40 hard puzzles that will let you completely strike

These cerebrkets will sharpen your goal and get out of your intellectual rut.

When was the last time you contested an enigma? Riddles are a fun way to test your problem-solving skills, encouraging you to examine your assumptions, look for alternative meanings and think more creatively. TheBending value of the brain a good riddle does not disappear as you grow up; The puzzles of words like these canhelp you stay sharp. Read on 40 hard riddles that will turn your gear.

1. Winter arrives

Screen: I belong to December, but not in any other months. I'm not a party. What am I?

It does not have to do with a day or a temperature ...

Reply: The letter "D"

2. Secular question

Screen: When Billy's asked how old he is, he answers: "In two years, I'll be twice as old as I had five years ago." How old is he?

Just do the calculation.

Reply: 12 years

3. Caffeine HIGH

Screen: George, Helen and Steve drink coffee. Bert, Karen and Dave drink pepsi. Following this model, Elizabeth drinks coffee or soda?

Pay attention to the vowels.

Reply: Coffee, like all other names with two E. (those with a "e" Bu Pepsi.)

4. Odd Paradise

Screen: One of these words does not belong: which one is it and why? Brawl, carrot, change, clover, suitable, sacred, stone, seventy, swing, travel.

It has nothing to do with the order they are in

Reply: Carrot. This is the only word that does not become another word when you remove the first and last letters.


Screen:Without a flange or saddle, in one thing I'm overlapping a ride. And those I drive, by help me, although almost blind, are made to see. What am I?

Look closely and the answer should come into the focus

Reply: Eyeglasses

6. Floating in the breeze

Screen: White bird, feathered without feathers. Flying out of paradise. Fly on the sea and the earth. To die in my hand. What is that?

Think you had it? You are swinging ...

Reply: A snowflake

Thunder riddle

7. Hot tempered

Screen: My thunder comes before lightning. My light comes in front of the clouds. My rain dries all the land it touches. What am I?

We could also add that you do not want to be near me when I blow my top.

Reply: A volcano

8. A strange body

Screen: Who has a neck and no head, two arms and no hands?

It may seem quite funny or wrinkled.

Reply: A shirt

9. Think smaller

Screen: I'm everywhere and some of everyone. I am at the end of space and time and the very existence. What am I?

Think more literal than metaphysics.

Reply: The letter "E"

10. A busy and animated day

Screen: Who spends the day at the window, go to the table for meals and hides at night?

It is also not a particularly welcome dinner.

Reply: A fly

11. Get staff

screen: It belongs to you, but everyone uses it.

Do not be stumbled while thinking it's a real object ...

Reply: Your name

12. Wooden delivery

screen: I come from a mine and I'm surrounded by wood. I help others to express themselves. What am I?

Thanks to SMSTING and email, I do not get used as much as me.

Reply: Pencil lead

13. A common error

screen: What word in the dictionary is still misspelled?

The answer is right in the question.

Reply: "Incorrectly"

14. Where in the world

screen: I have cities, but not houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have ribs, but no sand. What am I?

Think "larger image" with this one.

Reply: A map

15. Lis all about it

screen: What English word has three consecutive double letters?

This word really refers to someone who loves numbers.

Reply: An accountant

One match riddle

16. Difficult to see

screenYou are in a dark room with a candle, a wood stove and a gas lamp. You only have a match, so what are you on first?

This one is obvious when you know what to look for.

Reply: The game

17. A lighting issue

screen: You measure my life in hours and I go out, expiring. I am fast when I'm thin and slow when I'm big. The wind is my enemy.

"Quick" does not mean that it moves towards you.

Reply: A candle

18. Walking

screen: You see a boat filled with people. He did not run, but when you look again, you do not see one person on the boat. Why?

Concentrate on the word "single" to understand the answer to it.

Reply: All passengers are married.

19. I do not know what you had until it's gone

screen: What grows more you take away?

Good luck to dig up this one.

Reply: A hole

20. Have and hold

screen: What can you keep in your right hand but never to your left?

The answer is right here in front of you.

Reply: Your left hand

21. Main question

screen: I have keys but no locks. I have room but no place. You can enter, but you can not go outside. What am I?

If you are like most modern workers, you spend a lot of time so far during the typical day.

Reply: A computer keyboard

22. Very worn

screen: It is better to put this coat on wet.

This one is easy once you realize it's not on a garment.

Reply: A layer of paint

23. I have to put it to you

screen: What is four fingers and an inch are not alive?

No, the answer is not "hand".

Reply: A glove

24. Spring

screen: What is seen in mid-March and April that can not be seen at first or at the end of the two months?

The trick here is that this answer has nothing to do with the period of the year when months fall, but the words themselves.

Reply: The letter "R"

25. Violent imaging

screen: A woman pulls her husband. She plunges him under water for several minutes, then hangs him. Just after, they take advantage of a beautiful dinner. What happened?

When we say "he", we do not refer to a person.

ReplyShe took a picture of him and developed it in his dark room.

Relatives riddle

26. Family weather

screen: A is B. B. B is the brother of C. C is the Father of D. So how is one?

Do not let everything talk about "brothers" and "father" could pick you think of male parents.

Reply: A is an aunt.

27. A good cut

screen: A butcher is six feet and one inch of height and wears size shoes 12. What is it weighing?

Do particular attention to the sentence of the question - there is a reason why he did not ask, "How much does it scale?"

Reply: Me to

28. A dirty question

screen: How much dirt is in a hole that measures four feet four feet five feet?

Do not let the specific figures deceive you, the answer would be the same regardless of the measured hole.

Reply: Nothing

29. In search of inspiration

screen: What word in the English language fulfills all the following criteria: the first two letters mean a man, the first three letters mean a woman, the first four letters mean a great person, while the whole word means a great woman.

Think that Wonder Woman ...

Reply: Heroin

30. Some find that he is happy

screen: What disappears when you say his name?

It's also something you can "break" when you talk.

Reply: Silence

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31. I hear that

screen: I speak without mouth and I hear without ears. I do not have a body, but I'm alive with wind. What am I?

Do not let the description of the body parts throw you - the answer is definitely not a person or an animal. Concentrate more on the "wind" to reach the answer.

Reply: An echo

32. One after the other

screen: What are the next three letters of this combination? Ottffss.

To understand this one, think less about letters than numbers.

Reply: ENT. Each letter is the first letter of a number starting with one. So what comes after six and seven years? Eight, nine and ten.

33. Crunching number

screen: How is seven different from the rest of the numbers between one and ten?

Sort of the opposite of the previous enigma, this one you balance by making you think that it is a question of numbers, when it comes to words.

Reply: Seven is the only one with two syllables.

34. Time is on my side

screen: What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?

Think less in the sense of words as the words themselves.

Reply: The letter "M"

35. PSST ... you will never guess it

screen: If you make me, you want to share me. If you share me, you do not have me. What am I?

It's something you share with friends.

Reply: A secret

Words and letters riddle

36. Signed, sealed, delivered

screen: I only have two words but thousands of letters. What am I?

"Letters" is the important index to focus here.

Reply : Post Office

37. Eat or be eaten

screen : First of all, you eat me, then you are eaten. What am I?

The "you" in this case is an animal.

Reply : A fish

38. Many possibilities

screen : Light me on my side, and I'm all. Half cut me and I'm nothing. What am I?

Consider the concept of form.

Reply : Number eight

39. World Traveler

screen : What can travel around the world while staying stuck in a corner?

It could also be in a collection.

Reply : A stamp

40. No head

screen : I have a neck and no head, two arms and no hands? What am I?

Come on, you know this one here now.

Reply : A shirt

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