, the elderly, fermented or prepared foods to last from the shelfProcessed meats,canned foods, andmarinated foodsPreservative and additives such as amino acid tyramine, which can cause headaches in some people, depending on theNational Foundation of Headache. "These foods can increase vasoconstriction, which causes headaches," says Lemond.
I do not know how much sodium is too much? ARMUL saysAll food comprising 400 milligrams of sodium or more per serving are a red flag. "The sodium needs of each person vary, so that does not necessarily mean it's a pot-breaker," she says. "But the sodium content is rapidly added in one day, especially if you tend to eat more treated food, restaurant or take away. So, more than 400 milligrams should be considered a" watch what else do you Eaters "that day".
Your teeth are a mess.

Break regularly on packaged foods with simple carbohydrates like candies and chips will make a number on your teeth. According toAmerican dental associationThese types of simple sugars lead to cavities by feeding the bacteria from your mouth, which in turn produce acids that damage your teeth enamel.Soda andsports drinks Are especially bad for your pearly whites. They are acidic and acid attacks enamel teeth, says Ansel.
Your hair is thin.

Did your locks lose their brilliance? When you eat too much processed foods, you fly your body of essential nutrients for a thick and healthy mane. The next time you want Crunch,Pass on the chip bag and go for a walnut handle. These nuts are packaged withOMEGA-3 fatty acids, which will help you become stronger and longer.
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You are tired and foggy.

Eating food processed with simple sugar loads, which of course includes right sugar, but also white flour and "natural sweeteners" such as fruit juice - quicklySpikes your blood glucose. Your insulin levels follow to transfer glucose - the main fuel source of your body into your cells. But what returns quickly goes down quickly,You let yourself feel tired and caca mentally.
Whole foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains, however, containfiber. And lean meats, dairy, nuts and legumes contain greases and proteins.Fiber,healthy fats, andproteinIn turn, helping to slow the absorption of glucose, helping you maintain a more stable energy all day. "Eating the good quantities of good nutrients at the right time throughout the day can feed your brain and help concentration and concentration," says Armul.
You feel depressed and you do not know why.

"Processed foods can result in volatile effects and energy flows, where a healthy balanced diet can cause more stable moods," says ARMUL. It's partly because processed foods are high in simple carbohydrates, which does not only go out of your insulin, but also release some wellness neurotransmitters (chemicals in your brain that regulates your moods) like serotonin . Although it can make you feel Zippy for a minute, your levels drop quickly, leaving you more likely to feel soon after, explainsKaren Ansel, MS, RDN, CDN.
Eat more entire foods, however, and you are likely to get more sustainable mood. "Studies have found that healthy foods like fruits and vegetables naturally improve your mood by stimulating neurotransmitters," Armul said. This effect is prolonged by the healthy fiber slowing absorption. A 2018 study published inBorders in psychologyEven found that eating greater fruits and vegetables was associated with fewer symptoms, anxiety and negative moods of depressives than plans with more transformed versions of the same food.
And while filling the frozen pizza and the donuts can make you feel guilty, accumulate your plate with leafy greens and quinoa nourishes a positive emotional cycle around the food. "People tend to eat better when they feel better," says Armul.
You can not lose weight.

If your diet pillars include foods like hamburgers and cookies, there is a good chance that you eat too many calories - and not necessarily because these foods are calorie bombs. "Many highly transformed foods do not tend to have a lot of nutrients that cause fullness like lean protein,healthy fatsAnd the fibers, all very important are very important to fill you and keep you in full, "says Armul.
This means that after Cupcake,You are more likely to feel hunger again faster than if you snackGreek yogurt and a handful of berries. You will then go back to a recharge earlier - and finally eat more calories throughout the day, sabotage your weight loss goals. "We know that when you focus on the quality of the diet, it is much more satisfying and the calorie balance naturally," says Lemond.
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Your bones break easily.

If your diet is filled with processed foods, there is a good chance that you did not miss food like dairy, fish and dark green vegetables that providecalcium andVitamin D, which works together to strengthen your bones. "So many people are missing on these, which can lead to poor bone health," Armul said.
What else,Eating too much salty food lixivity calcium from your body, leading to bone loss, according toNational Foundation for Osteoporosis. Some research also found that sweet soda can be linked tobone loss andbone fractures.
You break.

Most acne concern factors that are definitely out of your control, including genetics and hormones. That being said,some research connected ahigh sugar diet Cutaneous eruptions. It is because a high sugar diet is supposed to stimulate the production of certain hormones that cause inflammatory hormonal acne, which usually appears around the jaw and mouth, saysBruce Robinson, MDDermatologist and clinical instructor of dermatology, certified by the Board of Directors, New York, Lenox Hill Hospital. While it's far from a surefire solution, the cutting of added sugars is an interesting tactic to try and tamper buttons.
Your grocery bill is across the roof.

Here is a sign of treated food overload that you may not expect:Processed foods tend to be more expensive than integers, says Armul. So, if you spend too much on your food budget, you may want to check your grocery list. "A lot of money enters packaging and food processing. One-service foods are more expensive than buying in bulk and preparing meals at home in advance and portion," she says .
Your blood cholesterol and your triglyceride levels are high.

While you will not know if your glycemiasis, your cholesterol, your triglyceride or your blood pressure rate is off until you visit your doctor's office, they can all be excellent indicators of how health or your diet is healthy or unbalanced.Because processed foods tend to be higher in trans fats andsodiumEating more of them can increase your cholesterol levels and blood pressure, explains Armul respectively.
High sugar can also affect yourTriglyceride (grease) levels In your blood, adds Lemond. "High blood fats to eat a highly transformed diet lowers good levels (ie cholesterol levels," she says. All these levels are linked tocardiopathy and other chronic health conditions.
Your glucose levels are high.

If you are already subject to insulin resistance - let's say it works in your family or that your doctor noted that your blood glucose is out of repetition in the food processed in the past."Processed foods tend to be high in simple carbohydrates andadded sugars, which will increase your blood glucose if you do not have adequate insulin, "says Armul.
With this, diabetes, in particular, is a complex condition that rests a lot on genetics, so it is impossible to say that the food processed are a direct cause. "Some people can eat a lot of food transformed all their lives and will never develop diabetes. But for thealmost one of the Americans on 10 Who have diabetes or prediabet, it's a real concern, "she says.
You're in a bad mood.

If you are in mood without reason, look closely your diet.Transformed chemicals can affect how you feel Because these foods do not give your body adequate nutrition.
You have cellulite.

Although genes play a huge role,You can reduce the appearance of cellulite by eliminating processed foodsyour diet. The meat of charcuterie, for example, cause the retention of water that makes your skin slaughtered even worse. And sugar in the soda weakens the elasticity and collagen of your skin, which facilitates the emptying of cellulite. Learn more with our list of 21 best and worst foods for cellulite .

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