7 signs that you caught Covid, like Ellen Degeneres

Catch the early virus is essential to prevent propagation.

Earlier this month, Ellen Degeneres announced that she was the latest positive testing celebrity for Covid-19. And, she revealed how it's okay."Hi everyone, just saying thanks all the wishes well there. I appreciate it a lot," said Dengeneres in aInstagram video Posted yesterday. "I feel 100%. I feel really good .... She does not tell you is that you get, in one way or another, atrocious pains on the back," A-T -The pursued, adding that she "did not know it was a symptom". "Who knew? How are you?" Degeseurs wondered. "Back pain. Bad." Yes, the pains of the muscles and backs are a symptom.An important aspect of virus prevention to spread to others - and save yourself - identifies your own infection. Read 7 ways to say if you have Covid and make sure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Fever or chills

young woman sitting on a couch having a strong headache

Similar to influenza, a fever is one of the most common initial symptoms of COVID-19. Although some people with the virus have a brief increase in the temperature of two to 14 days after the initial exposure if you meet a fever of 100.4 ° F or 38 ° C or more, you must call your doctor.

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A persistent dry cough - usually associated with fever - is the most common sign of coronavirus. Unlike a wet cough, there will be little no-mucus. While other symptoms could be temporary, according to a July study by the CDC, 43% of people diagnosed with COVID-19 reported that their cough had not disappeared from 14 to 21 days after their initial positive test.


Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

Pretty brunette coughing on couch at home in the living-room.

Shortness of breath is another symptom defining from COVID-19, because the virus attacks the respiratory system. Although it is one of the first symptoms, it can linger for weeks to a month, depending on how inflammation and damage the lung experience.



Sick woman covered with a blanket lying in bed with high fever and a flu.

Another common symptom of Covid-19 is fatigue that can harm your ability to focus. For some people, this symptom does not disappear. "You can see people who have recovered that really do not come back to the normal they have very suggestive things about myalgic encephalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome: brain fog, fatigue and difficulty to focus" , Dr. Anthony Fauci said, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and member of the Coronavirus Working Group of the White House last month. "It's something we really need to look seriously because it could very well be a post-viral syndrome associated with Covid-19."


Muscle or bodyils - even, like Ellen, back pain

Woman's hands hold back spine suffering pain wear.

A common sign Your body is the fight against Covid-19 is muscle or bodily pain, similar to those experienced when they are infected with the flu.

RELATED:The symptoms of COVID usually appear in this order, study


New loss of taste or smell

Woman using chili pepper as a funny mustache

Another definitive initial symptom of COVID-19 is a loss of sense of taste or smell. According to a study published in the American Medical Association's Journal, 64% of people with COVID-19 reported a loss of smell or taste. While a July CDC survey revealed that the symptom lasted a median period of eight days, for others, this symptom can linger for months.


You test positive

Positive test result by using rapid test device for COVID-19, novel coronavirus 2019

The only way to really know if you have been infected by Covid-19 is being tested. If you think you have been exposed to the virus or to know symptoms, you must call your health care provider immediately or find a place to be tested. And until your test results come back, you should plan to avoid contacts with others in case you are infected. And to help put an end to this thrust, no matter where you live itfacial mask, the social distance, avoid big crowds, do not go inside with people that you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice good hand hygiene and protect your life and the lives of others , and do not visit these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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