This word can make you pass more money

Businesses can use this hidden trick to help you discover more money.

Shopping can be a difficult feat sometimes-Joy yourself if you try to keep you on a list or budget. After all, you must prevent you from falling victim victim to constant marketing tricks that companies useTry to make you pay more. And you probably do not realize some of the tips they use. According to recent research, businesses can frame something like an "add-on" to get you more money. Read to find out how this marketing thing works and for more advice on your next purchase trip, discoverThe incredible secrecy of target shopping you want to know earlier.

A 2019 study published in theJournal of Marketing Research and led by the University of British Columbia (UBC) Sauder School of Business revealed that buyers are up to a third partymore likely to move to a premium option When the additional cost is marketed as an "add-on", rather than a higher overall price.

Co-author studyDavid Hardistisy, PhD, Assistant Professor of Behavior Marketing and Science at UBC Sauder, gave an example of this in a statement of the study. He saidWhen booking a plane ticketConsumers are more likely to buy a $ 200 ticket that involves a two-hour layer, then move on to a direct flight by paying an additional $ 50 add-on than buying a direct ticket for $ 250.

"When you see" $ 50 more "as a price add-on, it's a smaller number than the total and we focus on this smaller number", co-authorDale Griffin, PhD, Professor and Chairman of the Advisory Board in consumer behavior at the UBC Sauder, said in a statement. "Mathematically, prices are the same and, on consideration, we can see that, but that complementary prices intuitively feel cheaper."

Researchers tested this with a series of different scenarios, including participants who have been invited to donate to a local food bank, purchasing a computer monitor, choose an external hard drive and Even to order breakfast. However, they noted that this phenomenon occurred only with prices, no other product improvements. So, if a consumer looks at the hard drives of two terabytes, they probably will not be influenced in a four-terabyte hard drive by a marketing scheme that sells it as "two terabytes plus".

A young man in a hat and glasses shops for clothes in a store

According toSteve Orlowski, a former financial adviser for Allstate and theCurrent Director General From the review of the guarantees of the house, people are willing to pay more when they see the word "add-on" because "they associate the word with a similar language like" upgrade "or" extra ", involving some special thing that those who do not pay the basic price or standard price do not receive. "

Orlowski says that buyers really need to focus on the fact that this "add-on" is actually a deal. They can do so by reading footnotes that describe restrictions or terms and conditions for determining whether theThe extra cost is really worth it All additional services or articles they can receive.

"According to the industry, it might be useful to wait a better deal," he says. "In most niches, demand fluctuatesAccording to the period of the year. If you are time to buy just when the request is low, you may be able to find a module similar at a lower price or even equal to the basic price. When it comes to buying something, wait more often than it pays. "

Unfortunately, trying to train yourself for this psychological trick is not easy job. Continue reading for advice on maintaining your expenses, and for more financial advice, discoverHow much money would you save if you have made your coffee every day.

Always define a budget.

Woman creating a budgeting plan

Nishank Khanna, thefinancial director To clarify the capital, indicates that the creation and collage of a budget is a "proven way to avoid falling additional items that lead to excessive expenditures so easily".

"Configuring the intentions surrounding what we plan to buy and actually need to build a reasonable foundation to operate," he says. "If you have a plan in place, you are much less likely to be influenced by emotions and make additional purchases." And for more useful content delivered directly into your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Commit to saving a specific amount of money.

businessman working and counting money

SometimesSave a specific money sum Can you prevent you from making useless purchases or make sure you are financially secure, even if you do it.Michael Hamelburger,chief Executive Officer Cost reduction consultants recommend that people save 10% of their salary each year.

"In this way, even if you have purchases to do and that you will probably want to grab the complement, you are always confident that you put aside part of your income for future use," he explains. And for more ways to save, read on theSilver saving tricks Only Walmart initiates know.

Make sure to compare your purchase with different retailers.

Young woman with blue hair shopping online in her living room

There is no too much comparison when it comes to buying something.ANDREA WORCH,Consumer Economy and Expert Shopping, says you shouldalways Comparison store, as you can sometimes find an "add-on at a reduced price for less in another store or other site, whether the same brand or a similar product but a different mark". And for more purchase help, discoverThe most rough thing you do in shopping.

Do not buy before adding the total cost.

Older man calculating money

Do not fall victim of an add-on by calculating how much you spend in general. "Taking the time to do mathematics provides a verification of reality that works as a backup for our spending habits," Khanna said. "When we see the complete picture, we are no longer likely to buy only what we need and nothing more. This is especially true if this extra thing brings us outside our budget." And for more ways that you fall into the trap of spending more, it'sThe only habit that makes you spend more money, the study says.

Categories: Smarter Living
By: bianca
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