That's why we kiss ourselves under Christmas GUI

Here's how the GUI became the official plant of Christmas Picors.

Cutting trees with colorful ornaments and terraces The halls with holly branches are holiday staples, but there is still another tradition of greenery yuletide, although one more polarizing a polarise - which cultivates this period of the year: the kiss under the mistletoe.

If you are next to someone under a branch of the substance, traditionally suspended door areas, you could be on the end of a smooch. However, long before the plant becomes associated specifically with kisses during the holidays, it had an entirely different reputation. So whyto do We kiss under Christmas newsletter?

According toRonald Hutton, author ofBlood and GUI: The History of Druids in Great BritainThe druids believed that the GUI had medicinal properties and used the plant in healing rituals. In particular, it was believed that the consumption of a concoction made from GUI could restore the fertility of animals unable to reproduce - and it may be this association with a fertility that is linked to the affection plant. All these years later. The druids were also said to make peace under a mistletoe, greeting one of the other under trees bearing the parasitic plant on its branches to the celebration of the new year.

But according toLeonard P. Perry, PhD, teacher of horticulture emeritus at the University of Vermont, it is not the only association between Guite and Love. In Nordic mythology, Baldr, God of peace, was killed by a gui-trained projectile. Baldr was so loved among the gods that every creature in the world - with the exception of Loki, the Trickster God who caused the death of Baldr in an effort to bring him back to the land of life.

While the ultimate destiny of Baldr depends on the version of the myth you read, in some, Baldr is revived and his mother, the Goddess Frigg, decides that the GUI will be revered in the world of gods as a symbol of peace and love, rather than death, according

So, if you find someone who tries to convince you to stay under a misty strand with them this season of the holidays, you have sterile cows and gods dead to thank - or maybe they think you're thinking you're thinking cute.

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