If you see this bug, you may need to do the quarantine

More than 30 counties are already quarantined because of the spotted lanterns. Is yours next?

In May, just when we thought the Pandemic of Covid-19 was all we could handle, we learned aboutmurder. And now, 2020 has launched another creature our way to worry. EnterThe spotted lantern, a beautiful and destructive bug that has a body resembling striped bees and a set of picking wings on a pair of red wings, both speckled with black spots. While the bug may seem benignant enough - after all, at least "murder" is not in its name-New Jersey and Pennsylvania put a combination34 Quarantine counties because of his presence. And if you live on the east coast, your county could be next.

According to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), thespotted lanterns is not a danger for humansBut it wreaves ravages about plant life. It can seriously affect crops, including almonds, stone fruits, apples, hops and a variety of trees. And it is known to transport Silly to transport oneself by people because it can only steal short distances. Therefore, the current quarantine put in place to prevent these insects from propagation from being implemented to directly protect humans, but our agriculture.

Currently,26 Counties de la Pennsylvania are quarantined And 8 in New Jersey: Warren, Hunterdon, Mercer, Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, Salem and Somerset.

"While the spotted lantern is not a threat to humans or animals, it is known to feed on 70 different types of plants and trees," said New Jersey's Ministry of Agriculture in a declaration. "The ministry asks that anyone moves in a quarantine county made a quick inspection of their vehicle for the spotted Lanterfly before leaving."

Spotted lanternfly

The quarantine slows the spread of the spotted lantern, thus giving public servants more time to control their population. "We work diligently to slow down the progress of this bug", the New Jersey Ministry of AgricultureDouglas Fisher said in a statement. "We target targeting areas in which serious infestations have been confirmed and we also encourage residents to destroy the spotted lantern if possible if possible when they see it. It will take a combined effort to help keep this pest order to spread . "

The spotted Lanterfly is indigenous in China, but has mitigated a walk in the United States in 2014 on a landing shipment in the County of Berks, Pennsylvania. "The species has progressed since:" The New Jersey Department of Agriculture has declared.

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Santernfly Serfire signs touched in your garden in your garden is "plants that cry or cry and have a fermented odor" an "accumulation of sticky liquid (honey) on plants and on the floor below the infested plants" or "mold of luoter on infested plants ", according to the USDA. If you see one of these signs, you shouldContact your local extension office WhereOFFICIAL REGULATORY OF STATE PLANTS. For more creatures that could be in your yard, check17 health dangers hidden disruptive in your garden.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: animals / News
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