30 things you should never keep in your dorm

Rule number one: do not bring anything you can not risk losing.

Finally: After years of life with your parents, you finally get a space all at your place - or at least one that you share with a roommate (hope the relaxed). Although you want to immerse yourself completely in this new freedom and bring an entire caravan ofmust have Inventory, there are some articles to instantly cut your list.

Whether it is redundant (a mattress), lost (a huge flat screen) or just downright illegal (consult your local laws), you will find the list of ultimate control of the dorm - what should not bring to your small new house . And if you need to know what youshould bring, check the30 things you should always keep in your dorm.

A television

woman watching tv dorm room

Yes, you should study more and watch less tube. But we are also practical: why wearing a large television from a car packed with a cramp dorm room when you can simply broadcast any movie or TV, your heart desires your heart of a laptop or a laptop or a Tablet? Let's be smart on this subject. And for more things to avoid college, check the20 Courses of the most ridiculous colleges that you will not believe will not be real.

Designer or custom carpet

Nice Carpet College Dorm Room

Just because you go finally in your own space does not mean that you have to channel your Nate Berkus Nate. After all, it's a dormitory and things will become disordered. In addition, unless you register in a military school, the carpet provided to the school will work well and your expensive carpet will only be redundant.

Pretty thumb

Cute Thumb Drive Dorm Room

Newsflash: This is not 2015 - your adorable trash that you had to have in high school no longer applies to college, especially since you can simply download everything in cloud storage.

In addition, your thumb driving is only one representation of a past pale that you prefer to leave behind in college. And for more academic humor, consult these20 hilarious tweets Each student can relate.

Glass coffee table

Glass Coffee Table Dorm Room

All that is made of glass (and it costs more than your Starbucks paycheck) has just begged to be broken by your clumsy collegiates. In addition, when you really think it, do you reallyneed A glass coffee table in a dormitory? If you are like us, you look 327 buttons in a 180-day school year. (And if you insist on the property of a coffee table, turn off all that is breakable.)

Expensive jewelry

Jewelry, secondhand, secondhand jewelry dorm room

As a general rule, any living space you have kept to share should not harbor it with great value. Whether it's a family legacy or expensive sweet gift, it is probably imprudent to leave it to third parties to take freely as they want.

We suspect that your grandfather would not like the idea of ​​a Vintage Vacheron he has kept his safety for 50 years stolen by a pupil of philosophy at the random of the room. And for more ways to switch your university years, consult these20 secrets that your university teacher will not tell you.

Stereo Sound Surround System

Big Stereo System Dorm Room

Not only will your RA agree on the rivalry of the sound issued, but a system like this one does not come cheap and takes a little valuable space. Do not be this guy who beats Rose Floyd until 16:00. - It will not make you any cooler, we promise. Instead, perhaps invest in a pair of anti-noise earphones, such asThese Bose, or a small Bluetooth speaker, likeThis one of Sony, This will keep the same quality of noise with a lot less noise pollution.

More than six pairs of shoes (for a woman)

Too Many Shoes Woman Dorm Room

When you pack for the college, you really only need to catch the essential - and the essentials do not include 16 pairs of stilettos. You do not send in the dormitory for life; You will finally have access to all the other shoes you have neglected to bring. So, just take what you need: a pair of tennis shoes, boots, heels, flip flops (for the shower), sneakers and apartments. All the rest is excessive and will only make more space than necessary.

More than five pairs of shoes (for a man)

men's shoes dorm room

Guys, too: stick to the essentials. It is a pair of daily sneakers, dress shoes (for internships and interviews), boots (for meteorological conditions), sports shoes (stay in shape) and flip flops (you want a pair for the communal shower).

Tiffany lamp

tiffany lamp dorm room

Similar to the aforementioned glass coffee table, bringing anything fragile and fantasy in your dormitory is not a wise idea. In addition, something like extremely detailed as a Tiffany lamp will not exactly go with your chic dormitory decoration scheme.

Antiquity typewriter

Typewriter Dorm Room

There is always Judge J.D. Salinger Wannabe who gives up their huge middle-central writing machine in the dormitory - then procisely use zero times. If you actually use a typewriter to get most of your missions, make sure you do it. Otherwise, use a laptop or desktop computer like the rest of your class and stop taking a valuable space in your small room.


Wine Bottle in Dorm Room

If an RA discovers that you have hidden alcohol bottles in your room, you may be fined, on a first offense and expelled, on the following. The only exception: If you are 21 years old or older, you may be able to keep a 750 ml (it's a normal bottle) of alcohol at any time in your room. Check with your RA before doing it, however.

Fantasy dishes

Husband doing dishes

NewsFlash: There is absolutely no need to dig your Chinese dishes from the big grandmother in your new humble home. First of all, it is likely that you do not use them much at all, and secondly, your friends less dexterous are all sources to break such precious legacies. Save these hands-low for your first (or second) apartment instead.

A pet

Girl with Dog in Dorm Room

While your Golden Retriever Charlie has been at your side since you were young, these days will unfortunately come to an end. Unless you need a service animal, your furry friends (or, UM, scaly) will only prove to be disordered and incredibly entertaining. In addition, many dormitories prohibit these pets.

Photo and directory albums

Photo book dorm room

Bringing some pictures to hang up in your room should go well, but let other memories at home because they tend to bring up your space more crowded. And think about it: Do you really want your new friends from Cool College to discover your brief signature in the Matheres? (In addition, your parents will want to keep these photo albums while you're gone, they'll miss you.)

Instruments you do not play

Musical Instruments in Corner Dorm Room

Unless you plan to plan Strum "Wonderwall" at each party (Pro TAFT: Do not be this guy), do not hesitate to bring your favorite six strings to your college dorm - this can provide a good point of creation during a stressful period. However, bringing all your collection of musical instruments is imprudent, considering that your space is already incredibly tightly insufficient, which facilitates the task that your guests face (and possibly badly) reported instruments. Trust - There is no room available for your keyboard or paper clip.

All that is illegal

Marijuana leaves, which science says could boost your sex drive

Go-nothing that you can not have legally in a normal home situation obviously did not fly in your dorm. Do not bring your "herbal remedies" on campus, plain and simple.

Bath bombs

Bath Bombs Dorm Room

First of all, it is important to emphasize that many college dormitories are not even equipped with bathtubs to use your precious bath bombs. Secondly, transport in your 72-step beauty routine (and your products) Do not win any new roommate, which would prefer not to feel the 30 different face lotions or treat the lack of space created by organizing your lives. nail. Simply choose some essential items and store later when you have your own apartment or home.

25 binders

Colorful Binders Dorm Room

Unlike high school, your teacher is not there for you, there will be no list of recommended school supplies, and more often you will do everything from your laptop. Lucky for you, there will be no need to create a workbook for each class, unless you arethischild. Just bring some spiral notebooks and some writing utensils and everything will be fine.

A real wall clock

Wall Clock Dorm Room

Since you can specify time faster and accurately by countless other means, phone, laptop, tablet or microwave oven from the common area, just to start, it's not necessary to invest either money or wall space on one of them.

Inestimable paintings

Painting on Wall Dorm Room

Suspend the original art in your room is quite daring, considering that most of your college peers will simply assume that it is a reprimant urban outfitter and abuses it as such. Let the precious art at home with your parents who will probably appreciate more than you do (you know, unless you are a major art article).

Stuffed animals

Stuffed animal Dorm Room

Yes, Mr. Buttons has been with you since kindergarten. But you are an adult now and probably should stop cuddling stuffed animals. To be clear, we do not say to your chance to launch Mr. Buttons in the nearest tray. Do not hesitate to keep it distant, in your childhood room at home.

Old jerseys and trophies

Sports Trophies

Once again, moving objects from your past in the college dormège of your future auto confuse your goal - and interfere with your roommate and provide your friends new materials to make fun of you. Aim for it: Nobody cares only your 8th year SELECT football team had a quarter of the county closures, or that your currency of the senior year was "keeping it real". Your new friends just want to know the collegiate version of you.


vacuuming carpet dorm room

Are you going to use the vacuum cleaner of Dyson's fantasy your great aunt gifted you to get your degree? Doubtful. This is just an extra thing that takes too much space.

Cocktail clothes

Tux Dorm Room

Unless you attend black events at the tie more than once a semester (in which case: good for you), it is not necessary to bring your old ball dress or your tex. It will only take place and draw the dust back in your closet.

Expensive bedding

Cashmere Blanket Dorm Room

It is not necessary to invest in cashmere throws and satin sheets for a well-broken XL twin mattress. Consider the fact that you are going to eat a lot of meals or even on your bed, and it's a doubly stupid movement. Save the fantasy bedding for when you have your own place.


Easel Dorm Room

Whether you are a major architecture, a beautiful minor arts, or if you just like to have an easel or a writing tray for personal use, it is a good choice that your college has studios available for your use.

Collection of toy cars

Toy Car Collection Dorm Room

No matter what the big seemingly useless objects you choose to collect, your roommate greatly enjoy not having to clarify the space to make room for collecting your toy car (or compendium from the baseball map, or Warhammer 40K Armada, or ... you get the point). In addition, as we mentioned earlier, it's never a good idea to store valuables in a public space such as a dormitory.

King-size mattress

King Size Mattress Dorm Room

If you live there in a king of California at home, you are for a brutal awakening. The dormitories these days offer mattresses for you - and they are all twins XL (five inches longer than a regular 75-inch variety of 75 inches).

Overloaded leather sofa

Leather couch dorm room

Where do you intend to tighten in this addition? This voluminous and excessively pleasant sofa will not seem quite on hand in a university dorm where furniture should be resistant and functional. And for more ways to make the most of your small space, check these30 home design tips that will appear so much greater.

Your mum

Mom and teen daughter dorm room

Even if your mother (or dad) had trouble sending you to college, it does not reserve the right to crash in your dorm when they wish. Not only does this seem immature, it can also interfere with your roommates and your employees who must constantly manage an additional person who takes place. Of course, mom can visit - but she can find another place to hang.

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Tags: Home / School
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