100 fascinating facts that you will want to share with everyone you know

These truths around the world are foreign than fiction.

Did you know that New York City has its own indigenous ant species and named the manhatant? Have you also known that the most successful pirate of history was not a bearded man, oepatch-wearing a woman? AndDid you know May humans actually have the power to feel precipitation before arriving? If you answered "no" to any of these, then congratulations! You are for a huge treat, because here we have compiled 100 totallyRandom and fascinating facts It will let you feel amazed. So read and remember that not a butof them The golf balls were affected on the moon with a Makeshift iron jersey.

RELATED:50 summer facts that will make you even more excited for the season.

Victorians once used the leeches to predict the weather.

Leech in a jar

George Merryweather was a Victorian doctor and a fan of poetry. In fact, it was in a poem that he found the inspiration to build theTempest Prognostics, a kind of barometer powered by the leeches. The three-foot high contract was as beautiful as it was intended to be useful. The brass and mahogany structure held 12 glass flasks in place, each containing a single leech. If it was going to rain soon, the leeches would slip at the top of the bottle. At the end of his project, Merryweather had become so attached to his leeches, he judged that they had friendship friendship. Unfortunately, only some of them managed to predict the weather. Others, he wrote, were "absolutely stupid".

Your funny bone is actually a nerve.

Woman scratching rash on her arm

The name "funny bone"Prot of the humerus bone, which connects the shoulder to the elbow. However, it is not the source of the tingling sensation you feel when you bang your elbow just right. It's actually the Result of the humering bone entering with the ulnary nerve, which is responsible for telling the brain feelings in the fingers of the ring and fingers.

The Chief Translator of the European Parliament speaks 32 languages ​​fluently.

Translatior Ioannis Ikonomou

Since 2002, the Greek translatorIoannis Ikonomou was the chief translator of the European Parliament. With 32 languages ​​under his belt, he deserves the position. He initially moved to Brussels to become an interpreter, a precious position in the capital of the EU, but after learning all the 12 official languages ​​of the EU, he continued to go and speaks more, including Bengali. , Swahili and Turkish.

The most demanded funerary song in England is Monty Python.

Woman at coffin with roses
Productions Syda

An investigation into funeral directors of the Funeral Cooperative (by the BBC) found that the most frequently requested song to play at the funeral in the UK is "Always watch the good side of Monty Python's life, their comedy classic irrelevanceBrian's life. He beatFrank Sinatra'S "my way".

Research shows that all blue-eyed people can be linked.

Close-up on man's blue eye

At least they can share the same distant ancestor. After studying the DNA of people with the blue eyes of Scandinavia, Turkey, Jordan and India, Danish researchers found that they all had identical genes sequences for the color of the eyes. They believe that this trait comes from one person, called "founder, "Whose genes mutated between 6,000 and 10,000 years. Before that, everyone had nuances of brown eyes.

The personal animal turtle of Charles Darwin is not dead before recently.


Okay, technically, she was not her pet, but after her visit to the Galapagos Islands, Charles Darwin brought a five-year turtle that he named Harriet. She survived her 124-year-old adopting, which is 176 years old. Harriet lived his last years as part of Steve's family "Crocodile Hunter" Irwin, Australia, untilShe died in 2006.

The average person will spend six months of their lives while waiting for the red lights become green.

Traffic light glowing red

Driving can be a fun and liberating activity - until you get stuck at a red light, that is to say. TheNational Association of Urban Transport Managers Says that the average time spent waiting at a red light is 75 seconds, representing about 20% of all the driving time. It's a lot of time without doing anything and just another reason to switch to public transport.

A lightning bolt contains enough energy for toast 100,000 slices of bread.

Lightning storm over city

If you consider that each lightning bolt contains more than 5 billion energy joules, then the average two-sliced ​​1,000-watt to be fed for 84,000 minutes with a single typist. It's just enough time to grill about 100,000 slices of bread, bagels, English muffins - all you prefer.

President Lyndon B. Johnson possessed a water navigation car.

President Lyndon B. Johnson drives his Amphicar with Eunice Kennedy Shriver and Paul Glynn at the Haywood Ranch
Photo of the White House / Alamy

Always the joker,Lyndon B. Johnson would allow the guests of his Texas ranch by driving them into the hillhis amphicar, saying that the brakes were out. Once that hit the lake, their panic would replace when they realized that the car had been designed to operate in water.

David Bowie helped overthrow the Berlin wall.


Ruins of Berlin Wall
Alberto Loyo / Shutterstock

WhileDavid BowieThe trio of albums recorded in Berlin is considered among its best job, it is not the only heritage it has in the German city. In 1987, his performance of "hero" in front of the Reichstag as part of the Berlin concert was quite strong and close enough to the wall to hear in Berlin-East (where such music was forbidden). He triggered police repression and,according to The Guardian, "Many eyewitnesses say that violent the crimination of the third night of the concerts ... was crucial to change mood against the state."

Cheophobia is the word of irrational fear of being happy.

Woman holding a smile face against a pink background

No, it's not the fear ofDear, as the name could lead you to believe. It comes from the Greek word "Chero", which means "rejoice". People who suffer fromcheophobia are often frightened, graphically, to do everything that could lead to happiness. This includes the participation of fun activities and reject opportunities that may result in positive results.

You can hear a blue whale heartbeat from two miles.

Whale underwater

The blue whale is the largest animal on the planet, weighing up to 150 tons and measuring up to 90 feet long. Naturally, an animal that this massif would have an equally important heart. Pretty much the size of a small car, theThe heart of the blue whale weighs about 1,300 pounds. To move the blood through his colossal body and his arteries, his heart beats so powerfully, you can hear it with two miles. However, you just have to miss it, because its heart is bathed only eight to 10 times a minute.

Nearly 30,000 rubber ducks were lost at sea in 1992 and are still discovered today.

Rubber ducks floating in water

More than 25 years ago, a cargo traveling from Hong Kong in the United States accidentally lost a shipping fund in the Pacific Ocean. Inside this case were 28,000rubber ducks Invilment about the point of embarking on many long trips around the world. While rubber ducks continue to appear on Australia's shores in Alaska, they enlightened our understanding of ocean currents. Some have done all the way to the Atlantic Ocean while others have been found frozen in the Arctic ice.

There is a specific ant for Manhattan.

Close-up of red ants

On the mediums of Broadway between 63rd and 76th Streets, biologists discovered a new species of ant. They named itManhattant, naturally. Hey, if you can do there there, you can do it anywhere.

The inventor of Frisbee was transformed into frisbee after his death.

Hand holding frisbee

"Steady Ed" Headrick invented frisbee In the 1950s, then then created the sport of the golf records in the 1970s. When he died in 2002, his last wish was to make his ashes in what else? -A Frisbee. His son said it was his father's dream they play with him after death and that he could even be accidentally about someone's roof.

There is a bridge exclusively for squirrels.

Fox squirrel in tree

Provide a safe passage to squirrels trying to cross the N44 highway, the leadership of the NetherlandsBuilt a unique rodent bridge. Although it may have been a gesture in the heart of the heart, it may not have been the most economically sensitive: costing $ 120,000 over two years, the bridge was used by only five squirrels in two years. "In 2014, three squirrels and, in 2015, two squirrels were spotted on the bridge," said the government in a statement.

Metro fires are not always a foot of long.

Subway sandwich on tray with coffee

ThePost of New York measuredReal length of metro footlongs In New York and found on average 11 inches, not 12. The sandwich channel commented: "With regard to the size of the bread and calling it a footlong," Subway Footlong "is a trademark as a descriptive name for the sub- Sold in metro restaurants and not intended to be a measure of length. "

The controversial question was evenbefore the courtsWhere the judge ruled in favor of the subway, saying that most sandwiches are actually on a long foot, but "because of the perfectly natural and inevitable hazards in the cooking process, a very small fraction Sandwiches fell from about a quarter of 12 inches. "

The notebooks of Marie Curie are still radioactive.

Marie Curie

The mother of modern physics was known for her work with radioactive materials and the discovery of elements such as polonium and radium. Unfortunately, his research has won a heavy weight on his health, leading to an aplastic anemia, which caused his death. TheExposure to radioactivity I did not only affect it, it also affected most of its property, including its clothes, furniture and books. Now, more than a century later,Marie CurieThe notebooks must be stored in a lead zone because they are always radioactive (and will be for 1,500 years extra!).

Three divorce deposits include the word "Facebook".

facebook app sign in

This was the case in 2011, according to the American Academy of matrimonial lawyers, although this number has probably increased since. "We had cases where they removed Facebook during a testimony", divorce lawyerMarian Rosen told ABC News. "Once he's there for the world, it's very difficult ... to erase from the past. There will be trails that can be followed."

Blood banks in Sweden inform donors when blood is used.

Blood transfusion bag

Blood donors receive a text message when their blood is used to help a patient. "We have a lot of visibility in social media and traditional media through SMS", "Karolina Blom Wilberg, a communication officer in the Blood Service of Stockholm,Huffo said. "But above all, we believe our donors come back to us and make a gift again."

Instead of saying "cheese" before taking a picture, Victorians said "prunes".

Man taking photo with vintage camera

We say "Cheese" because the word leaves us a big smile on our faces, but if Victorian-Era Folk was to see our expressions Gleeful, they mocked. Once upon a time, smiling on the photos was considered undenied and reserved for the poor and bu. To keep a more serious look at their photos, they would say "plums"A word so boring, the chances of inciting a smile were thinking.

Roosters have integrated earplugs.

Rooster at sunrise

Given the call of a rooster rooster can reach 140 decibels or stronger, this could leave a task to wonder how the rooster itself continues to go deaf when this noise has just come out of its beak. It turns out, the farm poultry has integrated earplugs. The researchers found that when a rooster opens his beak in the crow,Its external auditory channels Close, prevent the sound from entering and damaging.

The Netherlands is so safe, it is important criminals to fill prisons.

The bars of a jail cell

The Netherlands has benefited from a constant decline in crime since 2004 and has become so sure that it is closed a prison after another23 prisons closed their doors since 2014. To help mitigate job losses that created, the country has led to importing prisoners from other countries, bringing242 Detainees of Norway in 2015.

A newspaper has published a fake paper onStar Trek.

William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy in Star Trek
CBS television distribution

To help expose the false or imperfect research ease could go to peer-examined journals, an anonymousbiologist managed to get a paper about one of theStar TrekThe most severely silly elements are accepted by four newspapers and published in theAmerican Research Journal of Biosciences. The biologist explained that he had done so "expose predatory journals that claim to offer peer-open publications but will publish anything at fees."

The largest pyramid in the world is not in Egypt.

The Great Pyramid of Cholula

The Great Cholula PyramidLocated in Cholula, Puebla, Mexico, is the largest pyramid in the world and, with a basis four times the size of the large pyramid of Gize, is also the largest monument ever built. Part of the reason it is not better known, it is partially buried under a mountain.

Coke saved a city of great depression.

Coca Cola products

Well, somehow. As the country undertook the Great Depression, a local trusted banker of the city of Quincy, Florida, urged anyone who would like to invest in coca-cola stocks and selling $ 19. by action. Many followed his advice and, when the company's stock wander as he had promised, others followed. Soon, at least 67 inhabitants (in a town of less than 7,000) had become "Millionaires Coca-Cola, "Make Quincy the richest American city per capita.

We may have already had extraterrestrial contacts.

Satellite in space

In 1977, a volunteer for the search for extraterrestrial intelligence received a signal of 72 seconds of a distant stars system, 120 years of lighting of the earth. It was strong and sent from a place that had not yet been visited by humanity, then the guy who received it wrote "wow!" Next to the original printing of the signal. He continues to be known as the "Wow! Signal. "Researchers have since suggested that the noise has been picked up from a comet that passes.

Yes youcan Odor the rain.

Woman crossing street with umbrella

Weather models produce distinct odors and one of them is aScent slightly spicy Ozone that emerges from fertilizer and can be transported in the descents of the storm from higher altitudes, alerting those with sensitive noses that the rain is about to fall.

London's chabis must literally memorizeall.

London cab driving away from Big Ben

If you take a taxi in London, you can expect the driver to know exactly where they go because they are required to take a series of tests called knowledge. They need them to study 320 routes and 25,000 blocks, not to mention 20,000 landmarks and places of public interest - estimated to take as long as four years old atfully complete.

There was a secret baseball hall of renown inductivity.

Baseball Hall of Fame exterior

In 1988, a leaseholder visiting the renowned baseball hall of Cooperstown, in New York, made a surreptice addict to the Honoises, sliding a photo of his father wearing a baseball uniform in one of the glass cases. Thisremained there for six years Before anyone detected that he did not belong.

Dolphins have real names.

Dolphin rising out of water

At the beginning of life, a dolphin creates a unique vocal whistle that allows him to be identified by other dolphins in his pod. A team of researchers from the University of Saint-Andrews in Scotland found thatThe animals responded When their specific call has been repulsed.

Superman helped take off the KKK.

Christopher Reeve as Superman
Pictorical Press Ltd / Alamy Stock Photo

In the 1940s, the popularSuperman's adventures The radio program executed a series of 16 episodes, incorporating the results of activistsStetson Kennedy, who had infiltrated the Ku Klux Klan but could not get to the local authorities to use the information to crop. The creators of the Superman Show used Kennedy's espionage secrets to help tell the story of the "Clan of the ardent cross,"Exposing the organization to the public and earn his mockery and his widespread condemnation.

A wild dog is the most successful predator of the animal kingdom.

African wild dogs fighting

The apex predator with the highest death rate is not the lion, the cheetah or the wolf is the African wild dog. According to researchers, these lean and large gigantic canines are noted to have a85% killing rateWhile Peregrine's hawks are 47% of their goals and Lions get only 17 to 19%. Another animal with surprisingly high death rates? Domestic cats, which kill more than 30% of their goals.

The aluminum joints of the medicine bottle exist due to poison.

Sealed medicine bottle

These boring aluminum seals on top of the drug bottles were put in place after an eruption of poisoning in 1982, in which seven people in the Chicago region were killed after having ingestion of TylenolLaced at potassium cyanide.

Tons of countries celebrate their independence from U.K.

Canada Day celebration

The British Empire has been ridiculously great before coming back. Some62 countries finally declared their independence of the Empire, of which 48Celebrate one day of independence from the United Kingdom.

RELATED:The 60 most interesting global facts that you ever hear.

Sears used to sell houses.

Exterior of Sears store

Before each city had a Walmart, most Americans had their business in e-mail catalogs, such as Sears. Among its many offers, many offers have been called "Kit Houses, "Or entire houses shipped in a train. You had to assemble the house yourself using the 75-page instruction book. It was like Ikea on steroids.

There is a monument encrypted outside the CIA.

Kryptos sculpture outside CIA building
Carol Highsmith via the Congress Library

A sculpture outside the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, includes unfissured codes. Created by the artistJim Sanborn,Kryptos Sculpture Features Four inscriptions, three of whom were cried, but the fourth is still a mystery. (Although in 2010, the artist offered a clue: Nypvtt letters are an encryption of the word Berlin.)

Manhattan tap water is not a kosher.

Kitchen sink

Tiny crustaceans have been detected in the city of the city of New York and, while these creatures do not pose any threat to health, technicallydisqualify the water to be considered kosher.

Timothy Leary broke out of prison.

Timothy Leary

This can be a dramatic way to put it. In fact, the defenders of the psychedelic, serving a sentence for the possession of marijuana, simplywandering From the minimum security prison in which he had been placed in September 1970 by changing his prison uniform into a station service nearby.

Cold water is as clean as hot water.

Young couple doing laundry

When using a modern detergent,The clothes will also be cleanthat hot or cold water is used. There is a major difference: hot water uses much more energy (about 75% of the energy used for a laundry charge has just reheat the water).

The incanions used nodes to keep records.

Knotted quipu wall art

Instead of handwritten notes, incidental people used nodes related to pendants and cords to perform their accounting. Calledquicker, the types of nodes and their location relative to the top of the cord would change the meaning of the device. On600 examples of which have been discovered so far.

A rang from the American park once struck by lightning seven times.

Lightning bolt hitting the ground

It would beRoy Cleveland Sullivan, a park guard at Shenandoah National Park in Virginia, which between 1942 and 1977 was struck by lightning onSeven different occasions, winning an entry into theGUINNESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS and the nickname "human lighting rod". He survived everyone and lived at the age of 71.

The expiry dates of the water bottles are for the bottle, not the water.

Water bottles in factory

After a moment, plastic will startLixiviation in the liquid.

Queen Elizabeth would not sit on the throne of iron.

Iron Throne from Game of Thrones

WhenQueen Elizabeth paid a royal tour to the whole ofGame Of Thrones In Northern Ireland, she refused to sit on the iron throne for legal reasons. As a series co-creatorDavid Benioff RecountSquire"Apparently, the Queen of England is not allowed to sit on a foreign throne ... It's an esoteric rule that we did not know until that time."

A hiker found and returns an old wallet.

Group of hikers in the Andes

Halfway from a glacier in the Andes, hikerRicardo Peña Found a portfolio. He belonged to a Uruguayan rugby player who had been in a 1972 aircraft accident in which all my passengers died. As it turned out, the portfolio belonged to one of the survivors. Peña followed him and returned the portfolio, more than three decades after his loss.

The South Koreans are four centimeters higher than North Koreans.

Busy street in South Korea

A Sungkynunkwan University researcher in Seoul found thatNorth Koreans are four inches shorter On average, South Koreans, because of malnutrition, economic stagnation and lack of immigration as reasons for difference.

The shelters of the animals are slammed on July 5th.

Dogs in animal shelter

It makes sense: many petsrun away From the house for fear of July 4th fireworks.

The most efficient pirate in the world was a woman.

Pirate flag

The Chinese pirate of the nineteenth centuryChing Shih, a former sex worker and fearful pirate widowCheng I, became an extremely successful pirate to herself, succeeding her husband and order more than 1,800 pirate ships and 80,000 men (the secrets she had learned about her powerful customers at the brothel are also practical).

There may be treasures in Virginia.

Bedford County Courthouse in West Virginia
André Jenny / Alamy

A set of coded texts known asBeale figures (As they were acquired originally by a prospector namedThomas Jefferson Beale In the early 1800s), it is said that the location of a massive treasure: about 43 million gold, silver and jewelry. Among the three texts, it was cracked, revealing that the treasure is in Bedford County, Virginia. Where is it exactly in this county remains unknown.

A sea lion once saved a man.

Sea lion

A named man jumped the Golden Gate Bridge of San Francisco, but survived despite the breaking of his back. Although it seemed that it would not be long for this world, a sea lion came to the rescue,swim under him and keep it afloat until the arrival of the Coast Guard.

The rich Russians hire false ambulances.

New York ambulance

While "The Chaser Ambulance" could be an insult in the United States, the Russians take their selfish use of emergency vehicles at another level by recruiting "Ambulance taxis"Designated ambulances within one hour, they hire $ 200 an hour that explode their sirens to speed up the passenger through traffic.

The milk wagons gave us lines of the American pavement.

Coastal highway at sunset

Considered "the most important single traffic safety device", the painting of the lines in the center of the roads was designed byEdward Hines In 1911 when hesaw the dotted guippes a dried milk wagon and struck on the concept.

Pandas false pregnancy for better care.

Panda eating bamboo

A Chinese panda named Ai Hin was pregnant believer (showing signs like an increased appetite and less movement), and the zooome templates assured that she was well supported with extra dishes, a single room with air conditioning and more Again. But then they realized that she was not pregnant at all.Researchers believe This may have been a false deliberate to obtain the best treatment and the treaty.

Companies have not seen the value of layer stations.

Diaper changing station in public bathroom

Although changing stations are changing are now a current view in public places, it was not always the case. When the founder of Koala's change tables first tried to sell them to businesses, he was filled with the total disinterest. But thanks to a marketing thrust representing a woman who changes a layer on a raw bathroom floor, he started to change his mind. "We had to make them feel guilty"Jeff Hilger RecountFortune. This tactic worked, and soon, the McDonald target and other major chains asked to install them.

The author of the book of well-liked children Roald Dahl was a spy.

Portrait of Roald Dahl

Although better known as the author ofCharlie and the chocolate factory andJames and the giant fishing, the author tooput in time as a spy For the coordination of British security, the collection of information during the Second World War. One of his specialties was using his charm to seduce the ladies company, possibly for the collection of information, possibly for his own pleasure.

NASCAR drivers can lose up to 10 pounds of sweat due to high temperatures during shopping.

Two NASCAR cars racing on track

During a race, the temperature inside a racing car regularly reaches 170 ° due to engine and traction activity. Despiteventilation systems who blow the cold air in the seats, the helmet and near the feet, the heat can always lead the drivers toLosing between five and 10 pounds sweaty during each race. Excessive perspiration can cause concentration problems and slower reflexes, which is just one of the factors that makes this sport so dangerous.

The Indians spend more than 10 hours a week reading, more than any other country in the world.

Close up of woman holding stack of books

Social media and digital consumption have become so popular girls in most parts of the world that it is easy to forget that for some people, reading is always a main form of entertainment. On a2017 study, the average Indian spends 10 hours and 42 minutes a week. Compare this every five hours in America and 42 minutes a week. Other countries completing the first five are Thailand, China, the Philippines and Egypt.

Aurora Borealis has a sister phenomenon in the southern hemisphere called Aurora Australis.

Aurora Australis in New Zealand

The northern lights gets a lot of advertising threshing, often flying the headlights of the southern fires, which are visible from New Zealand, Tasmania and Antarctica.Aurora australis, as Aurora Borealis, occurs when solar particles face gases in the atmosphere of the Earth. Also like North Nords, the best time to see this beautiful show of light is in winter - South Winter, of course. March to September are the primordial seasons.

The pineapples have been named after the pine cones.


Christopher Colombus First seen from the pineapple during the exploration of the island of Guadeloupe in 1493, but the first reference given to a fruit of that name was only 1694. Because of its outside, a different group of European explorers. 'has named "pineapple"After the cone of pins just as thorny. Later, in the twentieth century, the pineapple obtained its official scientific name" pineapple cosmosus, "which literally translates into" excellent tufted fruit ".

A Californian woman attempted to pursue Cap'n'Crunch manufacturers after learning that Crunch berries were not real berries.

Crunch Berries cereal

Jeanine Sugawara Was devastated when she cracked a Cap'n'Crunch Crunch cereal cereal box to find that there was not a single bay in the box. To feel "deceived" of the cereal company, it continued Quaker Oats, who owns Cap'N'Crunch, on the ground offake pub. The complaint was quickly rejected when the judge reminded him that there is no "crunchberry".

The full name of Cap'n'Crunch is Horatio Magellan Crunch.

Cap'n Crunch box

And his ship is called S.S. Guppy. Be named after the famous explorerFerdinand Magellan Is it not the only little known on the celebrity cereal. Other fun anchors on the captain understand that he comes from a distant island known asCrunch Islandwhere he has his own monument called Mount Crunchmore. The biggest secret of Horatio is that it is not really a captain. Just look at its uniform and you will see that it is actually the scratches of a commander.

Apple briefly had its own line of clothing and lifestyle in 1986.

Apple founder Steve Jobs
Getty Images

Although these cheese graphic tees would be a success today, they were a miserable flop when Apple presented them for the first time in 1986. DuringSteve Jobs' In short hiatus of Apple, the successful technology company has decided to see how much the love of their fans could stretch. Apparently, it was not far away because branded clothes, accessories and life goods from the Apple Collection collection were a commercial flop. Sunglasses, pins back and original$ 4 Apple Watchare just some of the goods they could not sell.

The IKEA catalog is the most printed book in history.

Ikea exterior

With more than 200 million outstanding copies each year, the IKEA catalog surpasses the Bible, the Koran and theHarry PotterSeries to win the title of the worldmost printed book. Annual catalogs are usually about 350 pages and vary in each of the 72 regions in which it is distributed. For example, catalogs in Saudi Arabia only present men on their photos.

3 The musketeer bars had three aromas until the war rations gnaw too difficult to access the aromas of vanilla and strawberry.

3 Musketeers Bar cut in half

If you have already wondered why the mellow delicately mellow3 Musketeers The bars were named, it was because when they were invented for the first time in 1932, they came into three breakable pieces. Not only were they made for sharing between three people, but they came with three different flavors in each bar: strawberry, chocolate and vanilla. They also had a slogan inspired byAlexandre Dumas"New classic:" Everything for one, or one for two others! "When the rations of the Second World War have kept hard to feed on strawberry and vanilla strawberries, the chocolate company has rotated at the bar that we know and love today.

Crocodiles are one of the oldest living species, having survived for more than 200 million years.

Crocodile in a swamp

Scientists still do not know how, but crocodiles have managed to survive dinosaurs of 65 million years. In fact, crocodiles have always been so well designed for survival, that modern crocodiles are barely different than those found in fossils. Just some theories about how they managed to survive so long arecrocodile"Ability to go long periods without eating, their ability to survive in land and water, and the fact that they can easily adapt to cold temperatures easily.

Bacon's salinity is not natural - it comes from hardening and mastery.

Closeup on cooked bacon

Although pork naturally contains sodium (as well as meat), the salinity we love about ham, bacon and any number of pork products is actually the result ofCurriculcing and rupture process. After the raw meat was left to soak in salt or salt water, it becomes dehydrated, flavored and preserved. It is also the process that creates Salami, Pepperoni and other healed meats.

There was a fifth beateux named Stuart Sutcliffe.

Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and John Lennon of The Beatles

The Scottish painter and the bassistStuart SutcliffeWas an original member of the Beatles when they were just a club act in Hamburg, Germany. There, he met his fiancée,Astrid KirchherrAnd decided to stay behind him to be with her. Only a year later, he has undergone brain haemorrhage and died at the age of 21. In the meantime, his old band groups would become the most popular musicians in history. Over the years, many others have received the title of the "Fifth Béattle, "Including the producerGeorge MartinProfessional managerDerek Taylorand road directorNeil Aspinall.

The cracking sound that your joints are the sound of liberated gases.

Woman cracking knuckles

Some people like and some people hate her, but what's doingarticular cracking so strong? When joints are stretched, the gas pockets that are trapped between them are released. When these oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide bubbles escape, they could make a jump or cracking noise. Whether or not an intentional joint cracking is bad for your health has not yet been decided. Some scientists say harmless, while others say it can lead to osteoarthritis.

Your bones can multiply in the density-times eight.

Medical skeleton

While most people know osteoporosis, which leads to fragile bones, you may be less familiar with theGenic mutation LRP5. Those who have the mutation have bones several times denser - up to eight, in extreme cases, that the average person, with cases of individuals afflicted away from car accidents and other impact injuries. Without fractures or broken bones.

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The largest snowflake at check-in was 15 inches wide.

Snowflake crystal

On 28 January 1887, two years before Montana was even a state, US Army staff witnessed the strange view of aFrisbee Snow Flake Falling from heaven in what is now Keogh, Montana. The snowflakes sometimes combine before reaching the ground, leading to large thick snowflakes. Today, it remains the holder of the highest snowflake of Guinness World Record.

Scotland has more than 400 words for "snow".

Gloved hands holding snow

When the linguists of the University of Glasgow compiled the firstScottish historical glossary, one of the three official languages ​​of Scotland, they were blended generous ways to express theconcept of snow. Some of these words include "snow" (snow), "feast" (snow swirling) and "Flindinkin" (a light snow shower). And this giant snowflake that fell to Montana? The hat would be called a "skin".

A pig was formerly executed to murder a child in France.

Pigs in pen

Before rolling your eyes, know that it happened in the Middle Ages, when animals were regularly judged for human crimes. An example of such an essay took place in the French village of Fontenay-aux-Roses in 1386. The defendant, a young pig, was arrested for attacking the face of a baby. When the complications of injury finally killed the 3 month, the pig was sent to the prison and later,executed publicly After failing to provide a strong defense for his crimes. Naturally.

Someone tried to sell New Zealand on eBay but was arrested once the offer reached $ 3,000.

Ebay logo on phone screen

There is an ongoing rivalry between Australia and New Zealand, but in 2006, an Australian man came very close to winning. In May 2006, he opened an offer on the e-commerce platform for the country of New Zealand.Offers started at $ 0.01. The prices of the offers climbed up to $ 3,000 before Ebay officials, the addition of "clearly New Zealand is not for sale". Nevertheless, New Zealand was salty on the stuffing. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the country at the time, even called it "absurd stupidity".

A Canadian woman who lost her wedding ring while gardening found her 13 years later to push on a carrot.

Two wedding rings on a piece of paper

Mary grams Always loved gardening, but not as much as she loved her husband. That's why she could not bear risk breaking her heart by telling her that she lost her wedding ring in the garden. Instead, she came out and bought a cheap replacement. More surprising than the fact that her husband has never noticed that the difference is the fact that 13 years after the incident,The ring reflected on a carrot Grow up in the same garden.

The city of Boring has a sister town called dull.

Sign in Dull, Scotland
Stephen Finn / Alamy

The city of L'Oregon de Boring, named after the founderWilliam H. Boring, claimed the village of mourd, in Perthshire, Scotland, like his sister city. The governor of Oregon appointed on August 9 to be theOfficial day boring and dull throughout the state.

McDonald's has once tried to sell flavored broccoli in Bubblegum to encourage healthier children.

Broccoli on a plate

It missed, obviously. Over the last decade, McDonald has incorporated healthier options into its menus. It now offers a full range of salads and in 2011, it has allowed to exchange fries for apples in happy meals. Before deciding apples, however, theExperienced fast food chain With a bunch of fruits and vegetables, including broccoli. But not any broccoli. Conscious that children traditionally despise the dasandful green veggie, McDonald is designed to taste like Bubblegum.

In the 1990s, North Korean teachers were required to play accordion.

Accordion player

A famous North Korean Mysterious is full of surprises, it is not the least that is its cultural penchant for the accordion. The musical squeezebox is known as the "people" instrument, because its practical size makes it ideal for taking steps. For years, the accordion has been taught in North Korean schools. It is therefore not surprising that in the 1990s, teachers were required to pass an accordion review to get the work, according to book interviews.Nothing to envy: ordinary lives in North Korea.

The punctuation mark?! is called an Interrobang.

Man sitting on couch and writing

This is true, the interrogation interrogation mark combined only if many of us abuse in text messages have a name. He was invented in the 1960s by a man admittedly appointedMartin Speckter Who wanted to lend typographic form to advertising messages of advertising campaigns that were both questions and exclamations. Think: "Eu of milk?!" Or "Can you hear me now?!" Theinterrogang Originally looked like this, "" but nowadays, most people use instead of its two root symbols.

Doritos are flammable and can be used as lighting.

Doritos with guacamole

If you are still in a connection, throw Doritos on the grill and lift them. Although you can do almost anything, flavored corn chips are particularly convenient because they will burn for a long time. In fact, most chips will serve as good fire enders because they are made of flammable oil hydrocarbons, according to a survey ofThe star. The most covered with powdered aromatization, the longer the fire will last!

It is illegal to own a single guinea pig in Switzerland.

Guinea pig

In this alpine country, it's more the merry when it comes to guinea pigs. Because grinning rodents are herd animals, they can be severely depressed when alone. In an improvement effortSocial rights for animalsSwitzerland officially considers to have a single guinea pig an act of animal cruelty. For those who were already single owners of cloaters before the law is adopted in 2008, rent-A-Guinea companies can offer your beloved fur ball with a PAL.

In 2016, a Florida man was charged with assault after starting a live alligator through a Drive-Thru window.

Baby alligator

In perhaps the most floridian attack ever, the deadly weapon of choice was an alligator. Like 24 yearsJoshua James was delivered from his drink to Wendy's Drive-Thru,He threw an altigator living 3.5 feet at the companion for absolutely no reason. As a result, he was accused of aggression with a deadly weapon, possession of an alligator and small flight. It has also been banned from all WENDY fast food restaurants.

American Airlines saved a boat load by removing a single olive of meals.

Display of green and black olives

Three decades ago, the leaders of the American Airlines, seeking to save money,removed the only olive This has been included in every first class meal. As indicated byJet set On BRAVO, this saved the airline about $ 40,000 a year in 1980s.

Great Britain once had a cone hotline for people to report the cones of the rowed road.

Traffic cone on rainy street

Under the forecast of an initiative called Citizen Charter, Great Britain has set up a hotline to improve public services, a traffic cone at a time. TheHotline of conesWas launched In 1992 for citizens to report cones from traffic on the road "No apparent reason". The policy has been mocked both to be useless in use and to be a waste of money from the government before its dissolution in 1995. Its failure inspired the term "cone syndrome" used to describe policies that No real goal serve.

Starbucks moved under.

Starbucks coffee logo in front of shop

While the green mermaid logo can be omnipresent throughout the United States, Starbucks did not have so many success in Australia. After opening dozens of locations throughout the continent from 2000, low demand has closed 70% of its locations, leaving only 23 cafes across the country, such asreported by CNBC.

Why did it flop? According toSearch Analyst of Gartner Thomas O'Conne, the mark ", launched too quickly and did not give the Australian consumer an opportunity to develop an appetite for the Starbucks brand. They also moved into regional areas, in external suburbs of large cities ... was not organic growth. "

The first written use of "OMG" was in a letter of 1917 to Winston Churchill.

Winston Churchill

The days were dark during the First World War, when Europe was at war and that global powers like Great Britain mobilized their strengths. A famous British admiral of the Royal Navy had retired by 1917 when he wrote toWinston Churchill Share his grip on the big titles of the day, some of whom were so exciting,he wrote, "O.m.g. (Oh! My God!)." How could he know that the acronym he invented would become one of the most used sentences in the world?

The hot flamin cheetos were invented by a concierge.

Bags of Flamin Hot Cheetos

Richard Montañez, working at the Fritto plant in southern California, launched the idea ofAdding Chile Powder Regular Chenetos at the CEO of the company. Top Lawrass liked the idea and, since its success, Montañez has noted the ranks of society and now serves leader for Pepsico.EVA Longoriais evenLead a movie about him.

The largest living organism is an Aspen Grove in Utah called Pando.

Aspen grove with yellow flowers
Inga Spence / Alamy

Blue whales can be the largest animals on the planet, but they are not the largest living organism. ThePando Aspen Grove Is composed of 47,000 trees of identical green tremors covering 106 acres of national fish forest at Utah. Aspen Grove is connected by a single shared root system and has been around for thousands of years. Unfortunately, Pando has decreased for decades due mainly about human intervention and animal grazing. Only the time will say that if the conservation efforts will make a difference.

The molten glaciers make a sparkling sound called "Bergy Seltzer".

Melting iceberg

The sound caused by melting glaciers and icebergs is similar to sparkling soft drinks, which inspired the name "Bergy Seltzer. "It occurs when the fusion of water releases tiny air bubbles that have been trapped under the ice for centuries. The sound is so strong that it can be used to determine the distance from icebergs at sea.

Abandon a shark to the envelope makes it motionless for 15 minutes maximum.

Four sharks swimming underwater

If only the people of the Amice, Long Island, had known that, the filmJaws would have finished differently! It turns out that a shark achille heel is upside down. Some shark species fall into a state ofTonic immobility Due to the relaxation of muscles and respiratory system. The shock puts them in a trance that can make them look like dead. About 15 minutes later, they will become responsive again and return to normal. Some killer whales even exploit this trait by force-tilted sharks so that they can easily access prey.

Utah's Brigham Young University male students need special permission to grow a beard.

Man with beard

BYU is the Mormone Phare University and has a number of other also strict directives that prohibit premarital sex, tattoos and alcohol, to name a few. Until 2015, it wasAgainst school policy For any student to cultivate a beard. Now the guidelines have been adjusted to allow people with health problems, actors in need of a beard for a role and some religious to cultivate a beard if necessary.

When Koko, the gorilla met Mister Rogers, she took off her shoes as she had seen on her television show.

Fred Rogers

Koko, the beloved gorilla celebrates for his warm personality, his love of cats and his ability to communicate through the language of the signs had a favorite show:The neighborhood of Roger. When she finally metMr. Rogers For the first time, she recognized him right away and immediately helped him off off his shoes and remove them, just as she had seen on her show. In the same meeting, she also kissed her and rocked her in her arms to show she loved her.

If you die alone in the Netherlands, someone will write you a poem and you will recite it at your funeral.

A closeup of flowers atop a funeral casket outdoors

For solitary people who dazzle close relatives and no one claim them to death, there will be at least one person at their funeral: a poet. In response to these so-called "solitary funeral", the country has implemented the ritual ofSolitary funeral poems, in which the poets seek the deceased, written a poem in their honor and recite it to the burial. What started as a small project in Amsterdam became a competition at the national level.

In the sixteenth century, poets exchanged stylized insults of the rap battle in an act called "Flying".


The word "volting" comes from the old English word for "quarrel". Something like today's freestyle rap battles, the goal of flying was to create so devastating poetic insults to your competitor they would be too insulted to gather a return. A registered exchange is known asThe flight of Dunbar and Kennedie, in which Kennedie says Dunbar, "You look like crows already eaten your cheeks; rebound, rebellious, your rhymes and sorry screams." Which burns.

Alan Shepard astronaut hit two golf balls on the surface of the moon.

Astronauts on moon

On the Apollo 14 spatial mission in 1971,Alan Shepardbecame the first and only person to play golf somewhere than the earth. He attached a six iron head (he had contrabanded on board a sock) to a piece of rock collection equipment and hit two golf balls during the surface of the moon, hitting his second coup of course 200 meters.

The beauty and the Beast was written to help girls accept arranged marriages.

Disney's Beauty and the Beast
Walt Disney Studios Movement Photos

The original version ofThe beauty and the Beast was a story of 1740 by the French novelistGabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve, in which the beast was a hideous combination of an elephant and a fish. According toLiterature for academic childrenMaria TatarThe tale was written to encourage girls to accept arranged marriages ", for an alliance that needed to erase their own desires and submit to the will of a monster."

The first Russoaster was invented in Coney Island as a means of distracting people from sinful activities.

Wooden roller coaster

Another inventor,Lamarcus Thompson, was disgusted by the debauchery of the inhabitants of New York. The salons and the brothels that were so popular in the late 1800s were a shame in Thompson, who wanted to offer a family-free way to have fun. Thereby,The Rollercoaster was born. It was inspired by the western railway tracks, especially one called the hijacked railway of Chunk Mauch, which included a 665 feet drop of 665 feet at high speed.

The German word "Kummerspeck" means weight won to eat emotional.

Woman eating donuts

One of the many unbound words in English is "Kummerceck", which literally translates into" bacon grief "or" grief fat ". The bacon might not be your food of choice of choice, but the idea remains the same. That you are singing on healed meat or cream Ice during emotional crisis periods, Kummerspeck adds an insult to injury. It is also proof that the idea of ​​food as comfort is included on cultural culture.

Continental plates derive about the same rate as nails grow.

Person clipping nails

That is about a millimeter a week.Tectonic plates, which divide the continents, derive because of the heat that pushes its path to the surface of the core of the earth. It is the same activity that causes earthquakes and volcanic activity. At the rate they move, tectonic plates end up drift between one and two inches each year.

The nephew of Hitler wrote a dictator's defamation test, and moved to the US.S. And served in the navy to fight his uncle.

Adolf Hitler stands in a convertible and shakes hands with his followers

William "Willy" Patrick Hitler was born in Liverpool to a British mother and a German father, the half-brother ofAdolf Hitler. When Anglo-German relations started to warm up due to the flamboyant of its uncle, Willypublished a try inSee Magazine titled "Why I hate my uncle." As the war broke out, he moved his family to the United States, where he tried to enlist in the American Navy but was refused. After the Japanese bombarde Pearl Harbor,Franklin D. Roosevelt It took a second look at Willy's request and finally approved it to participate in the fight against the Nazis.

Brunch was originally invented to heal the hangover.

Friends cheers at brunch

The favorite Millennials meal was invented in 1895 by an English writer namedFrank Beringer, who published an article called "Brunch: a plea" inHunter Weekly newspaper. In his article, he described an alternative to the traditional Sunday dinner he nicknamed "brunch". He argued that getting up early was not fun for those who had been wild Saturday night and that brunch was the ideal place for people to gather around noon, tells the tales of their wild nights and enjoy the company of each one.

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