Dr. Fauci just said that you can redo it after the Covid vaccine

Some things can come back to normal for you and some can not, says the expert in infectious disease.

Twenty-three million Americans are now fullyvaccinatedBut there is always so much uncertainty about what is safe and what is not, after having had your gunshots.Dr. Anthony FauciThe Chief Medical Officer of the President and Director of the National Institute of the Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases appeared on Sunday morning news emissions to provide some clarity, although the official guidelines of the CDC has not been published yet. There are a few things you can do differently after vaccination, he said, and some you should not change. Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Dr. Fauci says two vaccinated people who are only together at home would not need to wear a mask

Two young female friends chatting over coffee in cafe.

Fauci told George Stephanopolus onThis weekthat if you are with someone who has been vaccinated and vaccinated, then there is little risk of catchingCOVID-19 [Feminine. "When you arrive at vaccinated and protected people together, as in a home setting, you can have two people you do not need to" wear a mask, "says Fuci. "We are now working with the CDC by trying to update reasonable recommendations of what we can tell people vaccinated to make sure you get more and more people vaccinated."


Mr. Fauci said you can start doing some of the things you've done before "at home"

Greeting friends at door

"One of the things I think will be clear that if you have individuals, vaccinated adults, two people who are doubly vaccinated and are protected, so you can do things we're not talking before," Fauci says on CnnState of the Union. "You can dine in a house without masks on you can have friends who, you know, are doubly vaccinated and are protected with you. So you can start doing things, basically at home and in a setting where you n 'Are not in the community, where there are 70,000 new infections a day, right? And you could start doing some of the things you could not do before. "


You will always need to wear a mask around other people

Friends meeting in public during virus outbreak

A vaccine does not mean that you can throw all the public health measures we have been invited to follow. "You should always be careful," says Fauci onThis week, "Because the end point of the vaccine efficiency test prevents symptomatic diseases, which means that potentially theoretically, and perhaps in reality, you will have an infection that you do not get clinical manifestation. So you might be protected from the disease and always have a virus. If this is the case, that's why you all hear us - all public health managers - saying wearing a mask. And the reason is basically to protect others "the virus. "You can inadvertently infect someone else, even if you are protected."


Dr. Faisci warns the virus can always be transported by you after vaccination

Doctor in personal protective suit or PPE inject vaccine shot to stimulating immunity of woman patient at risk of coronavirus infection.

"The reason we say" wear a mask "and sometimes people do not understand that and think it's too rigid: there will be a time, and I think it will be reasonably soon, when we know exactly If a vaccinated person really has a level as low or at all, a virus in their nasopharynx, which will be based on data, "said Fauci onThis week. "We have preliminary data for some Israeli studies than the level of virus in the nasopharynx vaccinated persons is extremely low. If this is the case and future studies show that it is so low, then you will withdraw some of the Restrictions, but you want to do it according to the data, not on guess. "

RELATED: Dr. Faisci just said when we would be returned to normal


Dr. Fauci said the CDC would publish instructions soon on what you should and should not do after vaccination

A man browsing the CDC website to learn key facts about the Coronavirus Disease 2019

Dr. Fauci was asked, on CNNState of the Union, if the CDC actually worked on guidelines for what is safe after vaccination. "We had intensive discussions, as recently until last night on this topic," said Fauci. "The CDC will appear in the coming weeks, perhaps even earlier, with some guidance on what people vaccinated [should and should not do]." Until then, follow the fundamentals of Fauci and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you wear afacial maskwhich adapts perfectly and is double layers, do not travel, the social distance, avoid the big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice a good hand hygiene, get vaccinated when it becomes available to you, and protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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