10 things that people outside the United States can not believe thanksgiving

What may seem normal to Americans on Thanksgiving causes serious confusion for others.

While thisThanksgiving may seem very different this year Everything else is always a day to eat eating, watching TV and a little thought - what seems pretty standard, right? Well, while we, like the Americans, we grew up celebrating these holidays all our life, those outside the United States have tons of questions about it. Of the food we eat atHoliday history For Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, there are many about Thanksgiving who is strange - and you need a stranger to notice. Read on frank thoughts of non-Americans onTHANKIVING TRADITIONSAnd to see how the holidays were celebrated, here's11 retro Thanksgiving traditions that have become obsolete.

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Should not it be Thanksgiving lunch? "

Smiling black man having Thanksgiving lunch with his family and carving stuffed turkey at dining table, surrounded by wife and children
Drazen Zigic / Shutterstock

It may be a "dinner" thanksgiving, but for some reason, most families begin to serve the meal in the middle of the afternoon, if not earlier. "Should not it beThanksgiving lunch? "Asked BritAngelica Giangreco Biancheri, reflecting his first experience by Thanksgiving in the United States forThe tab. "I'm slowly coming to the fact that 6 m. Is a suitable dinner time in the United States, but 2 pm? No. I refuse."

And for fun things to do this Thanksgiving, here's13 Fun Friendly Thanksgiving Games for the whole family.

"Mini-marshmallows ... on the potatoes?"

sweet potatoes and marshmallows

If you grew up with that, you know that there is nothing like: a crisp layer of slightly brown mini marshmallows that give way to piles of soft soft potatoes, unexpectedly improving the light softness of yams below. In one way or another, it works. And after the meeting as a child obsessed by dessert, you make sure it is on the table every share of Thanksgiving in adulthood.

But if you see it for the first time as an adult, you will probably react the way EnglishRay WalkerDid during his first American Thanksgiving as a student at the University of Florida. "I was given - what was it? It was mini-marshchambers ... on the potatoes? No, the soft potatoes? Was it a dessert? No, They said it was a saucepan. A sweet taste casserole?never heard of such a thing, "he writes forOdyssey in 2014.

But that was quick to become a converte: "I took a temporary bite and I threw my precautions. It was amazing."

And for more information on Thanksgiving candies that no one never likes,It's the most hated Thanksgiving dessert, indicates the survey.

"Guys, Turkey is terrible"

thanksgiving spread with turkey in the middle

Those outside the American question why we eatall that Turkey The Thanksgiving Day. Hams or even well seasoned chickens are more common celebration dishes in other parts of the world. Yet in the United States we made a rather ugly bird our star attraction. "Guys,Turkey is terrible. You know that. I know it, "AustralianJR THORPE written from her impression of the star of the Thanksgiving meal forStir. "I do not care if it's from America; it's dry, it's dry, tasteless and take ages to cook properly. You have to cover it in brine, stuff until its coasts fall and go back into the cranberry sauce for the final product actually be edible. "Ouch!

"A vegetarian nightmare"


Because massive Turkey was not ridiculous, we, the Americans found a new way to celebrate Thanksgiving: a duck, stuffed with a chicken, stuffed inside a turkey, aka the Turducken, for those who are not familiar.

As you can imagine, if you have never heard about it before, the simple concept of Turducken is a shock. And that's exactly how he struck Walker. "The emergence of the kitchen was perhaps the nearest bird plan I've ever seen, and somewhere behind it was the lady of the house," wrote Walker. "She put it on the table in front of me and a narrower look revealed that it was more of a bird. It was a combination of Turkey, duck,AND Chicken, called a Turducken, or as I called it, a vegetarian nightmare. "

And for more turkey turkey dishes, people do not like exactly, even in states, checkIt's the most hatest Thanksgiving dish, the investigation says.

"Why does a whole city lead to a stop to watch a lot of enormous balloons wandering in the streets?"

Snoopy float at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

There are parades in countries around the world. But what is particularly American and special in Thanksgiving specifically are the parade balloons of the Thanksgiving Day of Macy Giant Macy. Every year for decades, the Americans gathered in front of their TVs in the morning of Thanksgiving to watch the procession of massive hot air balloons make a way in the streets of Manhattan. The mix of classics and more recent pop culture characters is definitely entertaining, but also strange when you think about it.

"I have no idea how everyone has managed to convince a whole city to interfere with looking at a group of enormous balloons errating in the streets," wrote Thorpe. "But it probably does hilarious canvases for ridiculous action movies likeHeist Tour. "

And for more information on the 2020 parade, checkAll the ways of Macy's Thanksgiving Day showroom will be different this year.

"The stuffing, despite the name, is not stuffed anywhere"

homemade thanksgiving stuffing

When someone tells you first about this delicious thing called "farce", you could assume that you would find it inside something else. Not on Thanksgiving here in America, where we serve it on the side like a well-liked dish alone (although we do "our faces with it).

On the blogThat's what she had, a Russian woman namedYuliawrote: "As established, I can nameA few things that surprised me at the Thanksgiving Table. As a stuffing that, despite the name, is not stuffed but is eaten with other dishes. "

"The more you are offered, the larger the discounts!"

Black Friday crowds worst rated stores

Although this year's sales are much more eventful online than in the person, usually, Thanksgiving is as much time doing shopping as it is to eat. But when we think about it,Black Friday is one of the strangest parts of the holidays. The severity of the dignity and shredding of dignity with which Americans are approachingRetail holidays can leave disconcerted spectators.

In fact, it can let them confused on the meaning of Thanksgiving in the first place. "Thanksgiving is one day to thank the traders who will offer huge discounts the next day"Ana Maria, from the Dominican Republic, jokingQuartz aboutMeaning of Thanksgiving. "The more you are offered, the larger the discounts!"

And for some purchases - Taltes false, discover13 horror stories of black Friday that you will not believe in being real.

"It's the last Saturday of November, I think"

calendar with thanksgiving marked

When the old writer buzzfeedAshly Perez asked his non-American friends In what day Thanksgiving took place, she had answers that were close, but not quite right: a friend English said it was "the second weekend last in November" and a Scottish friend said that It was "the last Saturday of November, I think."

But can you blame them for their incorrect assumptions? Holding aNational holidays on Thursday Has always been a strange choice and it is proven that it was a confusing celebration and difficult to plan for decades. But, like going to the metric system, the idea of ​​Nudger the holidays in a weekend does not seem simply catching on the unique states, no matter the logic.

And if you want more holiday tips and fun facts sent directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

"I have trouble understanding why watching football is the activity of choice"

thanksgiving football game

American football failures most foreigners, no matter when it happened, but on Thanksgiving, the extra concentration it gets makes all the more strange. "As a British who does not know anything about American football, I have trouble understanding why surveillance is the activity of choice on Thanksgiving Day," wrote Bianchheri. "But to be honest, if I had to eat this colossal quantity of food, I would also be sedated as the only plausible thing would be to sit on the couch and watch TV, do not spare the grunt energy occasionally at the sight of a touchdown. "

And for more shows watching this Thanksgiving action, here isThe best TV episodes of Thanksgiving all the time.

"What's so awesome on pumpkins?"

autumn flower composition in a pumpkin vase on a table decorated with pumpkins
Olena Antonenko / Shutterstock

Was notHalloween The big pumpkin holidays? It turns out, theseJack-o'-lanterns Were only a precursor of the main event: Thanksgiving, where the pumpkin pie is the star dessert and the pumpkin spice is a key ingredient.

"What's so awesome on pumpkins?" asked for Biancheri. "My theory is that this tradition stems from the need to do something about the remains of Halloween pumpkins."

And for more laugh at Turkey, here is here25 hilarious jokes of Thanksgiving you will eat right away.

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