Never rinse this common thing about toilets, local officials warn

Rinse this common article could have harmful effects on the environment and drinking water.

If you tend to treat your toilets like a liquid trash can, you may want to re-evaluate. Not onlyrinse foreign objects Down Your toilets lead to fouling and an urgent phone call to your local plumber, it can also have harmful effects on the environment and water supply. And there is an article in particular that you should never have rinsing, even if fouling is not the concern, according to local officials. And for more toilets, here isThe only thing you should never do after your hunt, a new study says.

Local officials say you should never hunt your medicine in the toilet.

various drugs, medicine, pills getting flushed down a toilet

The Minnesota pollution control agency warned people toRinse At the bottom of the toilet or drain, as they end up entering wastewater treatment systems, which are used to clean water. Not only are the drugs rinsed are capable of contaminating water, they can "involuntarily expose us to the chemicals of these drugs", notes the agency.

The New York State Environmental Conservation Department (DEC) has also published a similar warning. The deathwarns that rinse drugs have more than a negative effect. These drugs, which have been found in Lakes, rivers and New York flows, are unable to be filtered in wastewater treatment plants; They expose fish and aquatic fauna to chemicals; And they allow drug-resistant bacteria to grow.

And for a medicine that puts your heart in danger,FDA warns this medicine could increase your risk of cardiac problems.

Rinse your medicine on the toilet presents serious consequences for your drinking water and the environment.

Sick man looking at shelf full of medicine

According to a 2002 study by the hydrology program of the toxic substances of the US Geological Survey (USGS), at least one chemical antibiotic, natural and synthetic hormones, insecticides, flame retardants, detergent metabolites and plasticizers - have been discovered in 80% of the 139U.s. Sampled streams.

Grant of the Illinois-Indiana sea warns that rinse medicine can have "unintended, negativeConsequences for public health And the safety and for the environment ", because a majority of pharmaceutical chemicals are making a path through treatment plants, septic systems, water and drinking water. According to the sea subsidy, low levels of chemicals discovered include "antibiotics, antidepressants", steroids, crisis drugs, cancer treatments, analgesics, tranquilizers. "

And for a risk associated with a common drug, beware thatIf you take this medicine, you are more likely to get a blood clot.

However, the FDA indicates that some medications should be rinsed for other security reasons.

Woman in Bathroom Looking at Pill Bottle

Environmentalists say you should never hunt drugs, no matter what it is the kind, but the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) declaresRinse medicine is appropriate in certain situations. The agency has a list of medicines on their "Flush list approved". The drugs on the list are "searched for abusive use and / or potential for abuse" and "can cause death of a dose if it is taken inappropriately."

Some of the drugs on the rinse list are medicines that include fentanyl words, bueprenorphine, hydrocodone or benzhydrocodone, hydromorphone, meperidine, methadone, morphine, oxycodone, oxymorphone and tapentadol - All contain opioids. In addition to the opioids, the list also comprises sodium oxybate, rectal gel of diazepam and the transdermal methylphenidate system.

With regard to the environmental risks to rinse these drugs, the FDA has published a document in 2017 entitled "Risks Associated withEnvironmental release of pharmaceutical products On the list of the United States and the drug 'list of flush' "in the newspaperScience of the total environment.After evaluating the environmental and human health risks associated with 15 active ingredients in drugs, the "FDA has concluded that these drugs have a negligible risk to the environment".

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But the FDA recommends another method as "better elimination option".

drug disposal guidelines, colorful medicine, pills, drugs
Rob Crandall / Shutterstock

However, the FDA indicates that the best option for eliminating your medicine is always to find aDrug resume location. In fact, the drug fighting agency (DEA)National Prescription Drug I just passed April 24, but these locations are still available.

"If a drug recovery program is not available, rinsing medications on the rinse list help keep everyone in your home safe by ensuring that these powerful and potentially dangerous drugs (when they are Used inappropriately) are accidentally ingested, affected, misused, or abused, "says FDA.

If you are not near a location to resume and yourDrugs are not on the hunting list, the FDA says you should throw your medicines with the trash by following these four stages:

  1. Mix your unused or expired medicine with an unattractive substance such as dirt, cat litter or coffee parks used. (Do not crush capsules or tablets.)
  2. Place the mixture in a container like a sealed plastic bag.
  3. Discard the bag away in your trash.
  4. Delete all personal information on your prescription bottle or package, and then discard it or recycle it.

And for more risks, some medications pose,If you take these 2 drugs, talk to your doctor now, a new study indicates.

Categories: Smarter Living
By: sara
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