This harmful body can make serious damage to your home in a week, experts say

It is not long for the signs of this harmful body to be transformed into an entire infestation.

Nobody likes to see an undesirable visitor at home, whether it is an ex showing unexpectedly or aMouse doing a house In your pantry. However, there is a pest that could even be on your radar that could cause seriousnessDamage to your home In a short time:The carpet dendroctor. In one week, these ITTY-BITTY bugs can deposit waste to some of your most valuable assets.

According to the Department of Entomology of Florida University, WomanCarpet beetles can lengthen up to 100 eggs at a time, with these eggs hatching in one week in some cases.

Unfortunately, preventing them from taking the hand in your home is not as easy as you could hope. According toBrett Craig, responsible for training forExterminators arrowCarpet beetles can be brought to any type of natural fabric based on fibers, carpets, taxidermie, or even through an open window during high pollen seasons. They "can infest a strongly nourished area," says Craig.

varied carpet beetle on white background
Shutterstock / Tomasz Klejdysz

Associated certified entomologistMichael Thome, a technical service manager forEhrlich pest controlCall these "widespread and destructive" harmful organisms, explaining that black, varied and furniture beetles can virtually damage any type of fabric at home, as well as attack your pantry with revenge.

Unfortunately, at the moment when you really see carpet beetles at home, you can already have a major problem on your hands.

"The signs of damage can only become visible when the infestation has been established for a long time," says Thome. He says that see carpet beetle eggs, shredded skin, larvae or dead adults in your air ducts, cabinets, cupboards, furniture or clothing are a good indication that you have an incentive infestation .

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Although the best action plan to prevent the spread of carpet culopters in your home is to call an exterminator to the first sign of these pests, careful cleaning can also help.

"Routine,thorough vacuum, including below beds and furniture, can help prevent the creation of beetles, "says Thome, which also recommends cleaning the wool and leather goods if they are not used to keep these insects of the catch. And if you want to keep your home safe, be aware thatThis mortal pest could hide in your bedroom, say experts.

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