This popular snack company has just filled a bankruptcy

The sales of the Company have been considerably affected by the Covid pandemic, according to the deposits of the Court.

Yet another popular society tries to find its financial foot in the midst of the benefits of the Covid-19 pandemic. Looked collaboration Snack peeled snacks filed for bankruptcy in Wilmington, Delaware on March 3,Wall Street newspaper reports. The brand, known for its dried fruits and fruit chips, had lived aSignificant dip in sales In relation to lower traffic at airports and fewer children in schools, two essential locations for the sales figures of the company before Covid, according to the ranking of the bankruptcy of the brand.

The deposit of the bankruptcy of peeled snacks comes only one year after the brand announced its intention to develop. After having become aB Corporation- a certification that indicates the legal transparency of the brand and the commitment to ethical practices - peeled in February 2020 that it would beGrow out product offers After receiving a multiple dollar investment of Decathlon Capital Partners. "Peeled snacks are well placed on the growing market for healthier snacks," said Co-Founder and Managing Director of Decathlon.John Borchers in a statement concerning investment. "Their products are not only popular with consumers, but start with equitable labor policies and sustainable agricultural practices. Their business ethics and growth potential make us proud to invest in peeled snack vision."

But unfortunately, Covid has changed the shots of peeled snacks, just like for many other companies. Read it to find out which other brands close the shop in the middle of Covid. And for more brands making major changes,This emblematic channel closes up to 50 stores.

Alamo Drafthouse

The Alamo Drafthouse Cinema

Alamo Drafthouse, a cinema chain known for its food and cocktail service,Classified for protection against bankruptcy in Chapter 11 3. The channel has announced thatplans to close three of its 41 Total locations As part of the bankruptcy process, including theaters in Kansas City, Missouri and two places in Texas: the famous Ritz in Austin and another New Braunfels theater.

However, in a statement, the brand expressed optimism about the future. "Post-Covid, we will make sure that our series of signatures will beFind a new house In another Austin Alamo Drafthouse cinema and that the spirit and personality of the Ritz will continue, "said the company on their website. And for the latest news on your favorite brands delivered directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Disney store

disney store entrance
Shutterstock / BCFC

TheDisney Store, who sells all Disney brand toys to character costumes at the household house, announced on March 3 that it would beShuttering 60 of its 300 stores In the near future, CNBC reported.

"In recent years, we focused on meeting consumers where they already spend their time, such as the expansion of Disney's Store stores in the world", "Stephanie Young, President of Consumer Products, Games and Publication in Disney, said in a declaration (viaPeople) "We now plan to create aMore flexible and interconnected e-commerce experience which gives consumers easy access to unique and high quality products in all our franchises. And for some shopping experiences, you will never have anymore,This favorite channel of the fan closes all its stores.

Paper source

Paper Source storefront
Susan Montgomery / Shutterstock

Source of paper, a beloved gift card, filed his petition forChapter 11 Protection against bankruptcy March 2nd 2. The brand of nearly 40 years, which currently operates 158 retail locations and an e-commerce business, will close at least 11 stores to help unload debt.

"As with many other detail brands,[Paper Source A] Sustained Sweet Damage to their finances and operations as a result of the current COVID-19 pandemic, "explained the CFO paper sourceRonald Kruczynski In the deposit of the bankruptcy of the company, viaDiving. And for another company in difficulty, checkThis popular pizza chain has just filed a bankruptcy.


solstice sunglasses store exterior
Dennizn / Shutterstock

Solstice of sunglasses detailingfiled for the bankruptcy of Chapter 11 On February 18, announcing that he would make "necessary changes" to his business model in the near future.

The channel has not announced any shop closure at the time of its deposit and, in fact, the CEO of the company, Mikey Rosenberg , says there may be good things to come for the shopping center clip. "We are Optimistic on the reorganization As we continue to see increasing activities in our stores when COVID restrictions are lifted and in the new modes our suppliers provide, "said Rosenberg in a statement. And for more stores in serious financial problems, This popular department store has just filed bankruptcy .

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: food / News / Shopping
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