23 grammatical mistakes that everyone does all the time

They are a lot of mistakes there.

The English language is not easy to master. Just as you think you have the Down Pat rules, you are wondering if you use the right "your" and where hell must put this Pesky comma. We here atBetter life Understand the struggle of the appropriate sentence structure and grammar as well as anyone. We have created a list of some of the most common grammar errors with their remedies. So let's go (notleash) Diving.

1. Muppine "sa" and "it's"

It is is a contraction that means "it's" or "he has".HisOn the other hand, is a possessive adjective.

Incorrect: The dog went in his kennel because his cold outside.

Correct: The dog went inhisChenl because it's cold outside.

2. Suspended modifiers

Descriptive words, sentences and clauses must be placed directly before or after the name they describe to make sense. Otherwise, what you have on your hands is asuspended modifier.

Incorrect:Vorace, the homemade dinner looked delicious.

Correct:Vorace, children instantly fail from homemade dinner.

3. A misunderstandings

People tend to use commas incorrectly when they should use other forms of punctuation. One of the most common comma errors? Using one to merge two complete clauses when there should be a semicolon or a period rather.

Incorrect: Alex went to the store, he had lunch.

Correct: Alex went to the store; He grabbed lunch.

Correct: Alex went to the store. He grabbed lunch.

4. Task "to" and "too"

TO andtoo much are not interchangeable. WhileTo is a preposition used to indicate a movement or an action of some way,too much is a synonym fortoo or an adverb meaning "more than desired".

Incorrect: I also go the gym so I do not win too much weight.

Correct: I goTo the gym so I do not wintoo much a lot of weight.

Incorrect: Can you have milk at the store?

Correct: Can you have milk at the storetoo much?

5. Try "them", "" these are "and" there "

Their is an attributive adjective used to indicate that someone has something.They are is a contraction that is short for "they are". "The An adverb is most often used to indicate a specific place or position. Although they are all pronounced in the same way (which means that it is homophones), none of these words are interchangeable.

Incorrect: He will put backpacks on their.

Correct: They are go puttheir Backpacks onthe.

6. Use "irredeer"

Sorry,Wicked girlsFans.Regardless Is not it a word sinceindependently actually means "without paying attention to the current situation". Therefore, there is no need for a prefix that means "no / no".

7. Use "There is" and "Here" with plural topics

When you spellThere are andhere is, they are becomingThere are andhere is. And, because these two are singular, they should not be used in their form of contraction with plural topics.

Incorrect: There are many new entering companies.

Correct: There are many new entering companies.

8. Say "Based on" instead of "based on"

Based on is never grammatically correct. It should always bebased on. After all, abased Of, say, a piece of furniture, is something that the rest of the article is constructedto.Hope this helps to make this stick.

9. Missing "Your" with "You are"

Your is a possessive pronoun used to designate that someone has something.You areOn the other hand, a contraction is short for "you are". Just likethey are / their / there,you arecan not be used interchangeably.

Incorrect: Your in the journey of your life.

Correct: You are For the journey ofyour life.

10. Put the punctuation in the right place with quotation marks

Certainly, it is difficult to remember that punctuation marks are supposed to go inside quotation marks and who are supposed to stay outside of them.

TheAmerican style punctuation rules Are largely based on the associated press style guide and the Chicago style manual. According to these guides, periods, commas, interrogation marks, exclamation points and quotes within the quotes must always be placed inside the quotation marks. Parentheses, semi-layers, good and question marks or exclamation points that are not part of a quote must remain outside.

Incorrect:She asked, "Why would you like to do that"? I told him, "Because it's my choice;" But she still did not understand.

Correct:She asked, "Why would you dothis?"I told him," Because it's mychoice"; But she still did not understand.

11. Decretion of decades correctly

It's not the 60's nor the 60s. To be grammatically corrected when you shorten decades, place the apostrophebeforeNumbers.

Incorrect: The60s were a good time to be alive.

Correct: The '60s were a good time to be alive.

12. Keeping "it" and "who"

If you can delete a clause from your sentencewithout ruining the meaning of all the thing, thenwho is the word you need for your non-essential clause. If, on the other hand, your clause is essential for the meaning of your sentence, you have a clause set on your hands and you should usethis.

Incorrect: In a world filled with posers, you should always try to be yourself.

Correct: In a worldthis is full of possers, you should always try to be yourself.

Incorrect: The iPhone, which stores photos and music, is an excellent device to own.

Correct: The Iphone,who Photo and music stores, is an excellent device to own.

13. Missing "then" and "from Alright"

Although some people use the wordgood, the oral spelling grammatically correct this word is actuallyOkay. So, if you quote quotingMatthieuMcConaughey, make sure it looks like this:Matthew-McConaughey-all-right

Not this:Matthew-McConaughey-alright

14. Using "affect" and "effect" incorrectly "affect" and "effect"

Although there are exceptions, the difference betweenaffect andeffect is itaffect is usually a verb andeffectis usually a name.

Incorrect: The side affects this medicine is alarming. How are you doing?

Correct: The sideeffects From this medicine are alarming. How is itaffecting you?

15. Missing "Leis" and "bind"

Althoughlie andlengthen Essentially the same thing, they can not be used interchangeably.THEay requires a direct object, butlie do not do it. If you ever confused, just remember: pTHEThis-becauselengthen involves placing something and receiveLiNot becauselie implies reclining.

Incorrect: After I lying my handbag on the table, I'm going to bed.

Correct: After Ilengthen my handbag on the table, I'm goinglie in bed.

16. Use "Leave" and "Come"

Lengthening Simply means "Leave us" and it is used in orders and suggestions.Leash, on the other hand, is the tense form of the verblet, which means "authorize".

IncorrectHow long does my mother head at the concert, lets meet instead of 6 m.

Correct: As long as my motherleash I go to the concert, meet me for 6 hours.

17. Mutte "less" and "less"

Less andless can not replace either.Fewer Must be used when you refer to items that can be counted (such as ingredients or dollars).THEtrial Is only used when you refer to singular mass names (such as salt, honesty and silver). If you can count it, opt forless; If it can not be counted, go withless.

Incorrect:If I use less sugar in this recipe, it will be less calorie.

Correct: If I useless sugar in this recipe, it will beless Calories.

18. Use "another" and "the other" interchangeable

It has become generally acceptable to useanother andeach other as if they refer to the same number of people. However, if you want to use an appropriate grammar,each other is supposed to be used only when you refer to two people, andanother is only for more than two people.

Incorrect:Alex and Gina never receive gifts for each other, but that does not mean that everyone in the office can not give themselves gifts.

Correct:Alex and Gina never receive gifts foreach otherbut that does not mean that everyone in the office can not giveanother gifts.

19. Forgetting to add a comma after a state name

When writing the name of a city followed by the state in which it is located, most people forget that there must be a comma before and after the name of the state.

Incorrect:In the city of Anaheim, California, you will find Disneyland.

Correct: In the town ofAnaheim, California, You will find Disneyland.

20. Use "since" and "because" as synonyms

Wordsincecan sometimes be used instead ofbecause, but not always. Sset up At two meanings, or it can refer to the general cause or refer to time.Bday beforeOn the other hand, can only be used in reasoning.

21. Mouve "then" and "than"

Thenrefers to a sense of time, whilethan is used to compare two things. Although they sound the same thing, they do not want to say the same thing.

Incorrect: I will catch the milk of the target; That I can know if it's more expensive, so it's at Walmart.

Correct: I will catch the milk of the target;so I will be able to know if it'smore expensivethan It's at Walmart.

22. Use in dashes and em draws in the same way

The EM dash has several uses, but it is most often used to create a break in a sentence. The Dash-Dash-or a link has only two uses: to connect words in a compound word and separate the numbers.

Incorrect: I will try to understand this for me-if I can not, I will ask my 90-year-old grandmother.

Correct:I will try to understand this for me-if I can not, I will ask my 90-year-old grandmother.

23. Forget an apostrophe

A simple apostrophe can completely change the meaning of a word or phrase. With an apostrophe, a name becomes possessive and without one, it's just the plural version of this name.

Incorrect : Do not touch anything from my mothers.

Correct : Do not touch anything from my mother.

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