Get in shape a weekend

No time to exercise during the week? No problem. All you need is 40 minutes per weekend to build a strong and skinny body.

Few concepts capture the imagination of the American man as much as the Warrior Weekend: released from Workaday's life chains, he uses Saturday and Sunday to catch up with his family, soothe the soul and migration of One week of exercise missed in only two days. In fact, however, less than 3% of us live in this ideal, according to researchers in disease control and prevention centers. It is regrettable, all over 50% of us, the government's recommended dose of 90-minute exercise per week, because we are "too busy", according to a recent study at the University of Pittsburgh . But do not waste hope. "If you can book 20 minutes Saturday and 20 minutes on Sundays, you can still build muscles and lose weight," says Trainer Mike Boyle, owner of Mike Boyle Force & Conditioning, in Winchester, Massachusetts. CAUTION: You must also plan 10 minutes at home on Wednesday to lock your gains. "But that's all," said Boyle. "The key is to increase your training density, without compromising muscle performance." Here's how.

Saturday: back and low body

Perform the following exercises as tricks (mini-circuits in which you perform 10 to 15 repetitions of each exercise, moving from one to the other without rest). Once you have done the three exercises, rest for a minute, and then start again, finish three sets of each Triset.

First triset

Chin-up parallel grip
Front board

Second triset

Rows of dumbbell
Bicycle sides
Romanian dead lifts

Third triset

Swiss ball y's, t, w's
Captain Chair

Sunday: top of the body

Follow the same strategy as described in the training of Saturday, but instead of doing exercises in triplets, you will do them in pairs or supersets, "says Boyle. Training will not take more than 20 minutes, but when you're done, you will have struck all the major muscles of your top of the body.

Prime superset

Dumbbell bench presses
Side board


Squat curl presses

Third superset

Hammer curls

Wednesday: Muscle Maintenance

Perform a whole of each of the following exercises, make as many representatives as possible. Refit a minute between exercises. "The goal is to keep the gains you have made during the weekend," says Boyle. "It will also help prevent pain, will allow you to decide your next

Russian twists

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