This iconic technical company will cease to make all its phones

The brand once a pioneer will take place in the coming months.

Many has changed aboutHow do we use mobile phones Over the past two decades, companies that do them in this way. And if some industry veterans have been able to innovate and stay relevant, others have thrown into the towel over the years. Now, another venerable brand calls that it ceases: LG has announced that they will bestop making mobile phones in the coming months, according to a statement by the company. Read it to see why the tech giant is hanging on devices and for more important updates for smartphones, discoverApple has just published this warning on the latest iPhones.

LG said it would closing its mobile phone division.

An LG smartphone with the company's logo on the screen resting near a computer keyboard

In the April 5 press release, Tech Corean South Company LG announced its decision to "get out of the incredibly competitive mobile phone sector" and closing division around the world. The company says that the move, which comes after aFailed to sell the telephone companyis a "strategic decision" that will allow it to "concentrate resources in areas of growth such as electric vehicle components, connected devices, intelligent homes, robotics, artificial intelligence and business solutions to companies ".

And for more disappearing phones, checkApple interrupted this popular phone.

The wind will be finished by the end of July.

The logo of Korean tech company LG on top of a building

The fans of the brand always have the opportunity to mark their last ring road. LG announced that its current telephone inventory would continue to be available for sale, as well as service and software updates for existing customers. However, the division is planned to be completely wound before July 31, 2021.

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The company saw its considerable share of the mobile telephony market shrinks over the last decade.

An LG mobile phone resting on a tabletop

While LG now blames intense competition for its decision ofbow down the telephone marketIt was not so long ago that it was a major player. According to the analytics strategy, the company was within the framework of theTop Three of World Smartphone Manufacturers As recently in 2013, CNN reports.

But still the third most popular brand in North America wasmore even in the first seven world From 2020, after falling only two percent of the global market share on the hands of Chinese competitors from OPPO and Xiaomi, told CNN Business.

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LG will always use its know-how to develop other mobile related products.

An LG smartphone with two screens on display at a store

The LG shutter decision of its mobile division has not passed unnoticed, with fans of formerly pioneer phones.showing appreciation for gadgets on social media. But the brand, which has always generated titles, about three months ago when it unveiled a new telephone rolled that could be transformed into a tablet, announced that it would not beLet's completely the mobile behind.

"Advanceing ahead, LG will continue to take advantage of its mobile expertise and develop mobility-related technologies such as 6G to further strengthen competitiveness in other areas of activity," said a spokesman for the society.

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