21 things we all think but should never say

Not all the thoughts we have, it's something that needs to be expressed.

"We thought it all!" is rarely a good excuse forshatter. Even if others are, in fact, thinking the same thing, there is a reason why we all keep such thoughts for ourselves. Let your lips too loose and you will break friendships, lose jobs and live a quite embarrassing life. After all, you have seenLiar-You know that there is a reasontell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing that the truth is not always for the greatest good.

For the sake of avoiding social and professional disasters, it is imperative to learn to keep some things yourself. The following thoughts are proof that everything crosses our brain should leave our mouth. Get ready to realize thatHonesty is notalways The best policy! And for more common lies, check the60 white lies that we say every day.

"I did not listen."

black man and woman talking outdoors
IStock / Fizkes

Hey, it happens! Zoning is human nature. Sometimes your spouse, your child or friend is going on and again, and you miss the last 30 seconds of their story. Instead of telling them that they could not have your attention adequately, it is better to smile and tie from the head and throw a "wow, so cool!" sometimes.

"You shouldnot have a gottenue fringe. "

Older woman with bangs why having bangs in the best

It happens for a moment in every woman's life when she is at a crossroads:branch, or not to have a fringe. If she chooses the first, it is imperative to support her journey, no matter the result. At this point, the act was done - and even if it looks ridiculous, it is useless to make it feel unsure. These are the rules!

"You do it badly."

training an employee

See someone doing a task incorrectly can be wrong and it's natural to have the desire to cross. But unless they are in danger of hurting me or others - or accidentally delete hard work of other colleagues - it is best not to go unsolicited advice.

"It was difficult to watch."

woman closing her ears as man plays guitar

We all had a friend we invite some kind of personal performance - a play, a reading of poetry, a musical performance - which proved to be a complete and total disaster. And when they approached each other after the end of the show, you are probably falling on the classic: "You wereunbelievable. "(In the name of art and friendship, keep doing that.)

"I do not remember your name."

hello my name is

Never let someone know you do not remember their name! Just smile and try to introduce them to someone again so that they are forced to say their name again. In this way, you can save the embarrassment of stumbling through a "I'm so sorry, I do not think I caught your name." (They know you did. You have just forgotten it.)

"Does this story have a point?"

Woman Rolling Eyes on Phone, annoying things people do

The world is full of bad storytellers, and theyall Have a story (or six) to tell. It would be great if we could do it except they know they are wasting our time and trying our patience, but it's sometimes better toPractice certain ways. What is the worst case? You lose five minutes of your time? You will survey and also your friendship, your wedding or your professional relationship.

"Your baby is notthis cute. "

woman holding crying baby in green onesie
Shutterstock / Antoniodiaz

All parents think that their baby is cutest and overwhelming as a notion like an ant is simply cruel. Tell them how beautiful their newborn is and continue. It will not cause you any pain.

"You are too good for your partner."

50 compliments

It's a tale as old as time: your friend started going out with a total summit, but you smile and smile when they talk about it because you do not want to ruin friendship. And, for the most part, it's wise; People tend to become delicious when romance is involved.

"It does not look good."

two women shopping together

If you are with someone who asks for advice and has not left home yet, do not hesitate to suggest them (gently, of course). But if they are already out and engaged in a little flattering sheath, let them live their fantasy.

"I can not come to your party because I do not want."

bride and groom celebrate wedding in new york city blackout

It's the progression of natural thought just before telling someone that you can not do it to themKind reveal the party due to a "prior commitment". But the truth is that sometimes it is better to let your friends think that you are to a sudden family, do not avoid their celebration.

"It was not great to see you."

two woman waving hello in the street as they pass each other, old-fashioned etiquette rules

Running in an old acquaintance can be fun ... or can be a pretty uncomfortable experience. More often than no, the case is the last. These Run-ins tend to be clumsy, full of forced nenetcies and small excited discussions. Nevertheless, it is better to do things with a small white lie. After all, what are the chances you still thought soon?

"We will never go lunch and catch up."

fake hug

And every time you and a person you know vaguely meet you, it is concluded with each other that you will make unwanted plans to catch a lunch from time to time. And you both think about the same thing while it happens:We will never have lunch. But we must never spoil this song and dance. Much better to continue the endless waltz.

"I really want to watch my phone right now but you'll know I'm not paying attention."

man on his phone

This is 2019 - we all think it thought of dozens of times every day. But it is certainly rude to say it aloud.

"I do not care your trip."

man and woman on vacation taking selfie

Life has only three truths: death, taxes and the fact that when someone you know goes on distant holidays, they will tell youall About this (and show yourself a complete iphone of photos, start). The next time it happens, support it with afake smile-Because you will do it too after your next trip.

"I do not want to hear about your training routine."

couple running on beach at sunrise, monday quotes

People seem to have the impression that we want to hear about all the details Nitty-Gritty of their exercise routines. Work is great, but it is also very personal; Which works for a person will not necessarily work for the next. Nevertheless, it's not a lot of your back on your back to listen five minutes and pretend that you will try goat yoga with them in the future.

"This date was really atrocious."

woman bored in date

The bad dates are inevitable and this thought is. It's okay to leave your date to know if you do not feel sparks, but as long asthey have at least been nice and politeYou should return the favor - even if you spent every second in the last two hours counting on the clock.

"They are probably scared because they do not love you."

text notification

Someone with romantic problems does not need to be overthrown - they must be raised. Even if it seems that the problem was that their romantic partner was simply not interested, the manufacture of a reason ("an ex might go to the image") to lighten their minds is the tactical thing to to do.

"It's because of how you are."

two girls sharing a cringeworthy video with each other

Sometimes people think they want your advice, but what they really want is your validation. So when your colleague hasAnother meeting crisis, Refrain from saying that the thing that holds them back is their approach. People will have only growing experience, not hearing Snarky remarks.

"This meeting should have been an email."

workplace meeting, over 50 regrets
Shutterstock / Fizkes

Everyone in the conference room can think about it, but indicating that evidence is not worth reprimanding. (But seriously, the case of missing lunches in the fridge office could have been arranged inAn email across the company.)

"I wish my children did not exist ... Just for, like, 24 hours."

dad feeling frustrated at home, bad parenting advice

As much as any parent loves and cherits to their children, sometimes a little break would be so nice. We feel horrible to think it, but as long as we do not say it aloud, we are good. Your secret is safe with us!

"You know, everything couldnot to agree."

young woman giving thumbs up

The most comforting sentence you can tell someone is: "All will go well." But, a lot of time, everythinghabit to agree. Nevertheless, the person you are talking about needs hope, so give them that.

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