If you have this beer at home, throw it up now, manufacturers warn

Manufacturers warned that this beer could do serious damage if it is not eliminated correctly.

There is nothing like a fresh and fresh beer on a hot summer day, unless this beer turns quickly. Recently, aBrewer remembered One of their popular beers for a very serious reason. Manufacturers advise you to start beer, but that you do it very carefully because there could be consequences if it is incorrectly eliminated. Read it to find out if you have this potentially dangerous beer recalled at home.

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Pinkwheel GOSE GOSE DE WELLINGTON BREWERY has just been recalled.

On July 29,Brewery Wellington Published a statement that advised whoever bought his beer with pineapple gable at the pineapple to which she was recalled. "During a routine quality control panel, we have identified that some cans have undergone a secondary fermentation, causing higher levels of CO2 in cans, resulting in a higher internal pressure than normal to Inside the cans, "explains the statement. "With this increase in the internal power of the internal power, there is a risk of these cans that separate, separating the seal or potentially bursting at higher temperatures."They shared a photo Beer affected on Instagram.

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While the beer itself is not harmful, the box could explode.

Metal cans with ice cubes in mini refrigerator

The company noted that the beer itself is not harmful to drink. However, "If cans are stored at a higher temperature, there is the risk they can burst." Wellington Brewery suggests that if you have this beer at home, you keep the refrigerated at a temperature that will not cause it to burst "until you can safely dispose of it."

The beer can be purchased individually, but also as part of a variety pack.

Pouring beer from a can
Skynesher / iStock

The batch affected by beer is the pineapple glove of June 24, 2021. The company voluntarily remembers "GOSE pineapple - PKG June / 24/2021 (date code printed on the basis of CAN) and" Pack of WELLY VOL 10 - PKG Jun / 03/2021 (06/03/21 - Sticker on the bottom of the box). "If you have beer with one of these labels, make sure to walk carefully to get rid of it.

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Wellington Brewery offers to replace defective beer.

bearded man drinking a glass of light beer.

The Company proposes to replace the recalled product of consumers who have it. Anyone who bought beer can [email protected] and include where and when you purchased the item in the e-mail. Wellington Brewery then abused this disadvantage. "From everyone here to the brewery, we would like to apologize for that ... We know that you are better at us, and we will examine our quality packaging and control procedures so that it does not happen again. Thank you for your patience and agreement. "

RELATED:This is the state that drinks the most beer, the data show data.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Alcohol / food / News / Safety
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