You know you have more than 40 years if you use these words

Nobody will join you at the "nursery" if you say that word.

Regardless of the quality of your appearance, once you have joined theClub on 40, Each so often, you probably probably give subtle clues that you have not drawn from the fully aging process. It could forget the names, the sudden need ofmoaing every time you get out of the couch, or something as simple as the language you use. Yes,Words can go out with you. And if you want to know what expressions you pronounce that give you, consult these old argot words than people over 40 uses. You can not get enough obsolete terminology? here is100 terms of slang of the 20th century that no one uses more.

Read the original article onBetter life.

surf the Internet

Older woman on laptop

Anyone who still describes online as "Surfer on the Web" probably also has some of these AOL storage CDs. You know, just in case. And for the terms to be unobstructed, check50 obsolete words that age you instantly.


vhs player things to throw away

If you talk about the "Scotch" variety, then safe. But if you use adhesive tape like a verb ", do not forget a cassetteStars, "For example, you send a clear signal that your brain is always blocked in the country of VHSE and cassettes.


flight attendant talking to man on airplane

I have been acceptable to refer to women who help us to trade flights as a "hostess". This can be a little while until you hit the friendly sky again, but when you do, use the appropriate terminology: "The edge agents". And for more behaviors to avoid as you get older, check these20 social label mistakes you should stop winning at the age of 30.


Obsolete, camera film

Ah, the good old days when we had to bring a movie to a physical location, called Fotomat - to develop, then wait for days or even weeks to see one of the photos of the strip. Not only does the Gen Zers do not recognize what you mean by "Fotomat", they might even think that you make the totality! And talk about Gen Z, if you feel bold, read it onWhich Gen Zers and Millennials really think of previous generations.


men looking at screens both phone and tv, better husband

Back when the first wireless remotes have become commercially availablein the 1st960sThey made a distinctive click when one of the buttons was pushed. But the technology has traveled a long way since then, and describing any remote control as "clicker" that realizes you. But if you remember that one click on the sound, you can enjoy it.20 things every year 60 children remembers.


rotary phone obsolete home items

You do not "dial" someone's phone number. You simply type it. Today's children will never know how to compose a rotary phone, especially the number 9 - leave the game alone unravel this spiral cord.


encyclopedia, 60s

The encyclopedias were the one-to-one resource for all kinds of useful knowledge and for each paper we wrote to school. Today, there is Google, Wikipedia and other outlets to find answers to our most serious questions. No need to worry about finding the volume 6 of yourBritannica!



There are accessories, then there are crazy accessories, then there are 20-year-old virgin glances that have no idea why you are trying to bang them.


Man making a disgusted face

Use "Grudy" to describe something that is rude would have made a good hip in the 80s. But say that today does not make others grind. And for more words from this time, check20 argot terms of the 80s that no one uses anymore.


Mansion with convertible
Anastase Maragos / Belgshshshsh

If you mean a cot with slat sides, that's good. But if you use this word to refer to the place where you live, no one wants to join you at the "cradle".


mixtape cassette with walkman and headphones

Although many of us are nostalgic for those past years of mixtapes, including Netflix's13 reasons why-Time walk on. You would have trouble finding a place to play this mixtape you did for Tiffany in 10th year anyway. And if you can be associated, consult these20 funny things in the 1980s were totally guilty of doing.


middle-aged men in a sports bar

The arguments persist on if thisfight against victory Should be attributed to the song Kriss Kriss "Jump" of 1992 or at the late ESPN anchorStuart Scott. Anyway, if you say it in 2019, your age shows.


A woman raises up her hands in frustration with their argument, while her brother looks away annoyed.

Go "postal" had been shortened to fly inexplicably in a rage leak. These days, if you tell someone that you go postal, they will assume that you threaten to use a snail letter rather than email. The horror!

Cold pill

non coffee energy boosters

Why did we even start saying that? Was it just because cold rhymes with pill? Whatever the reason, this time has passed. And if you have long slang and learning about the language,Sign up for our daily newsletter.


old typewriter, 1970s nostalgia

This thing you type at work can remind the machines to write that we used to create letters and research documents, but today it's a keyboard. The technology has been improved and your vocabulary deserves the same courteous. And speaking of today's terminology, check40 daily slang words that have been invented online.

The bomb

Man excited to find car in parking lot

In general, comparing something to explosives, even if you want it as a compliment, it's a bad taste. You may want to find a new word to use instead.


bottle of wine things you shouldn't store in your basement

Referring to alcohol as "Hooch" - a linguistic relic of bootlegging days and prohibition - not only makes you ring, it makes you look like someone who makes his own drink in a bathtub. And you are much more worthy than that.


DVR box closeup obsolete home items
Paosun RT / Shutterstock

It's a brand that soon became a verb for any DVR recording. But, unlike Kleenex being used interchangeably with the tissues, it did not resist the test of time.


portrait of a smiling senior man showing his thumbs up

If you always use "Fly" as an adjective for something cool or sexy, and that you have noticed that every time you say it, people look at the zipper on your pants and say: "No, you're good , you are good, "it's because the fly has not been an adjective for charges or sexy sinceJennifer Lopez was dancing onLiving in color.


business, billionaires

Are there still young urban professionals? Sure. There are always hippies and pompum pumps too. But these cultural acronyms have long been out of circulation. And for more words, you may not have realized to stand up for something else,Here's what the acronyms you use every day are actually.


white middle aged woman wearing leopard dress
Shutterstock / Okcamera

Even if you use the word ironically, as an imitation of a damping of a 60-year value expressing its approval, it will not translate the way you hope.


older man wearing red suit, relationship white lies
Shutterstock / UFABIZPHOTO

WARNING: If you mean someone, they look good and choose "spiffy" as your compliment of the day, they might think you drive to a model T and use business quality hats formal.


 Guitarist's hand playing electric guitar on concert stage with blue light
Aodaodaodaod / Shutterstock

If you come from the Boston region or refer to a certainBroadway Music About the origin of theWizard of OzWitches, you may be able to escape with this word. But even in these two cases, you put a timestamp on yourself.


man drinking

Has this word ever been used other than complaining of young people? It's his main goal, right? "What kind of shenanigans are you young?" Unfortunately, nothing that makes you seeing more old than to scold youth.


Middle aged latinx woman wearing casual t-shirt standing over isolated pink background smiling and looking at the camera pointing with two hands and fingers to the side. / Shutterstock

Even if you specify that you want to say "Phat with a P-H", you always ask for trouble. The majority of young people will have no idea of ​​your creative spelling. And for more slang that has history, checkThe amazing origins of the terms of the argot of every day that you constantly use.

Categories: Culture
Tags: Language / Slang
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