20% of grocery stores had Covid, the study says

And many did not have any symptoms, the researchers found.

The next time you go to thegrocery storeYou may want to consider thanking the payment person for their service. TOAt the same time, you will want to make sure you do it thenmask and standing at a good healthsocial distance, Like newto study Published in the scientific journalProfessional and environmental medicineSuggests Covid-19 virus struck these front-line workers particularly difficult.

To treat what they characterize as a gap of knowledge aboutHow Covid-19 has affected retail workers, The study, directed byJustin Yang, M.D., Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston, chose a single grocery store in the Boston, Massachusetts area and tested its employees for Covid using nasal swabs. The researchers then spent several days assessing the health history of employees,anxiety levels, andPerceptions of Covid.

Mr. Yang's team found thatToUT of the 104 grocery workers, 21 positive tested (20%) for COVID-19. Of those who have tested positive,91% had a job that involved a direct interaction with customers, and76% did not show any symptoms(While only40% of the general population are asymptomatic when infected). (For more information on how the pandemic has affected the grocery store, see these8 groceries who can soon be in the short diet.)

According to scientific data, these grocery workers with direct exposure to clients were five times more likely to test positive than their back-office colleagues.In addition, 24 workers were tried anxious. Eight were found for depression. The authors of the study noted that thesewhose jobs have allowed them to practice social distancing weresignificantly less affected by anxiety and depression than their colleagues.

Scientists have already known that essential workers, including grocery store employees, are at aincreased risk For SARS-COV-2 infection. They also knew that these workers are at aIncreased risk of virus propagation to their friends, families and communities. What scientists did not know before considering the numbers were exactlyHow? 'Or' Whatbad the rate of infection can be.

Although the study is limited by the small number of test topics, among others, the authors believe that the conclusions support "politics Recommendations that employers and civil servants should take action on implementationPreventive Strategies"Ensure the health and safety of essential workers.

In the meantime, here is here10 things you can do to make it safer for employees in your local grocery store, not to mention yourself. And here is theOne thing you absolutely need to stop doing at the grocery store.

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