Starbucks gets rid of this starting Monday
The largest coffee chain in the world is about to make this major change.

Shortly after disease control and prevention centers (CDC) made a sudden announcement on people fully vaccinatedDo not need to wear masks Outside or inside longer, companies across the United States have blurred to decide if they should make adjustments in their mask policies. The new CDC mask tips, revealed on May 13, suggest that it is safe for anyone who is fully vaccinated forkeep their faces discovered in most situations. And now, following the traces of Walmart,Joe's Trader, Costco, Sam's Club and Publix-Starbucks do not require any more facial masks for vaccinated customers, starting on Monday, May 17.
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Just one day after the major ad of the CDC, which has been shocked by many people across the country, Starbucks revealedMasks will no longer be mandatory For customers who are two weeks from their last Jab. The new rule depends on whether local officials have chosen to adopt the recommendation of the CDC, Starbucks says on its website. Some states - like California, New York and New Jersey, still consider whether theyRequirements of the lifting mask inside.
"It's our responsibility to protect our partners and clients, and we are committed to meeting or overcoming all public health mandates," reads May 14, which also notes thatAvailability of widespread vaccines leads to changing the guideline of the CDC.
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With regard to Starbucks employees, which the company refers to "partners", they will not be allowed to withdraw their face masks inside the stores, notwithstanding the status of vaccination. They will also continue to fulfill a pre-check before the start of their changes, which includes temperature controls.
"As of February 8, the partners of all selected locations in the United States and Canada will have to wear multiple facial coatings (or a dual mask) during their changes and continue to wash their hands frequently by standard protocol," says Starbucks. "They also have the opportunity to wear gloves if they choose."

Starbucks also tries to motivate his employees to be vaccinated by offering paid time to do so. "We strongly encourage our partners to receive Covid-19 vaccine as soon as they are eligible," says the company. "Starbucks will provide up to two hours of time paid for the partners to receive each dose of the vaccine, up to two doses, as well as up to 4 hours of time paid if partners have vaccine-related side effects and lack a Offset within 48 hours of receiving each dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, up to two doses. "
Starbucks will also retain its improved cleaning and sanitation measures to help reduce the spread of COVID inside its cafes. In addition to frequent cleaning of affected surfaces, plexiglass shields and bar protectors will continue to be used in areas, people can not distance.
And more changes could go down the line. "We continue to closely monitor the orientations of the local and national health authorities and will update our procedures to adhere to the most effective health and safety standards," says Starbucks.

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