7 plants that you had no idea could kill you

These popular plants might pose a serious risk for your family and four-legged friends.

That you arePlanting a garden in your yard Or adding a few potted plants to your living room, a little greenery can animate a space in a flash. However, these aesthetic additions to your home or outdoor space are not always as safe as you would like. In fact, experts say many popular plants are toxic to humans and animals and can cause serious problems or health-even death in case of appropriate handling. Before you put or your loved ones in danger, to read to discover the popular plants could kill you, according to experts.

RELATED:Never put these plants in your home if you have animals.


white blooms on a water hemlock plant
Shutterstock / Jessicahyde

It may seem beautiful, with flowers that look like those of the Queen Anne's lace, but the hundred water is not only invasive, it is too toxic,.

"As they are unlikely to be cultivated on a property, their invasive nature as a common weed, they can sometimes find their way in your garden or local. The toxins contained in the plant affects the central nervous system, which can cause death by asphyxia in humans and animals ", explains horticulturistThomas O'Rourke, A gardenerHorticulture magazine.

O'Rourke says that if you noticecicutte On your property, ask for advice from a professional is the best action plan for the disease to avoid or injury.

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Oleander terrifying plants
Shutterstock / Julian Popov

Do not let his pretty pink flowers fool you: Lauriers Roses is very toxic.

"Ingestion of the plant can be fatal for humans and animals. Although there have been very few human death reports caused by Oleander, the plant has been known as the cause of accidental intoxication in many parts of the world, especially for animals such as horses, dogs And cattle ", explains O'Rourke. He says it should never be cultivated on properties with children or animals.

Lily of the valley

Lily of the Valley plants that can kill

This popular flower may seem soft, but it can pose a serious risk for health if it is accidentally ingested.

"The consequences of ingestion of the beautiful flower could be fatal, especially for children," saysPOL BISHOP, A gardening expert and landscaping atFantastic gardeners. It notes that all parts of the plant, including its fruits, are toxic.

"Some symptoms that occur after the ingestion of lily of the valley may include vomiting, abdominal pain, nausea and heartbeat problems," adds the bishop, who recommends calling an anti-poison center if you have any Reasons to believe that the plant has been ingested by a member of your household.


rhubarb plant with full leaves in a garden
Shutterstock / DaseAford

Its stems are certainly tasty with pies, jams and other recipes. But the rhubarb leaves, on the other hand, can be very toxic to humans.

"The culinary plant leaves contain a known acid to form calcium oxalate crystals .... [which] can cause irritation of the skin, throat, mouth and tongue, and could lead In more serious problems, such as difficulty breathing, swelling of the throat and burning, "says the bishop. In rare cases, excessive consumption of rhubarb leavescan even be fatal, According to an article published in theAMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL.

RELATED:If you see in your yard, do not eat your garden.


foxglove with purple flowers outdoors on a sunny day
Shutterstock / Saskiaacht

If you want to protect yourself and protect your loved ones, care for everything on your Foxglove property with extreme caution.

"All parts of the Foxglove are extremely toxic. The plant contains cardiac glycosides that can be very toxic to humans, "says the bishop. "The seeds, ingestion of leaves or rods could lead to an irregular or slow heart rate, blood pressure, rashes and stomach pains. »

He says that anyone who ingests should Foxglove immediately see a doctor.


daphne shrub with purple flowers
Shutterstock / High Fliers

Its colorful flowers and brilliant leaves can make an interesting addition to your garden, but Daphne shrubs could pose a serious risk for your safety.

"Daphne and twig bays are very toxic," says the bishop. "Direct meeting with fresh brindles from the plant can lead to severe rashes and eczema in people with sensitive skin. »

According to the search published in theCanadian Journal of Plant Science, In addition to his "corrosive" sap, the ingestion of any part of the plant can be daphnefatale for humans and animals.


pothos plant in woven planter on table
Shutterstock / Firn

Easy to maintain And dynamic, Pothos plants are an element in countless fireplaces. Unfortunately, the popular plant can also be a serious threat.

"All varieties of Pothos contain calcium oxalate crystals that can cause combustion and swelling of the mouth, as well as gastrointestinal constraints," explains the expert garden Erinn Witz co-founder of Seeds and shovels . Like swelling of the mouth and airways can inhibit breathing, anyone or animal that may have ingested that the plant should look for immediate medical care.

RELATED: 7 things bringing wasps to your yard, experts say .

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Garden / Home / plants / Safety
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