How to drink with the boss without losing your job

A step by step guide to make a good impression (and avoid a disaster).

Few things are heavier than grasping a beer with the boss. But few are more necessary; If you want to climb the ladder, you must develop a relationship and one of your best opportunities to do is on a bar bar. But if you are not strategic and prudent to release, you could lose your handle. "A question that we do not often ask when it comes to drinking with the boss, what is the result I want?" Peter Bregman, CEO and author ofFour seconds: all the time needed to stop being counterproductive and get the results you want. "The positive result is that your boss leaves the drink and says," It's a very good person. " The negative result is that your boss to leave and say, "Oh my God, I can not believe what this guy has just said. 'Here's the Step by Step Guide of Bregman to make the best impression. For more a good impression, check these7 Guaranteed drinks controls to impress your boss.

Be real

Two Friends Drinking Boss

"As a boss myself, the last thing I want when I'm going for a drink with someone, it's for them to ask", "says Bregman. "In the end, your boss is a person and they like to relate to other people. Be respectful but be authentic." If you are dealing with a dictator head, use these8 warning ways to immerse your jerk boss.

Do not treat it as a performance criticism

Woman Talking with Boss at Bar

Break the ice by talking about a common experience; A recent project is a fair game, but do not ask for comments, says Bregman. "You are in a conversation. Talk about a meeting that you were in or something interest in your boss. If there is something you want to learn or know about him, it's a good time for the ask too. "

Do not be a sycophant

Men Shaking Hands at Bar Boss

Keep your lips on your pint, not on your boss's ass. "You do not have to agree with everything your boss says, because it could leave a bad taste in his mouth," says Bregman.

Avoid the negative

Gossiping with Boss

This is not the time to minimize the guy who does not pull his weight on your team, the food of the cafeteria, the mad cat woman in HR-or anything in particular. "You do not want to be a hateful," says Bregman. "You do not want to chat about other people. If there are prejudices or things you are angry or crying, keep them for yourself. If you end up saying something that leaves a Bad taste in your boss's mouth, he "ll re-form a negative perception when you return to the office."

Do not be wasted

Saying no to Alcohol Boss

Even though your boss is full of Bluto Bluarsky, this is not the time to try to follow. The risk of disaster is much larger than the link. "When I'm with customers, I still drink less than them. My general guideline is, do not bleed yourself," says Bregman. "You do not need to prove anything to your boss in this particular arena. If you do not spin, that's fine. If you drink, do it moderately."

If you embarrass yourself, own it the next morning

Woman Apologizing to Boss

Do the damage control quickly and directly. The next day, your boss necklace and apologizes. "Say I drank too much, and it was not a good call on my part," says Bregman. "Leave it or minimize and say," Oh no, it's not a big deal. "Then, say, 'Yeah, but I'm still not happy with that. I think everything is recoverable with sincere recognition and apology." For more than one business hilarity, see these15 things dictatorics bosses prohibited to their companies.

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