The word you should never tell someone who is angry, experts say

By saying that to someone who is already worked will only aggravate things.

You know thethe language you use can make a difference in the way the conversation goes. Sometimes even a single word can dictate if you end up helping or harming a given situation. And when you talk to someone who is in an extremely emotional head space, it is even more imperative to look at what you say. After all, if someone is already angry, choose bad words can push the conversation even further in a bad place, like pouring gasoline on a fire. To learn how to make the best way to handle a situation with an angry friend, a partner, a child, a colleague, or really, someone else in life, we talked to experts to discover the word that you should never tell someone who worked. Read it to find out what words do not work and for conversation errors to avoid,This word you use every day you make noise, experts say.

Say the word "calm" to someone who is angry does not usually make them more angry.

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Whether you say "be quiet" or "calm", using the word "calm" with someone who is already angry is required to make them feel the opposite.Sonya Schwartz, arelationship And founder of his norm, says that four-letter word is "condescending to a person who does not feel like going over the summit". She adds that "in their state of hostility, it is more likely to make them feel more anguish."

And for more things you should avoid saying,This word you use all the time makes people who do not trust you, say experts.

When people are angry, they tend to see the word "calm" as an attack.

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Diana Venkunaite, a communications expert and founder ofMPA of the communication companysaid that "saying" calm "to someone who is already angry invalid their anger and makes them even more defensive, angry and frustrated." Worse still, if their anger was not already directed against you, it could be now, she adds.

"Logically, you want the angry person to come out of their limbic system - responsible for the increased mood and heart rate when we have to be disturbed - and arrive at their cortex responsible for thought, reasoning and the strategic part of the brain as well as they may have exceeded the problem that wrapped them in the first place, "says Venckunaice.

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"Relax," "" Brisson "and" Stop "can have the same effect.

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Other words that may seem similarly to the increased emotions of a person have the same effect, like "Relax", "Chill," or even ", stop," saysMichelle Davies, aCoach of professional life and co-founder of the best guide of life.

"When someone is angry, it's usually because they are frustrated, took place in resentment or are afraid of something," saysLynell Ross, a specialist in behavioral changes andHealth Coach and Certified Wellness Work with the insight of test preparation. "When you say a person to stop or hold your hand to prevent them from speaking, you make the situation worse. They feel even more angry and upset, because they will not feel heard."

Whenever someone is angry, you want to feel their emotions and feel heard, but words like "calm", "relax", "thrill" or "stop" can make people feel like They must stop expressing exactly how they feel.

And for more words to avoid,The word you say who ruins your relationship, say experts.

And never fight anger angry.

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Sometimes people fail such phrases as "calm" or "relax" when they frustrated themselves. But if you turn to anger or frustration, the person who is already upset is just becoming more angry.

"It often takes people a little time to calm down when they are extremely upset, and they will resume your energy if you react them angrily," says Ross. "Do you practice on your own well-being when you're around someone who is angry so you can answer healthy instead of reacting to their anger."

And for more language signal to search,If your partner ask you this question, they could be cheating .

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