35 dark coronavirus jokes that will make you laugh

Dark humor is a fun and often necessary way to get through difficult times, including the CVIV-19 pandemic.

Life at the age of coronavirus could feel like anything but normal, but one thing that has not changed is our collective love of agood joke, even in dark moments. In fact, there is so hilarious (and sometimes grinding worthy teeth)Covid-19 jokes outstanding that some scientists have hypothesized that we could be in the middle ofapunda. (Sorry, we could not help us.) And before starting to feel too guilty of laughing at the following jokes, remember thathumor is one of our most important adaptation mechanisms, Especially during periods of anxiety and uncertainty. In this spirit, here are 35 of our favorite dark coronavirus jokes that will not fail to give you a burst of laughter. And for more lines that you can not help but moan on, check out75 jokes dad so bad they are actually hilarious.

Funny coronavirus jokes

Toilet paper coronavirus joke
Allie Hogan via UNSPLASH
  1. The world has turned downwards upside down. The old people are fallen out of the house, and their children scream at them inside the stay.
  2. If you need 144 rolls of toilet paper for a forty forty month, you probably should have seen a doctor well before Covid-19.
  3. My husband bought a world map and gave me a dart and said, "Throw it and wherever he lands that is where I take you when this pandemic ends. End of account, we spend two weeks behind the refrigerator.
  4. I did not think the comment "I do not touch it with a six-foot pole" would become a national policy, but here we are!
  5. IWashed my hands Both Covid-19 that my 1995 review notes have resurfaced.
  6. Two grandmothers boasted of their precious darling. One of them says to each other, "mine are so good at social distance, they will not even call me. »

Idiot coronavirus jokes

Room temperature coronavirus joke
Allie Hogan via UNSPLASH
  1. What is the difference between COVID-19 and ShakespeareRomeo and Juliet? One is a coronavirus and the other is aVerona crisis.
  2. Why did the chicken crossed the road? Because the chicken behind it did not know how the distance socially correctly.
  3. If youUse your stimulus check To Chicks buy, you have money for nothing and chicks for free.
  4. The idea of ​​who was singing "Happy Birthday" inwash one's hands? Now, every time I go to the bathroom, my kids are waiting for me to go out with a cake.
  5. Pandemicpick-up line: "You can not quarantine the spelling without U R q T. '"
  6. Chuck Norris has been exposed to Coronavirus. The virus is now in quarantine for 14 days.
  7. Today's weather? Ambient temperature.

Hilarious coronavirus calembours

Baby coronavirus joke
Allie Hogan via UNSPLASH
  1. In Germany, they are preparing for the crisis by storing with sausages and cheese. This scenario is the Käse Wurst.
  2. People spent more time at home while reading short books. Apparently, it's all because of theNovella Coronavirus.
  3. Break: the World Health Organization has announced thatDogs can not contract COVID-19. Previous dogs detained in quarantine can now be released. To be clear, WHO has left the dogs.
  4. Lasted toilet paper and started using lettuce leaves. Today was that the tip of Iceberg tomorrowRoman being seen.
  5. Why cannibal die from COVID-19? Too much hand hands.
  6. What is the Progression of Covid-19 favorite agreements? Aplague Cadence.
  7. What will we call babies born nine months from now? Children of theQuarring.
  8. There is a new Covid-19 vaccine delivered via an audio interface as music. It is hoped that it will lead tounderstood immunity.
  9. I just landed a small role in a coming movie on the Covid-19 pandemic. I guess you could say that I will be aCorona extra.
  10. All yoga instructors are now underNama-stay-Home orders.
  11. What will beQuentin Tarantino to be called if he gets Covid-19? Quartino'd.
  12. Yesterday, I came out of soap and body washing and all I could find was a dishwashing detergent. Then hedawn on me.

Consignable coronavirus jokes

Hand sanitizer coronavirus joke
Allie Hogan via UNSPLASH
  1. The quarantine turned us into dogs. We travel the house all day looking for food. We are told "no" if we get too close to foreigners. And we really love drinking by car.
  2. Never in my life I imagine my hands would one day consume more alcohol than my mouth.
  3. The airlines were sent to me a lot of "we are together in this email. But when my suitcase weighed 52 pounds, I was myself.
  4. My mother always told me that I do nothing by lying in bed all day. But look at me now, my! I am saving the world!
  5. After years of wanting to clean my house without having time, this week, I discovered who was not the reason.
  6. Day 31 of social isolation and seeks like Las Vegas in my house: we are losing money at the minute. Cocktails are acceptable at any time. And no one knows what time it is.
  7. If I keep stress at this level, my shirt's buttons will start socially distinguished from each other.
  8. Happy Hour begins earlier and earlier. If it continues, I will pour wine into my cereals.
  9. Does someone else's car get three weeks at gallon for the moment?
  10. Day 7 at home and the dog looks at me like: "You see? That's why I chewed the furniture!"

And for more laughter, check 150 jokes that are so bad are actually funny .

Categories: Culture
Tags: Coronavirus / Jokes
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