6 signs of a bug infestation that you should never ignore, exterminators say

These small red flags of your home could mean that you have a big problem of preparation.

With the weather that warms across the United States, as the summer approach, many people leave their windows again and leaving in a fresh air, as well as the smell of spring flowers and grass fresh. Unfortunately, it invariably means that a fewunwanted guests Make their way inside too. However, the signs that your home is hosting hundreds - or even thousands ofBugs that can cause serious damage may not be apparent before it's too late. If you want to avoid expensive exterminator costs, and still more expensive repairs, read it to discover the signs of a bug infestation that you can not afford to ignore.

You notice peaks near you.

woodepecker on tree
Shutterstock / Kazbek Serje

These are not always bugs themselves who report their presence in your home - in many cases, it is the animals that make insects that will call you to an infestation.

"If you spot the peak peaks at home, the bridge or other structures, it may be a sign that you have carpenter bees," says the certified entomologist of the board of directorsNatasha Wright, Technical DirectorBraman Termite and Disposal of Pests from southern New England.

Wright says that people should look for perfectly round holes in their woodwork, which are revealing signs that carpenter bees have already infiltrated the woodwork in or surrounding a house.

RELATED:These awful bugs that you have forgotten again, the exterminators warn.

You will find a sawshill around your baseboards.

sawdust on floor near table leg
Shutterstock / Fabrizio Misson

If there has been no recent construction on your home, but you still find lots of sawdust around your space, you can deal with an infestation of carpenter antenuers.

"Carpenter ants do not eat wooden; they exclaimed it to create their nests, which can cause many structural damage to a house or building," said Wright.

"Contrary toSIGNS OF TERMITEThese batteries [created by carpenter ants] are closely linked to sawdust and often found inside, where termites leave a consistency more similar to the mud and are traditionally around your perimeter or in the robot of Spit ", explainsDan Rottler, Owner ofPest solutions in Rottler Saint-Louis, Missouri.

You hear drizzle at night.

Woman can't sleep

The good news? That you cross you hear in your walls at night is not necessarily a sign that you have arodent problem. The bad news? This can be an indication that you have a carpenter plant infestation.

"You may be able to listen to this species at work as a slight noise of rustling behind your walls, especially at night when they are the most active," wright note.

She says that if you tap on a piece of wood in your house and it seems hollow, it can still be another sign the carpenter ants have infiltrated.

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You find stains on your sheets.

cleaning bloodstains on sheets
Shutterstock / Andrey_Popov

These spots on your sheets can be more than an indication you need forWash your linens more often.

"One of the biggest revealing signs ofdrawing pins are grazes on your sheets or pillowcases, or dark or rusty spots on your bedding or mattress, as well as the walls near your bed, "saysBernard ButtonCOO toControl of the triangle plague, serving Raleigh and Charlotte, North Carolina.

"Once you've seen these signs, it means you already deal with an infestation, so it's time to act quickly."

RELATED:5 things you buy that bring bed bugs in your house, say experts.

You notice a lot of spiders in your home.

spider on tile floor
Shutterstock / rhjphtotoandlutration

See a large number of spiders in your home can make you think that you have a rehearsal infestation, but the real problem can be much worse.

"Have a lot of spiders around your household does not mean that you have a spider infestation," says the entomologistNicholas Martin, PhD, founder ofPest Management HacksIn Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. "Logically, the spiders will not meet in a place without food, which means that a lot of them is a real sign that your home is infested with something else." While spiders frequently eat flies, mites and mosquitoes, they are alsoknown to eat termites And cockroaches, you may want to hire an exterminator to make sure you do not have a larger infestation on your hands.

You notice wings around your home.

termite wing pile
Shutterstock / Cocokung

If you regularly notice pairs of bug wings around your home, hundreds of people are probably hundreds of inhabitants - and you can not waste time before calling an exterminator.

"After the termites reproduce, they poured their wings and the whole colony often throws them into a bunch of semi-neat wings," saysEric HofferPresident ofHOFFER PEST SOLUTIONS, serving South East Florida. "If you see this battery, it means that termites are very close, so you will have to act quickly to limit or prevent any damage."

RELATED: If you see this bug, you must aspire it immediately, let's say experts .

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