Eating habits that demolish your body

These diet practices do a lot of harm and not good.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to be healthy.Eat a healthy diet, moving your body and get an adequatequantity of sleep Are all massively important for the physical and mental happiness of your body. However, if you constantly hear a bad diet, diet tips "directly fromtoxic diet cultureIt can be difficult to decipher what is really healthy and what is not. That's why we talked about some registered dietitians about popular diet habits that completely destroy your body.

When limiting your food and your stay three times a day looks like the "criterion of health", in reality, these eating habits do a lot of harm to your body. So, before making changes usually in your life, make sure to ignore these diet habits that destroy the health of your body. Then define healthier habits for yourself with our list of7 healthy eating habits for women, say dietitians.


Do not eat enough.

Hungry woman skipping meal

If you limit your food every day, you probably do not eat enough to keep your body properly.Lisa Young, PhD, RDN, author ofFinally full, finally thin, stresses that eating too little can lead to a slowdown metabolism.

"It makes it even more difficult to lose weight," says Young. "You feel too restricted and you tend to eat too much."

here isWhat happens to your body when you eat only once a dayAnd why it's massably unhealthy.


Focus on "low calorie" foods.

rice cakes

"These foods, usually foods typically higher like rice cakes, or no corn blown to the addition of fat by itself, do not keep you complete long. You can reach more food shortly after , "says Rachel Paul Phd, RD ofCOLLEGENUTIENTIONRIONISTIST.COM. "When you lose weight, it's important to choose the most filling foods likeprotein, fat and carbohydrates of high fiber like non-starchy vegetables. "

Related:Get more healthier tips directly in your inbox byRegister for our newsletter!


Call "good" or "bad" foods.


The toxic diet culture wants you to believe that there are "good" foods and "bad" foods out there, and eating them, you associate with theseemotions. If you eat healthy foods, you are "being good", and if you have come into treatment, you are "being bad".

This popular diet habit can cause a whirlwind of problems vis-à-vis your mental and physical health.

"This creates only many concerns such as the use of food as a reward or punishment and can lead to food obsessions," said Cheryl Mussatto, MS, R & D, LD ofEat well to be good. "This type of thought does not help a person to learn healthy eating habits. When a person restricts food or does not meet the body hunger, this may result in additional complications such as constipation or even dehydration S ' They also limit fluids. "


See exercise as a punishment.

walking on treadmill

It seems that the common answer to eat an indulgent meal is the desire to "work" and "burning calories". With this type of state of mind, working is considered a punishment to enjoy a meal, which can harm your relationship with the movement. More…practice Do not move the needle a lot in terms of weight loss.

"The research showed that exercise is not necessary for weight loss - although the exercise of course be beneficial for many other reasons, "says Paul." Instead, choose a type of exercise that you Love to do. walk, dancing, yoga-they count all. "


Go ultra bas-carbs.

bacon, eggs, and avocado flower on plate
Shutterstock / Elena Shashkina

"Thecetogenic regime can be a harmful approach to weight loss, especially from an internal point of view, "saysTrista Best, MPH, Rd, LDof the balance a supplement. "The condition known as ketoidosis may occur once the body has been empty of carbohydrates as a fuel for a long time and causes excessive amounts of ketones rinsing the body. This keton precipitation can create a state of shock with Side effects ranging from mood problems ranging from mood problems erupting and even failing the organ. "

Better also stresses that constipation is a common side effect of the Ceto regime, usually because most of thealimentary fiber Comes from carbohydrates in your diet - which helps your digestion and movements of the intestine.

here is9 warning signs that you do not eat enough fiber.


Have "cheating meals".

Bacon cheeseburger
Niklas Rhose / BELVSHSH

It's not that you should not eat the foods you like - likecheeseburgers WherePizza. This is the mentality around these foods that cause problems with your diet.

"If you feel like you need a" cheating meal ", it's a certain sign that your eating habits are too restrictive," says Rebecca Washuta, authorized dietary nutritionist and project managerNOOM. "These types of food approaches and weight loss are generally not durable and can take place to find the weight you lost."

This goes back to the labels we place on our food. When a food is labeled as "bad", we feel deprived of this and want to have it for a "cheat meal". However, Washuta says it's important to "lose the label" and not classify foods as out of bounds.

"When you learn to honor your desires and allow you to enjoy the food you love, there is no need for a cheat meal! Instead, you can find a personalized balance with all foods And always reach your well-being goals. "


Eliminate whole food groups.

Woman holding up an outstretched hand saying no to a man offering her a glass of dairy milk

"Completely eliminate food groups, such as grains, dairy or fruit, can prepare youNutritional deficiencies, "says Brenda Braslow, Rd, MS, withMynetdiary. "For example, the elimination of grains could lead to very low energy due to low carbohydrate consumption and cause vitamins and inadequate ironing iron. Carbohydrates are the preferred source of body energy."

The same goes for all kinds of nutrients. Braslow emphasizes how insufficient folic acid can cause prenatal health problems, improper ironing can lead to anemia and fiber removal can cause constipation and create a higher risk of colon cancer.

Related:That's why you should have nutrients of food, not supplements


Jump from one diet to another to another.

keto diet

The term is calledYo-yo dietWherever you go from them between periods of time when you try an accident plan and time periods when you "eat normally". This can cause problems with its ability to be able to read the nutritional needs of their body.

"In the years following the following restrictive regimes, a person can completely lose contact with internal signals of hunger and fullness, to forget what healthy shade looks like a low-balanced diet because they have so many restricted foods. "Explain Braslow. "This can lead to a weight loss cycle and frustrating weight recovery. Years of extreme weight fluctuations can be mentally difficult and lead to a higher and higher body fat percentage."

Instead, focus on these17 healthy eating habits to start today, according to our medical experts.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: diet / Health Tips / tips
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