Walmart can delete this key area from its stores for good

The retail giant hopes that change will increase efficiency and safety.

Well, it's not an excellent news for anyone who hates the booths of oneself.

The largest retailer in the world, Walmart, is seriouslyConsidering replace All traditional payment routes and workers with automatic control stations.

The retail giant leads a test at a place from Superstore Walmart in Fayetteville, Arkansas, reports Fox business. Traditional conveyor belt lanes is currently replaced by only automatic control meters.

The experiment will determine whether the DIY scanning and payment of your articles in Walmart will be more efficient, faster and safer for buyers - especially during the coronavirus pandemic when personal interactions to the person are the means The most risky to broadcast the virus. (Employees goapparently Always be available to help the fund, however.)

If all goes well, the switch on the automatic order kiosks would then be deployed in the Walmart locations at the national level - but the moment of the end of the moment it occurs at each location will depend on the comments of customers and Employees.

It is important to note that Walmart had this same idea for a long time ago to reduce costs butabandoned it About two years ago. The retailer had offered its so-called "Mobile Scan & Go" technology in about 150 Walmart stores after being successfully offered SA SA's warehouse chain. While technology worked well in a retail environment. warehouse that sold fewer products, he was confusing many Walmart buyers whoProvided negative comments on the sweeping, weighing and bagging process.

Now,COVID-19 [Feminine The largest retailer in the world has reconsidered because more grocery stores place a much higher health and safety value. Grocery stores presenta risk For the transmission of aerosolized droplets that can contain contagion. Walmart has even faced acontinuation of unjustified death The domain of a partner who succumbed to the virus at the end of March.

To protect its staff and buyers, Walmart has been aggressive about the introduction of newStrategies, some of whom havereceived mixed reviews. WhileMandatory mask bearing by the associates has been widely welcomed,UNIDIRECTIONAL COMMERCIAL ALLES And one hour of purchase at the beginning of the elderly has been widely harmonious.

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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