35 commonly used words, we totally stole other languages
You use them regularly, but these words are not English origins.
Although the exact number remains to debate, many linguists feel that there isMore than a million words in theEnglish language. An even harder number to pin is the number of these words that we technically have the right to claim like ours. The truth is that many words we use regularly are actually borrowed from other languages-French, Japanese, Spanish andYiddish, to name a few. And some of these foreign language words - also called "Loan words"-Art so woven in our lexicon that we do not even realize that they are actually no English origins.
1 Kind
In English, we use the word "kind" to describe a work of art characterized by a particular style, like horror, romance, comedy, etc. The word, however, comesdirectly to us of the French language. In French,kindLiterally translates into "genus", but this also translates into "type", which explains its context in the English language.
2 Chocolate
While Americans probably love chocolate, the word has no origins in English. In placehas been translated Spanish English via Nahuatl - The language spoken by people living in the center of Mexico during the Spanish conquest. In this language, the wordchocolatIt was first used to describe a "beverage made by cocoa heating with water or milk", like hot chocolate.
3 Karaoke
If you like to smoke rendering embarrassing 0f your favorite songs in front of friends and foreigners, you have Japan to thank the opportunity to do it. "Karaoke"Combines the Japanese words kara-which means "empty" -andOKESUTTURA, which means "orchestra". The polarizing hobby was a favorite among Japanese businessmen in the 1970s before taking over popularity in the United States in the late 1980s.
4 Patio
Patiois aSpanish word that refersduring the courses of the buildings, which were popular characteristics inMedieval Spanish architecture. Spelted in the same way in English, the word is generally used with reference to the domains of the seats of owners' owners in their garden.
5 Klutz
The word "Klutz"-Community used in the English language to describe a clumsy person - actuallyOrigins Yiddish. It comes fromKlots, which translates into "wooden beam".
6 Kindergarten
The education class of many children in the United States attends kindergarten and the first year is calledGardenaGerman word It literally means "kindergarten". The concept was created in Germany in 1837 by the nineteenth century educatorFriedrich Froebel.
7 Contractor
Commonly used to describe someone who starts his own business, this word is raised from theFrench termUndertake,Which means "undertaking". Inasmuch ascontractor, you literally undertake your own business.
8 Mosquito
Mosquitoes can be a parasite around the world, but their name a Spanish word thatdirectly translated at "Small Fly" or "Little GNAT".
9 Ass
While it'sused to describe these The streets that are closed at one end in the suburban neighborhoods across the United States, in France, where the term is originaryass literally means "background of the bag".
You know it's the thing you do when you answer an invitation, but maybe not it'sactually an acronym For the French sentence,Answer if you plax, which means "please answer."
11 Vigilant
In English, "vigilant" describes someone who voluntarily combats or delete the crime, often outside the parameters of the law. Thisentered our vocabulary In the 19th century and come fromvigilantThe Spanish term for a "guard and guard" - and can be found in the word Latinvigilare, which means "stay awake".
12 Sofa
"Sofa," another word for a "sofa" in the English language isOriginally a Turkish word Meaning "High section of one floor, covered with carpets and cushions." And the Turkish wordsofacomes from the Arab termsuffow Which means "bench of stone or wood".
13 Anguish
Often used to describe feelings of anger, apprehension and insecurity during the teenage years, the word "angst"Originally from a German word It means "distress, anxiety and anxiety".
14 Diesel
The word "diesel", which describes both a type of fuel and a type of engine, alsohas German origins-Rudolf Diesel, a German mechanical engineer in the late 1800s and theinventor Diesel engine.
15 Ketchup
AlthoughClip in most American kitchens, the name of this Tomato condiment did not really originate from the United States, it comes from the Chinese Word HokkienKê-Tsiap,which is a fermented fish sauce, according toNational Geographic.
16 Corga
The full name of thisDog Breed isWelsh corgiIt is therefore not surprising that the name has no English origins. Instead of thatcombines Welsh words ofbecausemeaning "dwarf" andTHISWhich means "dog".
17 Biscuit
Although cookies are beloved in states, the word does not derive from the English word "cook". The word for these delicious treats came to usof the Dutch language-Koekjes means "cupcakes" and is derived fromKoek,which simply means "cake".
18 Grocery store
ThisShorten shape From the word GermanDElikatesswhich translates into "ready-to-eat food" - origins that find the word Frenchdelicacy,meaning "delicacy".
19 Lemon
Wehave arabic language To thank the name of this yellow citrus fruit. In fact, the words "lemon"and "Chaux" come from Arabic wordsLalymūnandlīm, respectively.
20 Tattoo
The word for this body art on your biceps is the English adaptation ofThe Polynesian word Tatau,Which means "brand made on the skin". Just sense for us!
21 Mammoth
The word "mammoth" is at the same time the name of an animal off long-term and an extremely large term.It came to us via the Dutch wordMammutby the wayof The Russian termmammot,Which means "great terrible beast".
22 Boycott
In 1870, Irish farmers faced a crisis that could lead to terrible famine similar to that of the 1840s. In order to prevent that, they formed a group that campaigned against rent increases and the evictions offered owners.Charles Boycott, a Captain of the British Army, was an agent for a landlord of abstract at the time and was stooked by the community when he tried to expel farmers to not pay rent. As a result, his namebecame the word we use now Describe this protest strategy.
23 Renaissance
Used to describe both an era and style that recalls this time,Renaissanceis the French word for "Rebirth". And dig even further, its origins are in the old French wordRenadede,which translates into English as "to be born again".
24 Problem
The word "glitch" describes a "minor dysfunction", usually in terms of electronics. And while it'sorigins are always debated, many linguists believe itcame from the word yiddish glitusmeaning "slippery place" in English.
25 Glory
"Defined as" praises given for the realization "," This word comes from theGreek quarterKydos, which translates into "glory, fame and glory".
26 Brunette
"Brunette", which is used in English to describe a person with brown hair, is directly takenof France. However, in French,brunetteis a female word for a brown hair woman. If you describe a man with brown hair in French, you would use the male variation:brunette.
27 Memory
"Souvenir" is anotherFrench word-Descriptions something kept as a reminder, it literally means "act to remember".
28 Zero
The concept of nothing in reference to an amount of something comes from the Arabic wordṣil,aterm that has been invented throughMohammed Ibn-Musa al-Khowarizmiin the ninth century. Thiscame to us like "zero" of the medieval Latinzephirumvia French and Italian.
29 Alcohol
The word "alcohol" comes to us tooof the Arabic language. It has been derived fromal-kuhl, which, in Arabic, made reference to a powdered antimony used as eye paint. Thus, when the word "alcohol" has entered for the first time in the English language, it described powders such as "kohl", not the liquid substance we know today.
30 Chief
In English, "Boss" describes a person who holds authority and generally manages a group of people in a professional context. The word wasdirectly raised by the Dutch term BAAS,which means "master" and was used for the first time as "boss" in the early 1800s byWashington Irving.
31 Countryside
"Landscape" canDescribe many different thingsIn English, the landscape from the point of view of a photo is taken. Regardless of the context used in, the word itselfcomes from Dutch termLandschap, which combines the termsEarth andschap, or "land-ship".
32 Waffle
This delicious breakfast food is also brought with the courtesy of the Dutch.Waf comes from proto-Germanic wordWabila,meaning "web" or "honeycomb", which makes sense when you look at the shape and texture of the nextwaffle You are judging.
33 Ranch
No, we are not talking about salad vinaigrette, but an area of agricultural land used to lift horses or cattle that takes its nameOf the word Spanish Mexican ranch, which literally translates into "small ranch".
34 Donut
The city of New York can be unofficialdonutthe capital of the United States, but the real name of the Doughy roll comes from the Word yiddish Beygl.
35 Shampoo
"Shampoo", which is both a name for the capillary product and a verb to wash your hair with this product, comes Hindi and Urdu languages . It's speech Cāpo, which is an imperative of the word Cāpnā, Which means "press" or "massage". As in, you massage shampoo in your hair.