These popular buffet chains just deposited for bankruptcy

Restaurants have already waived 57 ancient locations.

The Covid-19 pandemic has done irrevocableToo bad to the restaurant industry. According to a report of September 20 of the National Restaurant Association, only six months in Covid-related judgments, about 100,000The restaurants had closed Either temporarily or permanently, and nearly 3 million restaurant workers were unemployed. Unfortunately, a year in, things are not much better for many restaurants. Now, the parent company of several buffet chains and a sit-down assisted catering chain have been deposited for bankruptcy. Read it to find out if a restaurant near you could close its doors in the near future. And for more restaurants that could disappear,This beloved local burger chain has just filed bankruptcy.

The parent company of six beloved buffet restaurants has just filled a bankruptcy.

hometown buffet restaurant exterior
Shutterstock / TonesOnProductions

April 20, new acquisitions, LLCClassified for protection against bankruptcy of Chapter 11 In Dallas, Texas. Fresh acquisitions are the parent company of some of the most recognizable and buffet restaurants in the United States, including Furr fresh buffet, native city buffet, country buffet, country buffet, Fire Mountain and Ryan's restaurant, as well as Sit-Down Tahoe Joe's Famous Steakhouse restaurant.

According to the deposit of the bankruptcy of the company, before COVID, fresh acquisitionsexploited about 90 restaurants in 27 states. At the date of deposit of bankruptcy, this number had decreased to 71. The company had also "Operations ceased In 57 locations of these places and the possession of the possession of the applicable premises ", citing the operating costs of $ 1.2 million a month for the rental space for the 71 restaurants once exploited. And for the latest news from the bankruptcy delivered directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

A spokesperson for companies stated that COVID closures have strongly influenced the deposit of bankruptcy.

A sign hanging on a businesses door telling customers they are closed due to COVID-19

Jason KempThe co-founder and the Chief Executive Officer of the Vitanova Trademark, the operator of many brands of restaurants, including those located under the fresh acquisitions, the LLC umbrella since January, have cited the challenges related to the pandemic as the main reason for the Filing of bankruptcy.

"As with almost each of our peers,Buffet restaurants have shocked From the loss of sales during the pandemic and, as such, the path of success requires difficult choices, including the rationalization of our global footprint, "said Kemp in a statement.

In addition to high rental costs, new acquisitions must be deliverables on more than $ 2.47 million in exceptional gift cards, between $ 3,500 and $ 4,500 a week to third-party shipment providers and between 2,500 and 4 $ 500 of weekly processing fees. And for another restaurant that has problems, checkThis emblematic Mexican restaurant has just filled a bankruptcy.

Two of the restaurants were cited as having a potential for "future growth".

buffet restaurant salad bar
Shutterstock / Valeriy Surujiu

While neither new new acquisitions nor Vitanova's brands have yet announced that, where appropriate, companies will close in the future, Vitanova stated that it would focus on two of its particular properties.

"We look forward to getting out of bankruptcy as a stronger operator with a focus on Tahoe Joe's and Furre's," said Kemp, in a statement. "These big brands serving good food will create a platform for future growth." The company had already obtained everything except six of itsTahoe Joe locations Before the deposit of bankruptcy, restoration reports. And for another beloved soldier who struggled in the middle of the pandemic,This fun chain restaurant has just filled a bankruptcy.

This is not the first time that buffet restaurants have deposited for bankruptcy.

petition for bankruptcy form
Shutterstock / Minerva Studio

This is not the first time that restaurants under the umbrella of fresh acquisitions have struggled in recent years. According to restoration cases, the classification of chapter 11 April 11 marks the fifth time the chains have filed for bankruptcy.

In June, the former owner of acquisitions of new acquisitions, the management of the FMP, also filed in Chapter 11 Protection against bankruptcy and closed its operations, citing $ 13.5 million in dede of $ 13.5 million. as part of the impulse of its bankruptcy deposit. And for more COVID hard strings, This popular pizza chain has just filed a bankruptcy .

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