If you bought this on Amazon, stop it immediately, the authorities say

The product has a potentially dangerous safety risk.

When you need a particular product in a hurry, there are few places easier toFind what you are looking for that Amazon. In a few clicks a few clicks, you can locate virtually any article, buy it, and know that it will arrive at your door day later. However, with so many products available, some occasionally fall through cracks when it comes to safety. Unfortunately, this is the case with an exclusive Amazon product that is drawn from the market and the authorities say to anyone at home to stop using it immediately. Read it to find out if your Amazon purchases are affected and what to do if you have the product reminded at home.

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A bath seat sold on Amazon has been recalled.

blue plastic baby bath seat on white background
Courtesy of the friezes

On 19 August, the Consumer Product Safety Board (CPSC) announced that Frieysss had recalled about 120 of hisInfantile bath seats. The seats were sold exclusively on Amazon between 2021 and 2021 of April for about $ 40.

The affected bath seats are blue plastic, have four green suction cups at the bottom and have stickers illustrating a sun, clouds, a lion and a squirrel holding two balloons on their front consoles. Other identifiers of the recall seat include a sticker on the packaging with bar code number X002RO6GV and the words "Baby shower flesh ... made in China" and the words "Pull on the rubber tab below to release Vacuum cleaners of the bathtub "stamped on the underside of the seat.

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The bath headquarters has been drawn from the market on drowned concerns.

young man bathing baby in white tub
Shutterstock / Halfpoint

The reminder of the bath seat was launched after its discovery that it had not respected federal standards.

The seats did not specifically respond to the requirements for its leg openings or stability, and the CPSC warns that the seats can tilt, potentially put the infants within them at risk of drowning.

If you have the bath seat at home, stop using it now.

yellow rubber duck perched on ledge of bathtub
Shutterstock / Takasu

If you are in possession of the remembered bath seat, the CPSC recommends you to "stop immediately" using it.

Anyone who has purchased the seat affected can contact Frieyss at [email protected] to receive product recovery information and get a refund. The company also tends to people who bought the seat.

This is not the first exclusive Amazon product reminder in recent months.

kid in white bathrobe with towel on hair
Shutterstock / Natali Brillianata

A number of exclusive Amazon products for children have been drawn from the market this summer on security concerns.

July 28, about 6,000 pairs ofchildren's pajamas Sold exclusively on Amazon have been recalled because of their non-compliance with federal flammability standards. In June,Several night shirts and dresses sold exclusively on Amazon wererecalled for the same reason. Earlier this month, an exclusive Amazon toy was alsoderived from the market After discovering that the toy components contained highlead levels.

RELATED:If you bought this in Walgreens, stop using it now, the authorities say.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: News / Safety / Shopping
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