It is the most distorted country in the world
Here's how you impede the names of these beautiful nations.
There is almost7,000 languages in the worldThis does not ask me why the way we pronounce the names tends to differ. And this does not even take into account all the regional dialects that also exist! Whether you learn about a country or if you hope to visit one day, it is best to know the good pronunciation, especially so you're not embarrassing in front of a room. Without further delay, here are the most distorted countries and how to say them correctly. And for more domains, you probably clog,These are the most erroneous cities of the United States.
1 Belorus
This European country is actually quite simple, but many people always call it by mistake "Bel-Air-US". The correct pronunciation is "Bel-Uh-Rooz. "And for more destinations, you should know how to say, checkThe most bankruptcies in America.
2 Laos
Laos is one of the most disputed pronunciation countries. The nation in Southeast Asia is often called "Lao" (Rhyming with the cow), but the inhabitants say"Laos" as if it rhyme with "blouse" According to TRIPSAVVVY. The confusion could arise from the fact that Lao is the official language of Laos and the term "Lao" is an adjective referring to culture (Lao festivals, Lao art, etc.).
3 Djibouti
The spelling that this country of East Africa is almost as difficult as the pronouncing, thanks to the silencer "d" and "I" which sounds like an "a". The only way to say Djibouti is "Ja-Boo-Tee". And for more nations difficult to spell,These are the most misspelled countries in the world.
4 Colombia
Do not confuse Colombia with the District of Columbia. The South American Nation is pronounced as "Co-lohm-bee-ah"No" co-luhm-bee-ah. "
5 Qatar
You have probably clogged the name of this Middle East nation located on the shores of the Persian Gulf. "Kah-tar", "cutter" and "gutter" are all wrong; "Tahr cutter"Is right, especially if you use the regional dialect.
6 Antigua
If you dream of holidays at this Caribbean island, make sure to call it "An-Tee-GUH" instead of "An-Tee-Gwah". And for more useful information delivered directly in your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.
7 Niger
The "G" in Niger tends to stumble people as they often pronounce the West African Nation "Nigh-Jer". But he is supposed to ring like "Nee-Zher", Rhanizing with the French name Pierre.
8 Liechtenstein
Liechtenstein is one of the smallest countries in Europe. You may not have heard as often as his neighbors, Austria and Switzerland. Although it is appropriate for the Americans to say "Lick-Tuhn-Stineau", the official language of the nation is German, which means that residents pronounce it like "Likh-Tuhn-Shtin. "
9 Samoa
Although Samoa may seem simple to pronounce, it is likely that you focus on the bad syllable. The inhabitants call the country "Saah-Moah", as heard in theirNational anthem.
10 Sri Lanka
For some reason, we tend to add a "SH" sound to Sri Lanka. But it's not "Shree-Lanka", "Sree-Lanka".
11 Uruguay
The first "U" in Uruguay can prevent you from stumbling on the name of this beautiful South American country. Although it may seem like if you should say "UHR-UH-GWAY", the English pronunciation is "Yuhr-uh-gway"And the Spanish pronunciation is"OO-ROO-GWAHEE. "
12 Iran
When you use Iran in a sentence, does not pronounce it as if you would excrify, "I ran fast!" The country in the Middle East is actually called "eerahn", as Iraq is known as "ee-rock".
13 Moldova
The key to Moldova, an eastern European country caught sandwich between Romania and Ukraine, is to pronounce the "O" as a sound "A". It's "Mahl-Doh-Vuh", not "Mole-Doh-Vah."
14 Mauritius
This virgin island in the Indian Ocean, just off the coast of Madagascar, is known as "Maw-Rish-US".
15 Pakistan
The two letters "A" in Pakistan are what causes confusion with this Asian nation. When you get out of the word, make sure you use "Pock-Kee-StaNh". Do not confuse that for "Pack-Is-Tan."
16 Nevis
Nevis is the smallest sister island of the Caribbean Nation of St. Kitts and Nevis. While Saint Kitts is quite clear in pronunciation, Nevis is a little more delicious. Draw the word as if you say "knee", like "nee-seen" instead of "nev-is". "
17 Kiribati
Kiribati is an intact archipelago in the middle of the Pacific. Unlike the way you spell "Kee-Ree-Bah-Tee", the correct pronunciation is "Kee-Ree-Bas".