That's exactly when you should follow after a job interview

The hiring mangeurs revealed their secret to the perfect tracking timeline.

Ajob interview can be annoyingAnd the nerves do not disappear once the interview is over. One of the main reasons: we are generally not sure whether or not we should follow up after an interview, and how long it is necessary to wait if we do it. Fortunately, the experts are overflowing their hidden secrets about what they think is best and it includes two separate follow-ups. According to the hiring of experts, you should follow with a preliminary thanks you e-mail within two days of your job interview, then follow up on the work a week after. Continue reading to know why it is the best schedule and job application errors that you should avoid, discoverThe worst thing you lie on your CV about.

"There are usually two different types of follow-up e-mails, you can send after an interview," saysPeter Yang, ahiring manager With more than 20 years of experience and CV Go. "The first is sent on the day of the interview, and is intended to thank your interlocutor for their time and show that you are always enthusiastic about the work. The second type of monitoring email is sent one week or two after the interview if you have not obtained any type of response from the investigator, and is written to check in the condition of the hiring process " .

Yang says that the moment of your second follow-up is essential because you do not want to seem like you throbbing by sending a follow-up too fast. But you do not want to wait too long because the employer can have already made their decision by this point. While the calendar can be a little flexible, Yang says that the most important part is to listen to the actual investigators.

"One thing to keep in mind is that the investigators often let you know at the end of an interview when they will probably contact you," he explains. "Pay attention to this information, and do not send a follow-up email before the date scheduled for you when they gave, you will probably get an answer. »

And be careful at the time you send your follow-up, as well.Ed Spicer, thehiring manager For PEST strategies, says he answers almost always followed e-mails if they are sent to the end of the day.

"Reach the entire for recruitment in the afternoon, not in the morning. Their workload is probably lighter later in the day, so you have more chances to get a faster answer if you follow [then], "he explains.

Of course, there are other important things to keep in mind when it comes to crafts the right follow-up email. For a little more insight hiring experts, read the following, and for the jobs you can ask, consult theseDistance job offers You did not know existed.

Reference The specific work you have requested.

dressed man on computer

Some companies do not only recruit for a position at that time, so that they can review hundreds of applications for various jobs. That is whyFlanagan Joe, theSenior Employment Advisor In Velvetjobs, recommends remembering the person you send your name, the position you are applying, and the date on which your interview took place. Including in your tracking e-mail will allow the recipient of easily and quickly put one face to the e-mail. And for more errors to avoid in the work process, consult theseWriting errors Who CV am totally horrifying human resources managers.

Follow the rule "3 s".

man fidgeting in front of a laptop, things you do that you didn't know had words

John Li, theCo-founder and recruiter For the figure ready, says you should always follow the rule 3 s when monitoring after an interview. It means keeping "Sartwork,SHort, andSUggestive. Li says everything you need to do is make sure you respect your recruiter's time, while stating that you are still interested in the job. And for more useful information your right inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Keep it professional.

Smiling businesswoman sitting in the living room and working on her laptop computer.

Do not start with cracking or jokes to try to build too friendly of a report before getting the job, saysRick Hoskins,Founder and eating hiringFrom the King Filter. Your e-mail should "stay professional and polite", and free from all or jokes Friendly continuous jokes that may have occurred during the interview. And for more things to avoid, avoid theseLies Everyone tells during a job interview.

But also make sure there is a kind of customization.

Young woman using computer laptop with hand on chin thinking about question, pensive expression. Smiling with thoughtful face. Doubt concept.

While you should avoid being too friendly in your tracking email, it should not sound as a glued version copy of a follow-up e-mail that you can send to any business.Rick Weaver,Management Recruiter for Recruitment CabinetPatrice & Associates says it's "easy to see the lack of personalization" if you send a standard message. It recommends adding something you discussed during the interview - perhaps on the company or recruiter - to make your follow-up. And for essential maintenance tips, try them Interview Tips Recruitment managers want you to know .

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