20 tips from Google Secrets that will absolutely change your life

Life is too short to be an inefficient googler.

None of us could live without Google. After all, the powerful search engine helps usBook our flightsFind instructions and identify local restaurants worthy of our company. But as everyone has already clicked on page three of their search results, Google does not always hit the nail on the head. Fortunately, these little known Google tips will completely change your search - and will allow you to get the best results every time. And for more ways to expand your research knowledge, consult the15 things you do not know on Google.

Refine your search by website.

google site search - google tricks

This can be so frustrating when you know you only read an article on a given site, but you can not find it anywhere. Fortunately, you can reduce things with Google. Simply type "site:" followed by the name of the website before your search duration. For example, "site: BestLifeonline.com Google Tricks" will show this article.

... or by type of website.

google authority search - google tricks

False info is everywhere on the internet. But you limit yourself to the .gov or .org sites can help you guide you to truly verified information. Use the same "site:" Google trick as above, but this time, simply type the extension of the URL. It also works for university sites. So you can try "site: .edu Football" to bring only collegiates.

Check out the details of future flights and dinner reservations.

google reservations search - google tricks

It can be frustrating to scan your emails when you try to find your flight information or a dinner reservation. Fortunately, there is a fast and easy Google hacking that extracts all the details you need. If you are using Gmail and you are connected, simply type "My Reservations" in Google, and the search engine will include a box with all your next flight dates and restaurant reservations. It's one of the easiest and most practical Google tips! But if you are looking for the site for your own name, you will want to read the17 things to know before you googling.

Fill out the missing information with an asterisk.

google questions search - google tricks

You probably know now that the typing of quotes around the search terms will limit the web results to the pages with this exact wording. It's now time to take this google problem a step further. Type an asterisk inside the quotes, putting mainly Google a filling filling issue. For example, type: "*% of Americans are vegan", keeping the quotes around him. You will just get the answer you are looking for, without any distraction.

Keep the results you do not want to see.

google recipe search - google tricks

If there is something you know you arenotLooking for Google, use the least sign, followed by the word you do not want to include. Try "Sandwich Recipe -Mayonnaise" to eliminate the results you are not interested.

Find sites like your favorites.

google related search - google tricks

If you ever start annoying your favorite web sites or online shops, use this Google trick to find a new GO-TO. Type, say, "Associate: Reddit.com" to find other buffal web destinations. And if you try to spice up your day right now, consult the50 quick facts so interesting they will crush your boredom.

Activate Google in a calculator.

google calculator search - google tricks

Of course, you can open the computer calculator program, output your phone or devil, even out of a real calculator. But why do it when you have Google to solve yourMathematical problems? Simply type the equation you need to solve. For example, "1000000/365" will help you instantly understand that if you earn $ 1 million to the lottery, you could spend $ 2,500 a day for a year and save money.

Search with images instead of words.

google image search - google tricks

Say that you are trying to find theSource of the sameYour brother-in-law says he went. Right-click on the image wherever you find and choose "Copy Image Address" (or "Copy Image Location" according to your browser). Now enter Google Images and press the camera to the right of the search bar. He should say "Paste the image URL". All you have to do is hit the dough and Google will take the picture and determine a search term to go. It also extracts similar images.

Take a game break.

google game search - google tricks

When you need a little bit ofstupid fun To break the day, type "Zerg Rush" in Google. The next thing you know, Starcraft style zergs Supage Spumission of the screen - and it's up to you to shoot them down! If Zerg Rush does not do it for you, try to "Play Pacman" or "Play Tic Tac Toe". You can also go to Google Images and search for "Atari Breakout" instead of starting a brick game. Who knew Google Tricks could be this entertainment? For more ways to have fun yourself, try it15 cerebral games that will make you a smarter person.

Leave your chances to Google.

google coin flip search

Looking to make an instant decision, but do not have one quarter for a currency draw? Type "Return a coin" into Google and choose heads or tails and quick ones! The search engine will automatically choose one side. If two options are not enough, search for "rolling a matrix" to watch Google Choose a number between one and six randomly.

Navigate to ancient pages.

google cached search - google tricks

Sometimes you are in a situation in which you can say by the description of the Google search result that the information you are looking for are on a certain page, but you get an error message telling you that the link is broken. All is not lost! To the right of the green URL, click the Tiny Downturned arrow. Tap the "Cached" option and you will probably find the old version of the page, complete with the text you are looking for. Formatting is usually a little off, but it works!

Discover who connects your social media profiles.

google link search - google tricks

If you want to understand who knows your social media profile or your business website, there is also a google tour. You can search all sites related to a certain web page. For example, tap in "Link: BestLifeonline.com" will bring you all the websites on the InterWebs that really go back to yours.

Find the right price.

google shopping search - google tricks

When you do not have a specific site for all you need to buy, it can be frustrating to go through each website to find something at your price. But if you need new t-shirts and you do not want to spend more than $ 20, for example, Google can turn off all too dear options. Just typing "$ 20 T-shirt" and all the results you will find will cost you to Andrew Jackson or less. On the other hand, if you want a pair of decent jeans and that you are willing to pay for them, type "$ 50. 100 $ 100" for results in this range.

Give Google options.

google event serach - google tricks

If you want to make arace this spring But is not difficult to know if it is a marathon or 10k, you do not need to look for both individually. Put "or" between your search terms - like "Marathon or 10K New York" - and Google will provide results that include one or the other.

Start a timer.

google conversion search - google tricks

You do not need to get out of your phone application to start your countdown. Just typing "timer" or "stopwatch" in Google and you can switch between counting and counting. The timer will even emit a beep in the end, allowing you to know thatBoard of 60 seconds is finally finished.

Find a fun fact.

google fun fact search - google tricks

Treat yourself to a new fact every day simply by typing "Fun Fact" or "I feel curious" in your search bar. It does not matter if you choose, Google will draw a random fact. For example, did you know that no president has been a single child and four NFL teams have not yet made the super Bowl appearance? There is more than where it came from! And if you liked these information nuggets, check the100 random facts that will make you the most interesting person of the room.

Take a break.

google stress search - google tricks

When you are at your desk and stress becomes too much, Google offers a way to give you a moment without making your boss why your phone is out. Google "Breathing Exercise" to remove a mini-session of mindfulness. A minute later, you will feel clearer.

Look for social media.

google handle search - google tricks

Use it before the name of a social media site to limit your options to this website. Of course, you can simply get through #paakenet on Instagram, but this way you can kill two birds with a stone. (Sorry.) Try "@instagram @twitter peretet".

Get only the most recent results.

google news search - google tricks

All these Kim Kardashian articles over a year ago more than a year ago are not relevant now, so do not get them clogged your search. Once your Google results are called, tap "Tools" under the search bar on the right. A new drop-down list will appear. Then select "at any time" to reveal other options, such as "elapsed time" or "past week". You can even choose custom dates in case you try to dig a certain dirt from a certain time.

Get more results per page.

google more results search - google tricks

Sometimes you just know that you will need to get into weeds and click to view the results on page 2 and beyond. Instead of hitting "Next" again and again, increase to "Settings" and select "Search Settings". It's probably 10 years now, but you can hike it up to 20, 30, or 100. And to see what searches were the most popular last year, discoverThe video "Research year" from Google is here and it will make you so emotional about 2018.

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Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: How-To
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