23 basic questions of American history Most Americans have pain

These inaccurate responses were transmitted as "facts" for generations.

From the date on which the founding fathers have been signed the declaration of independence to thereal Reason chicago got her single, American pseudonymthe story is littered with extremely popular myths and lies that have been transmitted as "facts" for generations. Do not believe us? Continue to discover 23 questions from the most elementary American history that are usually correctly answered - and see how you stack with the rest of the country.

Which city was the first capital of the United States?

united states capitol building
Shutterstock / W. Scott McGill

Incorrect: Washington DC.

Correct: New York City

The big apple - whereGeorge Washington do itfirst inaugural address April 30, 1789 - was the location of the country's first capital. And it turns out that Washington and New York are not alone with respect to national honor.Other cities who served as capital at one time or another include Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Baltimore, Maryland; Lancaster, Pennsylvania(For only 24 hours!); York, Pennsylvania; Princeton, New Jersey; Annapolis, Maryland; And Trenton, New Jersey. And for more trivia on the main metropolises of America, checkThe story of New York's "The Big Apple" and other city nicknames.

Who discovered first America?

Explorer Christopher Columbus

Incorrect: Christopher Colombus

Correct: Leif Erikson

There is aentire holidays appointed afterChristopher ColombusBut it is almost certainly not the first explorer to discover the new continent. This honor,According to some scholars, go to Norse ExplorerLeif Erikson. In fact, the guy we celebrate every October has never even set foot in the United States of America during its four trips.

According toBritannica Encyclopedia,He first made the ground, in 1492, on an island of the Bahamas. (The exact island is in place for the historical debate.) In the following three trips, he stopped at various locations in the Caribbean and South America, including Cuba, Hispaniola and the PARIA Peninsula, or From Venezuela modern - and even established a colony in modern Haiti. But he has never done so to the land that would become the United States.

When was the declaration of independence signed?

declaration of independence

Incorrect: July 4, 1776

Correct: August 2, 1776

While the second continental congress initially meets in Philadelphia to discuss the future of the country on July 1, 1776 andIndependence of America declared From England on July 2, the final draft of the Independence Document Declaration was not completed by July 4 - and was not signed before August 2nd this year. Today, we celebrate the day that the text of the document has been finalized. Although if you wantedbarbecue On August 2, surely no one could (nor could not) complain. And for other facts about the US government, check13 surprising facts on the presidential succession line.

Where do pilgrims attract in America?

plymouth rock 1620

Incorrect: Plymouth Rock

Correct: Unknown

According toThe Washington Post, the only reason we currently think that Plymouth Rock is the place where the pilgrims have touched the grounds of the United States, it's because 121 years after their arrival, "a young boy omitted 95 years oldThomas Faunise tell that his father, who came to Plymouth three years after theMayflowerI told him he had heard of people without name that landing is presented there. "

It is therefore a fact that is based on a rumor of hundreds of years.WAPO also note that the English PuritanWilliam Bradford Can not mention Plymouth Rock in his book,Plymouth planting, who would be a rather important supervision on his part if it was in fact where they landed.

What did Paul Revere shouted in his midnight in 1775?

Paul Revere statue history

Incorrect: "The British come!"

Correct: "The regulars arrive!" (If something)

It appears that,Paul Revere ProbablyHas not shouted At its famous midnight journey, since it was a secret mission. In addition, at the time, no one used the term "British". Had vevere screamed the phrase it is best known, it would not only have attracted a lot of unwanted attention, but no one would have had an idea of ​​what he was trying to say - or who he shouted.

It is more likely that Revere has said something in the sense of: "The regulars arrive" and that he said just once: when he arrived at home thatSamuel Adams andJohn Hancock-Fugitives at the moment - were screamed in.

What were the names of Columbus ships?

Santa Maria ship

Incorrect: theNiña, thePinta,and theSainte Marie

Correct: theSainte Marie, theSanta Claraand unknown

TheSainte Marie was indeed the name of a ship, although the crew called itThe GallegaAfter the province where it was built, Galicia. The second ship was theSanta Clarabut was nicknamed theNiña Due to the fact that it was the property of a man named Juan Niño. Finally, the third vessel was not officially judged thePintaBut it is the name given to him by Saumy Sailors inspired by the Spanish term for "the painted one" or "prostitute", according toHistory.com. The original name of the ship has been lost in history.

What started chicago fire from 1871?

fire burning on a matchstick

Incorrect: A cow hits on a lantern

Correct: It remains uncertain

If you thought it was a cow striking on a lantern, you believe a widespread rumor that was triggered when the fire occurred for the first time. When some local boys started to say that the outbreak was caused by a woman namedCatherine O'Leary which hadso-called treats his cow In his barn, the newspapers picked up the story and printed it. However, there has never been evidence that the tale was true. In fact, O'Leary vehemently refused the claim by saying that it was in bed at the time and could not have been responsible. In 1997, the Chicago City Council officially erased Catherine - and his cow - of all blame.

So, what really caused it? Well, to date,No one can say certainly. Some people suggest that men played in the O'Leary barn and a lantern was launched in a drunk fury.Others say that a man,Daniel "Pegleg" Sullivan, flew from O'Leary's milk and, in the process, accidentally struck on a lantern. While others went so far to theorize that the fire was triggered by a weather shower.

Why does Liberty Bell have a crack?

liberty bell in philadelphia

Incorrect: Patriotes Trophetthusiastics

Correct: Shoddy craftsmanship

It is a common myth that enthusiastic patriots feared freedom Bell while celebrating July 4, 1776. But the truth is that the bell suffers from repeated cracks since it was first (bad). Although the error has been addressed several times over the years, this persistent split remains returned. According toNational Geographic,the crack we see today showed at some point in the 19th century, although no one can agree exactly when he jumped.

When did the American civil war completed?

black and white soldier photo, amazing coincidences
Historical Shutterstock / Everett

Incorrect: April 9, 1865

Correct: May 9, 1865

If you thought the civil war ended whenRobert E. Lee given toUlysses S. GrantOn April 9, 1865, you would be out of the brand. Following the battle of the Appomattox Court House in Virginia on April 9, 1865, it took a complete month for the union to declare victory. But once confederateJoseph E. Johnston, rendered his army on April 26, 1865, the war was anything but. PresidentAndrew Johnson declared official victory May 9, 1865.

Who paid for the statue of freedom?

statue of liberty out on a clear day, american history questions

Incorrect: France

Correct: France - with a help from New York

France was responsible forThe emblematic statuebut New York had to blurcrowdfund Enough money to pay the giant granite base that the statue is sitting. In fact, the great apple has almost not produced with money in time and other cities, like Boston and Philadelphia, who have both had the funds made available to the attempts of the statue erected on their grass .

What was the most mature battle in American history?

antietam maryland

Incorrect: The Storm of Normandy (D-Day)

Correct: The Battle of Antietam

Although there is at least4 414 Allied Deaths confirmed D-Day.This does not compare to the number of lives lost on September 17, 1862, during theBattle of Antietam. Just outside Sharpsburg, Maryland, the Battle of the Brutal Civil War resulted in nearly 23,000 American victims.

Why did the pilgrines come to America?

wooden steering wheel on ship

Incorrect: Religious freedom

Correct: Economic opportunity

Frankly, pilgrims had already found an element of religious freedom in Holland. While there was still a factor in their decision ofSail for the New WorldThe main reason for their trip was to find better economic opportunities.

Who invented the first car?

Horseless Carriage, Scandalous

Incorrect: Henry Ford

Correct: Karl Benz

Karl Benz, the man behind Mercedes-Benz,invented his first car in Germany, around 1885. In 1889, Benz exposed its model 3 commercial vehicles at the World Fair of Paris.Henry FordThe T model did not affect the market before 1908.

Why has Chicago been nicknamed the windy city?

Lincoln Park Zoo cursed places in america

Incorrect: It's really windy!

Correct: It's at home of many "windbag" politicians

While Chicago certainly experiences the experience of the Blustery weather conditions, the name has nothing to do with the external elements. In fact, according to aUnited States today report, Chicago does not even crack the top 10 cities in the windy.

Chi-city probably picked up his nickname because of the"verbose" The politicians who enacted power during the 19th century. We do not know exactly the Sobriquet was used, but it came an ubiquitous term in newspapers throughout the 1800s just stuck for the good.

Who invented the bulb?

dated design

Incorrect: Thomas Edison or Benjamin Franklin

Correct: We do not know, but it has not been one of them you probably thought

Although weto study revealed that 37 percent of Americans think thatBenjamin Franklin invented the bulb and many more would opt forThomas EdisonNor man was really the first behind this particular innovation. As indicated byDevelopment Science"The basic idea of ​​using electricity to create light has been studied more than 200 years ago by the English chemistHumphrey Davy"However, Davy faced the question of finding an affordable material that burned brilliantly and has been long lasting, so that" United States the inventor Thomas Edison is often credited with the creation of the solution in 1879: the Carbon filament bulb ".

And all this seems impressive,Ripley Explain that "Edison time started working on it, the bulb has been around for a long time, just in another form. In fact, "about 20 inventors from around the world have developed various patents on it. »

Who created the original American flag?

the original 13-star

Incorrect: Betsy Ross

Correct: Francis Hopkinson (maybe)

Betsy Ross has never been credited with the creation of the flag at any time during his life. In fact, it was not until a century later, in 1870, twenty years after his death, along the way someone thought of giving him credit.William J. Canby present A document on the question to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and Ross was quickly established in the American legendThe creator of the flag. (Not for nothing: Canby was Ross's grandson.)

However, historians are not sure Ross 100 percent deserves credit. The stories differ on the creator who could have been, but some historians believe that the honor belongs toFrancis Hopkinson, Member of the Congress, namely Continental because he has made the request when he was still alive. And, according toLife and works by Francis HopkinsonHe just hasasked for something As a means of payment: a quarter of a barrel of wine, which he never received.

What happened to those who are condemned during the trials of Salem witches?

Salem Witch Trials

Incorrect: burned on the stake

OK: Hanging with the stem

If you thought the witch to the pyre was a part of theSalem Witch Trials, Then you would be wrong. While those who have been persecuted suffer horrible destinies, either they died by hanging as the 19 people who met their sad end on Gallows Hill or, in the case ofGiles Corey, Were stifled with large stones.

Interestingly, Corey's case is the only death recorded by pressing the American story, and has been dramatized inThe crucibleFounder game 1953 Arthur Miller.

What happened after Pocahontas met John Smith?

Captain John Smith saved by Pocahontas
Ilbusca / iStock

Incorrect: They fell in love and lived happy forever.

Correct: Pocahontas married John Rolfe

This story aboutPocahontas andJohn Smith Fall in love is justThe manufacture of the magic of Disney cinema. In reality, Pocahontas was only 11 or 12 years oldWhen Smith showed. And while she could save him from being killed by his powerful father, there is no evidence that the two fell in love or lived happy forever. The real story is a lot less convivial disney.

First of all, she was captive by the English for a while. Then she converts to Christianity, changed her name to Rebecca, and when she was 17 years old, married a tobacco planter namedJohn Rolfe. The two men had a son and finally traveled to England, where Pocahontas died when she was about 20 or 21 years old.

When the end to the revolutionary war?

American Revolutionary War Unsolved Mysteries

Incorrect: 17-19 October, 1781

Correct: September 3, 1783

It is true thatCharles Cornwallis rendering On October 17, 1781-formally the signing of the surrender of sections two days later, ending full-scale combat operations in the colonies. But the war has not officially ended up next to three years later. In November 1782 British and American representatives signed the preliminary terms of peace in Paris. However, the fighting continues until September 3, 1783, when Great Britain officially recognized US independence with the Treaty of Paris.

Who invented baseball?

old baseball glove and ball

Incorrect: Abner Doubleday

Correct: Alexander Joy Cartwright, JR

Like the story,Abner DoubledayBaseball invented in 1839, in Cooperstown, New York. But, according to the American Research Society of Baseball, "no evidence exists" suggest that Doubleday had "something to do with baseball. "Accounts from that moment suggest that he did not even like the sport: Doubleday is cleanobituary said, "It was rather opposed to the outside [sic] sports."

Frankly, it's hard to say who really mounted the popular hobby. But all signs indicateAlexander Joy Cartwright, Jr. In addition to founding the New York KnickerBockers Basic Ball Club in 1845, it was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1938, where its plate reads as follows: "Father of the Modern Basic Ball."

What really looks like Wild West?

Wild West cowboys

Incorrect: Violent and without law

Correct: Pretty tame, actually

To take itJohn Wayne andButchThe Old West was a counter-denominational fight without a decade to one area and one region. Thing is that it's all myth.Peter J. Hill, an elderly person at the Property and Environment Research Center,succinctly puts it: "West Violence [Wild] is largely a myth." SameThe shooting at the O.K. Corral, perhaps the most historical shooting of the entire era resulted in a relatively modest number of three organs.

What species has Benjamin Franklin wanted a national bird?

portrait of benjamin franklin by jean baptiste greuze

Incorrect: Turkey

Correct: C'mon - It was a joke

In a letter of 1784 to his daughter, Benjamin Franklinwrote On the new American seal, and the bird emitted it. "For my own part, I wish the bald eagle has not been chosen the representative of our country," wrote Franklin. "He is a bird of bad moral character. He does not make his life honestly. You may have seen him perched on a dead tree near the river, where, too lazy to fish for himself, he looks at the work of the fishing haw. "

Instead, Franklin had an alternative suggestion: Turkey. "For the truth, Turkey is compared to a much more respectable bird and a real original original American ... it is in addition, although a little vain and stupid, a bird of courage and would not hesitate to Attacking a grenadier of the British guards who should suppose to invade his farmyard with a red coat. "

Yes, he joked.

Who was the first President of the United States?

Founding Father and President George Washington

Incorrect: George Washington

Correct: Peyton Randolph

George Washington was the first of the countryelected President. But he was in no case the first president of the country.

During the revolutionary war, in 1775,Peyton Randolph was the first (and third) president of the continental conference. In 1783,Thomas Mifflin, a help at Washington during the war, served as President and ratified the Treaty of Paris. CornJohn Hancock The distinction of serving as President of the Continental Congress. More than two distinct terms - the fourth and thirteenth he has served more than 1,000 days in the role.

Everything was told, there were more than a dozen presidents before George Washington took care of. And for more surprising truths about our country's leaders, here is here30 amazing facts about American presidents that you have never known.

Categories: Culture
Tags: Facts / history / Trivia
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