I am a doctor and it ages terribly your skin

Avoid these triple threats, according to this certified board dermatologist.

As a dermatologist certified by the board, I am asked all the time: how can I look younger? I say the first thing to do is stop getting older. Triple triple triple-sun, smoking and sugar - are some of our greatest guilty for visible signs of aging and cellular damage.

  • With regard to food, Sugar Sag or glycation is a major price. All sugar forms are very inflammatory and can literally be seen on your face! (It can also be contributed to the acne sessions of conditions, including rosacea, eczema or psoriasis.)
  • LETTINES can also age or inflammatory, hidden even in the foods we consider healthy, such as oatmeal.
  • Blue light is a more recent form of aging and damage less studied, but there is informed searches that indicate that it is also a key factor over time.

Read more about the most dangerous forms of these threats and how you can go up the clock.


Excessive sugars

Man pouring added sugar packet into drink

... In our blood blood, attach particularly the proteins that produce free radicals [age], resulting in damages, including shortening our telomeres, making our cells more resistant to the repair and deformation of the vasculature Cutaneous. They break down our collagen fibers and slow down the collagen building process, leaving their brand and contributing to advanced signs of aging.



Black lentils red lentils puy lentils

... can cause atopic reactions, including skin rash, inflammation are common results and constitute a type of protein that can also reduce the absorption of nutrients in our foods, so vitamins and Minerals or greens rich in antioxidants of the skin advantages that we comply with cell support are canceled. outside.


UV rays

Woman covering face by hand of bright sun light.

... from the sun Cause free radical damage, an aging of the photo, a production of erratic melanin, a hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation, dry squamous patches, expanded pores, actinic keratosis and various types of lines and wrinkles.


Blue light

Woman look at tablet computer at home

... penetrates the skin and causes cell damage that can accelerate the aging process. Even short exposure bursts less than 60 minutes can trigger changes leading to both cellular aging and visual aging.

RELATED: The case # 1 of diabetes, according to science


As it concerns ...

Middle age hoary senior man

... the harmful health risks are involved but specifically for the skin, it reduces the oxygen cells, dries and damages the cells of the skin, the pursuit of the lines and wrinkles around the mouth and even eyes. It affects elasticity, texture, structure, repair functions, pore size and even color. Many visible signs can be somewhat attenuated or improved, but often cell damages leading to advanced signs of aging over time are simply not fully reversible, even with laser treatments and topics.


What should you do to prevent these things from aging your face?

middle aged woman applying sunscreen lotion on face on the beach

A 365 solar screen above or below the towel should be covered daily even when you work at home. Outside and in a more intensive sun, double on a sunscreen every 90 minutes with 30 spf and add a cap or solar protective clothing.

Eliminate most or all simple sugars of your plan:

  • Concentrate on natural fruit sugars in the diet but limited quantities
  • Look for low glycemic foods
  • Introduce a natural and high percentage of high black chocolate as a treatment on other sweet sweets
  • Know where to find hidden sugars and read labels
  • Limit alcohol. Change the potato vodka or high sugar wine for grape-based vodka [like CIROC] with low concentration and never add sweet mixers.

Look for a protector for your technology. Check the settings on the blue safety and lock devices, when possible.

Do not even take a cigarette, drop a pack! And to protect your health, do not miss these Signs you get one of the "most deadly" cancers .

Ava Shamban, MD, is a Certified Board dermatologist based in Los Angeles and is the founder of Dermatology AVA ® , Skim Medical spas and THE BOX OF DR AVA .

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