33 expensive household errors Everyone is doing

These expert titles of experts will hold more money in your bank.

To be an owner is more difficult than mostFirst buyers could have imagined never imagined. Each choice you make for your home because it has a price affixed to it, from the paint you use, to the devices you choose, how you water your lawn. So, how do you make good financially decisionsFor your house? Read it to learn how to reduce your expenses at home with these advice supported by the expert. And for more ways to be a smarter owner, learn everything on these30 useful supplies that you do not have at home but should.

You do not inspect your roof frequently.

Man Cleaning Roof Boosting Your Home's Curb Appeal

Your roof is as fundamental for your home that your foundation is, so you should never go too long without inspecting it. After all, if it moves so much that she needs to replace, this could cost you between $ 5,000 and $ 10,500, according toHome guide. So make sure to check your roof a year (at least).

"One thing that an owner can search when inspecting their roof is a turnover of the water [that] can harm your home if it is not treated in time," saysKershan BULSARAManager ofRoof In Ottawa, Ontario. "Another project of roof maintenance The owners can search for, it is the snow or the damage of the ice. After believing all the snow and the ice melted, rises on the roof and make sure that. If This melted snow had to stay on the roof and then the snow among the tiles, he could then reproach and push your shingles up. This problem would then create even greater gaps for water to turn off. "

You do not hold your driveway.

man pressure washing his driveway

When it comes to maintaining your home, your driveway can be the last thing that is in mind. However, it's exactlyWhy You should worry about it. Neglect the structural integrity of your driveway can cause serious financial problems on the road.

"Your driveway is an essential part of the call of the border of your home, and if you do not take care of it, it will distinguish you over time and will cost you," saysMichael Coacci, director of the operation of the power washing companyH2GO Mobile Wash. "The aisles can be damaged oil or gasoline stains, as well as any de-icing chemistry during snowmelting on your driveway during the winter." It suggests you clean your drive when you first notice signs of stains and may be quite chemical or at least using sparingly. "And for more things you should watch on your property, check out the15 ways to destroy your garden.

You reduce the costs of appliances.

spring cleaning tips

The devices are expensive. So it might seem like a species obvious to pick up a cheaper version. But over time, investing in a lower quality washing machine, a refrigerator, a dishwasher or oven will only make invoices. If you buy cheap devices or first names, they are more likely to break down at a faster rate.

For example, according to theNational Association of Home Buildersa typicalWashing machine About a decade of use. However, if you buy a cheaper model that is already five years old, you will have to buy a new five years online.

You do not know the cracks in your foundation.

cracks in the home's foundation

The cracks in the foundation of your home are not always obvious. And that's exactly why they are prejudicial and can become an extremely expensive problem.

"During the long months of autumn and winter, there are a lot of heavy rainfall that will flee in your home if you do not repair these cracks," saysAlex Bererezowski, Owner ofThe experts of the Foundation In Ottawa, Ontario. "The signs of foundation problems can include molds that have grown outside your home, strange odors, or even insect infestation in your basement. ... If you do not take care of the problems of Foundation of your home when these signs occur first, you will cost you a lot of money. "

You do not repair your fuzzing faucet.

dripping faucet, fire prevention tips

The incessantDrip drip dripFrom a fugged tap can lead you angry, but the embarrassment is not the only problem that it can cause you. According toGeological survey of the United States, just a faucet in the house that flees a drop of drip by minute waste almost34 gallons water a year. And this wasted water is equivalent to additional dollars on your water bill. So, while it may seem to be a repair job, you can postpone until later, it is best to have it repaired as soon as you notice it rather than let the cost and the problem of accumulating. And for more things you should think about the repair, consult the21 ways of damaging your home, according to your plumber.

You pay full price for all your furniture.

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The purchase of furniture is like buying clothes: if you fully pay the price, you stop. "My husband and I were looking for a matching sofa for our living room and we found the exact couch we needed Craigslist for less than half the retail price," saidLauren Mochizuki, a decor and a blogger finances atCasa Mochi. "I would check Craigslist, eBay and offer first." And for all the ways to surf Craigslist for good deals, consult these20 Tips Engineering for Shopping Craigslist.

You use brand paint.

paint roller painting wall white, diy hacks

Looking for aNew painting color? Great! Just use brand brand paint. Some, like luxury luxurySHERWIN-WILLIAMS Emerald Exterior Line, can you run about $ 85 per gallon! (To the love of comparison, a gallon of a generic brand, like Walmart's ColorPlace, will only cost $ 20.) And if you need to buy multiple gallons for your project, costs continue to add.

"Find your favorite brand paint color and have a cheaper color color and the good-reputable company," says Mochizuki. "We have chosen many brand brand paint colors for our remodele and we had the color Dunn-Edwards match for a fraction of the retail price of the other name."

You do not pay your mortgage as soon as possible.

couple talking to a financial advisor about paying off their

It is too easy to let mortgage payments fall next to the path. But, according toJohn Borozic, co-founder of the digital home management companyHomeTaking the time to understand your mortgage and pay it earlier than later you will save money in the long run.

"Most people really see how much their mortgage will cost them about the lives of their loan, which for most people is 30," he says. "As a result, consumers do not pay attention to the ways to pay their mortgage earlier, which can save them a lot of money in long-term interest." And for more ways to save money, see these33 small business habits that will save you money in long term money.

You do not have a financial budget for remodeling projects.

couple looking over a financial budget for home renovations

Remodeling projects Will usually cost you a nice penny, but you do even more of a bad service and your bank account if you do not plan accurately things first with a budget.

"Most people do not register all materials, appliances, equipment and more required for their projects," says Borozic. "They do not look for different brands and types of products with different price points." If you do not plan remodeling in advance, you could end up buying too many supplies, buying thewrong Supplies or pay more for supplies that you could get to make an expensive business even more expensive.

Or you make consistent changes to your remodeling project.

man doing finance paperwork with a calculator at a coffee table, skills parents should teach kids

When you sit down to hammer your budget, you'd better do it properly - and that means entering weeds and be extremely specific.

"We have found extensive research that people do not know the actual costs of the materials they like. They want high-end finishes and entrepreneurs [Estimation] Home Depot price so as not to shock the customer and lose 'Agree "saysROF HANDERY, founder of the remodeling service of the houseKukun. "The owners must make sure they know what they love and the price of each ... Starting a project knowing exactly what is desired will reduce the decisions and changes of the fly in the plan. Every time That an owner changes the plan during a renovation or remodeling, this decision leads to additional expenses and delays. "

You use a professional forall.

man shaking hands with a contractor outside his house

Although it's good to have a professional for some of the more difficult domestic projects you decide to assume, using an expert for the smaller tasks add additional costs. There are many home projects that you can do it yourself through the help of online tutorials. For example,Logic of the house Believes that materials for setting a non-alignment door can only cost you only $ 5, but hiring a professional doing the job can run from $ 35 to $ 355.

Or you use the first professional you meet.

man in hardhat pointing to home's exterior window, signs your house is falling apart
Shutterstock / Stockcote

Whether you want or not to use a professional is yours, but if you sound on the dotted line just after you meet your first contractor, you hurt. With regard to entrepreneurs, just like anything else, the best practice is to make sure to shop for the best offer.

"By using the right tools to understand what a specific project should cost in the owner's geographic area, they are able to better negotiate and go shopping for what they need to complete any project at home", explains Howery . "[IT] can save them thousands of dollars."

You only measure once when you remodele.

yellow tape measure, downsizing your home
Shutterstock / Studio Champion

When it comes time to reshape, measure a measure just once will not cut it. The incorrect measure is one of the largest owners of money owners. "People buy kitchen cabinets, installed them, then realize that their refrigerator is not suitable,"Jonathan Scott, ofBrothers of propertyfame, saysHGTV magazine. "We always say," Let's measure 10 times and cut once. "Print specifications for devices you use and compare them to the plans for cabinets with the cabinet installer."

You do not use electricity curtains.


The electricity curtains are not just a smart movement for those who want to reduce the sunlight in the morning. They can also help people save money. "Do not get that electricity curtains can be a huge cost error," saysStacy Caprio withSCOOP offers, a site that helps consumers save money. She notes that particularly people in hot climates "rack to big AC bills when the sun is streaming inside windows, rising temperatures."

You know your lawn.

lawn sprinkler, property damage

You can not only overload your lawn to be bad for your grass and your plants, it's so bad for your wallet. According toToday's owner, the cost of watering your lawn depends on three key variables: the amount of water you use, what is the size of your yard, and where you live. For a home to Mobile, Alabama, which is watered every week during the summer, a fair cost estimate is approximately $ 50 a month if there is a separate meter and $ 156 per month otherwise. And, while, to be right, it's not the most expensive line article to own a house, he adds well.

You allow your sprinkler heads to spray against your home.

sprinkler outside house

If you have a sprinkler system to water your yard, make sure you pay attention to its position. Allow sprinklers to sprinklers against your home can result in rotten walls, paint removal and extreme foundation movement. As a home inspectorGarth Haslem written for NBC affiliatedKSLYou should place your Sprinkler heads at least two feet from your home and puljova only from home to avoid having to pay damage.

You use your dishwasher to dry your dishes.

dishwasher with steam coming out, cleaning mistakes

It may seem like nothing more trouble keeping your dishes dryin the dishwasher; After all, it is designed to do exactly that. However, it is a tiny thing that you could not realize is unnecessarily accumulating costs. "The heating function of your dishwasher uses a considerable amount of energy, and it's a cost you do not need to pay," saysAllen Michael ofSAWS HUB, a site dedicated to the owner's project advice. "Turn off the dry function and let your dishes looked dry overnight. This will save you from the value of electricity and money."

You do not clean your air ducts.

man cleaning air duct in a kitchen

A simple cleaning of your air ducts can browse a long way when it comes to reducing the costs of the house. Most people manage their air conditioning in summer and the heater in winter, allowing dirt and debris to accumulate. "As a general rule, it strengthens the most in your vents, which limits the amount of air that can pass through," Michael said. "This causes your units to work harder and work less efficiently, costing you more money every month, while lowering the lifespan of these expensive devices."

You do not change your air filters.

man switching out air filter in his home

If you have lived in your home for several years and you have not touched your air filters, it's time to pass that. The advantages toHome Depot Say that fiberglass filters should be replaced each month and pleated air filters, every three to six months. And, according to theMinistry of Energy, Replacing a dirty filter with cleaned can actually reduce energy consumption by 15% to a good part of your monthly energy bill.

You do not adjust your vents.

central air conditioning vent, property damage

The adjustment of your vents may seem such a simple task, it is useless, but if you do not do it regularly, you could actually pay much more than you should be.Central heating and air conditioning Stewart NondorferCall this "balancing air", which simply means that you enjoy your existing HVAC system by ensuring that all your air is uniformly distributed around your home. The setting of your ventilation mouths to improve the airflow can prevent you from blocking your CA even more in the summer or your heater in winter, you will save money in the long run.

You turn the water heater too high.

water heater

Although a beautiful hot shower can feel incredible, it can have an unfavorable effect on your bank account. By the benefitsLozier Heating and coolingMost water heaters work at a default value of 140 ° Fahrenheit. To define things correctly, they recommend lowering this setting to 120º: Reduce the temperature at only 20 degrees can actually reduce energy consumption by 10%!

You use too much laundry detergent.

Laundry Detergent Ways You Ruin Clothing

It makes sense to think that the most detergent you add, theCleaning your clothes will be. But that's not necessarily the case. AsTide underlines, you could actually usetoo much A lot of detergent, which does not just cost you less over time when you keep buying the product itself, but it could also damage your washing machine because it can not handle all the foam and bubbles generated from the detergent .

You will not illuminate your ceiling fan.

ceiling fan running ways to bring down a/c bill

It turns out, your ceiling fan is a seasonal element. AsMatthias Alleckna, an energy analyst toEnergy rate.ca, previously saidBetter lifeThe ceiling fans "have an ideal direction for the summer and another for the winter that can make your home colder or more thermal, depending on your preferences." Alleckna notes that your ceiling fan should operate counterclockwise during the summer and clockwise in the winter direction and change so that it works Good way each season will help reduce your CVC costs.

You leave all your trendy devices.

appliances plugged into a power strip, fire prevention tips

Even if you turn off with diligence each device the minute you have finished, you could always arrange electricity costs through a small thing called "Inactive Energy". According toNatural Resources AdviceThis refers to the energy consumption by "appliances and equipment off or in" standby "mode, but always have the power" as well as devices "in" standby mode "ready to be quickly." Keep all your connected devices can draw this inactive energy, which represents nearly 23% of the energy consumption in an average household. Just like this: about a quarter of your electricity bill, in the drain.

You do not use LED bulbs.


One of the main money mistakes that people do at home do not come out of their bulbs. "Many people know that LED bulbs cost less to work, but most will not replace them until they finally die. It's a big mistake. A single incandescent bulb can cost up to $ 180 a year, while a single LED bulb costs about $ 40 a year. function, "saysDerek Halls, publisher ofModern castleA dedicated platform to help owners get the most out of his homes.

You do not use a smart thermostat.

thermostat, home upgrades

Upgrading to a smart thermostat will save you hundreds, as they automatically adapt to energy-saving temperatures when nobody is at home. "Smart thermostats like the nest and the ecobee seem to be useless luxury. But technology within enabling them to better monitor and control your HPD," says Hales. "The resulting savings can be enormous. Nest and Ecobee believe they allow consumers about 15% of their energy bill, which can be about $ 300 to $ 400 a year in savings."

You buy bottled water.

woman grabbing a bottled water in the fridge

Not only buy bottled water packsbad for the environmentIt's also an unnecessary cost. You may have a notion in your head that water filters are a luxury, but, in reality, a simple and permanent water filter for your sink couldCosts you about $ 100. Although it is a greater initial cost, paying the only cost has cost once rather than buying bottled water will eventually save your tons of money over time.

You start food unnecessarily.

best by date printed on a can

Of course, you should launch expired foods, but "sell" and "better by" dates does not necessarily indicate when food goes wrong. "Many consumers think that the date" better by "is actually an" expired "date. It is not true," says Hales. "Best by" dates are arbitrary and designed by product manufacturers to encourage you to throw food that in force is perfectly safe and eating. " In fact, even theDepartment of Agriculture of the United States Note that "better if used by" dates on packages indicates only when it is "better flavor or quality", not a date of purchase or security. "

You do not negotiate prices for various services.

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Just as you need to compare prices for entrepreneurs, you must also negotiate the prices you pay for services such as cable and internet. Over time, you can realize that these bills have increased and you often pay a lot more than what you did when you registered.Broadband now Suggests calling on your service providers and negotiate a better deal for yourself. In fact, many companies will offer specials or lower your subscription rate simply to prevent you from canceling your service.

You make useless purchases, double.

man taking money out of a wallet, parenting is harder

When you live in a space for a moment, you accumulate a ton of things. And over the years, you are also required to accumulate a bunch of duplicates.

"When your home is disorganized and congested, you can not find what you are looking for and you are not productive," says professional organizerBen Soreff ofHome house organizing, which serves parts of Connecticut and New York. "The paper towels and laundry detergent are not so big of a case because, in theory, you will use all this finally. But flashlights, entertaining supplies, decorations and even bins. . If you live in your space for many years, the cost of redemption elements adds. "

You will tear off the walls without knowing what is behind them.

woman knocking down a wall in her house

While banging a wall or two may seem an easy way to open a space and bring tons of light and control in your home, do not prepare properly, can not end up costing yourself high time. Whenever you want to shoot down a wall, make sure you know what is behind that. If you need to edit structural elements, move pipes or move electric utilities, you will end up paying a ton of money to do it.

You do not check the guidelines of your neighborhood.

homeowners association paperwork

When it comes to wanting to spice up your house with some renovations, if you have an owners' association (HOA) in your community, make sure you know your rights before doing so. According toHome advisorMany HOAS have neighborhood regulations when it comes to repairing or renovating your home. And if you do not approve your plans with them in advance, they can force you to delete your work, forcing you to waste the money you have already spent. Oh, and they can also slam with a coarse fine.

You do not know where the limits of your property are.

a wooden fence on the property line of a yard

Even if you do not have HOA, you should always be aware of your limits when it comes to remodeling your home ... or it could cost you. One of the greatest ways to make fines that fines do not realize where their ownership lines are. If you spend these limits, you can easily cause problems with your neighbors. And not only you will have to delete anything at your expense, they can also take you to court for any work you have done on their property. And if you want to make your house beautiful from the street, fly these40 simple tips to strengthen the call of the curve of your home.

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Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Finance / Home
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