20 Intelligent Ways Cool Keep Workers under pressure
And how they get things done.

As the legend did, the "under pressure" melody was manufactured by people who were, well, under pressure.David Bowie and the groupQueen Has arrived in the same studio at the same time, the two unable to lie down are happy to be happy. Exit of mutual frustration camaraderie, a jam session ensued, and Lo-And-Voinol, one number one is born. Success invariably requires we are going out of our comfort areas, taking a step back, finding new solutions to complex problems. Of course, you're not a globoterock star. But follow these tricks and you too, can have your number one shot. And for more stress relief advice, check the10 Best Stress Office Without Exercise.
1 Investigate

The first thing a guy feeling under pressure is to determine the amount of pressure he is really under. It's easy to let your hypotheses or imagination get you to imagine that you are taller than you are actually. Many people are used to imagining the worst, so when you are in the adhesion of a particular fear or anxiety, you have to ask yourself two questions, advisesJamie Price, well-being expert and co-founder ofStop, breathe and think: "1. Is it really true? I try to remember that my thoughts are not necessarily facts and that they are transient. They are like the passage of the bad weather and changing all the time, so I have not to take them. So seriously or become attached to them. 2. Do I go well now? Often, my anxiety must do with anxiety for the future, so it is useful to deliberately focus on what's going on currently, in the present.
The goal is to slowly repel threesome thoughts so that your mind can work rationally.
2 Get out of your head
This is particularly useful when you have been engaged in extremely concentrated or creative work. If you have beenResolution Issues For a moment, outdoors, and you feel like the processing power of your mind narrowed, it may be time to evacuate for a moment. "Extravert your attention. Mental stress puts your attention to your mind and mind and mental chat," saysCarolyn, MD, ND, an expert in stress and nutrition management, and author ofThe magnesium miracle.
"Look at the trees and the streets and the cars around your neighborhood, look outwards and will soon be extroverted and feeling relief from mental stress," adds Dean. Look on spell is like an exhaust mechanism who helps you order your thoughts and come back calmly to focus on a more rational perspective of things. Take breaks from your work to take a walk or talk to a colleague is also one of the15 ways to triple your productivity every day.
3 Log in to your senses
Another way to think about this and mobilize for an intense period, is to get out of your mind and refocusing on your body, breathe and meaning in the moment.
"To create a certain distance from anxious repetitive thoughts, I will draw my attention to each of the senses, melting in the present," says the price. "Wherever you are, take some slow and profound breaths and focus your consciousness on your environment. Look around and take notification of what you see. Simply observe the variety of colors, shapes and textures of what you see , without necessarily forming an opinion. "
Use the same technique to focus on your other senses: aim for your attention to sounds in your environment, the strongest or quietest insulation you hear. Move your consciousness to your sense of smell, considering what you feel and how many different scents you can detect; Let the exercise absorb you.
"Finally, bring your awareness for your sense of touch," says the price. "Allow and touch the floor under your fingers. Note how many different sensations you feel. See if you can describe them without thinking if you like sensations."
By connecting to your senses, you disconnect your problems and focus your mind, which gave it calm and energy. Start by stimulating and demolishing these5 myths of male stress.
4 Concentrate on the purpose of pain

On the same lines, do not try to go through the stress you feel by ignoring the source of your anxieties. It's a recipe for a startheart attack. If you pay attention to what you feel, you can better determine how to handle stress. "When you spend a crisis, try to find goals, such as its growth of your character," saysDr. Wyatt Fisher, an authorized psychologist based in Colorado. "Those who find goals in pain do it through much better life storms than those that do not do it. Immerse yourself in anxiety rather than ignore it." Using your energy to dive into your anxiety, instead of drilling you trying to avoid confronting stress, accumulatesresilience.
Train by picking up an area that creates an anxiety for you: Imagine that the worst scenario rejoices and how you manage it. "Although it can be uncomfortable, it can reduce anxiety by creating a battle plan in case it happens, which is a sense of preparation," says Fisher. Going to the source of your fear helps you create levers and mechanisms to deal with it in reality. Become more comfortable with discomfort is one of30 ways to avoid becoming too stressed.
5 Mini meditation
No, meditation is not only for new agers; It is an indispensable tool in the directory ofheads of thought and progressive thinkers. Often, a short period of 10 minutes can help you return to calm.
"A mini-meditation can be made at any time, anywhere, by anyone," says the author and speakerDr. Kathy Gruver, Ph.D., RM. "You simply focus on your breathing, the climb and the fall of the chest. On the inhale, you think," I am. "And repeat with every inhale. On expiration, you think," in peace ". And repeat this with every expiration."
If other thoughts are introducing yourself in your mind during this practice, pushing them gently aside (without judging them) and resume the process. This simple practice and variations thereof can reduce stress in minutes and help you better deal with high and high blood pressure. For more advice on how to handle this key number, see the10 best ways to reduce your blood pressure.
6 Help a friend or a less fortunate person
There are few things that return the pressure valve to your brain and prevent you from worrying about you for a while then spend your attention (even for a few minutes) to the needs of someone else. If that help afriend Move apartments, or volunteering in the community, do something altruistic will help you put the pressures you feel in perspective.
This is especially true to help the less fortunate: "Often we are isolated in our small part of the world and that our problems are insurmountable," says Fisher. "However, spending time with those less lucky than ourselves can change our point of view and make us understand that we should not be as stressed as us." A subjective look of things can make you feel as if you are trapped but you will observe the challenges of others can be instructive. This makes you understand that yours is not the worst type of stress.
7 Embrace uncertainty

The feelings of stress often come less specific challenges that you are in fact faced with those of the disturbing of whatcould to arrive. Train your mind to be comfortable with uncertainty can do wonders for your level of stress and help you recover your feeling of calm. "Take time every day to think about how nothing remains the same", suggests price.
Concentrate on something simple, like the circulation of water in a river or grass in the park. Notifying how many times your own thoughts change that in an hour gives you a new perspective. You can also invest time listening to guided meditation on change. "Recognizing that everything changes all the time can help you become more open, flexible and capable of going with the flow by accepting that most things are out of your control," adds the price. Do not sweep the little things and give yourself to these25 secrets of longevity to stay younger And learn to accept change.
8 Know your triggers

Anxiety often follows a motive. Invest time to read your reactions and appreciate what tends to make you feel stressed. "It's natural to be triggered when you think your status, your relationship, your certainty or power is threatened," saysJessica Powers, Leadership and Coach Consultant. "Ask what exactly is at risk. Know how you usually answer that. Every time you feel worried about work or in your relationships, including what triggered you and what was your answer."
You can even use an application likeStigma Follow these triggers. You should ask yourself: Are you trying to compensate with aggression or you plunged and play well? Do you calibrate and freeze or find the nearest exit? In search of what triggers your anxiety can help you better treat it the next time it occurs.
"If you usually freeze when your partner brings something uncomfortable, ask yourself as if you were a cube of ice melting on a hot flame," advises powers. "Let yourself be melted. Feel your liberation body, then see how the conversation flows from there. "If difficult romantic conversations are the greatest concerns of your plate right now, for example, read on the7 ways to make your wedding last forever.
9 Remember that you did this before
"Every time I'm nervous about something, I'm always wrong in the thought I've already done the task and that this new round is just a do-over," saysJill Simonian, author ofThe Fab Mom Guide. "Pretend," I have already done that and this is only a second catch. "This shifted technique has worked for me for years - for everything, to talk about live national television, to manage my newborns (like a new frightened mother), sing the national anthem in front of 38,000 people in Sodger Stadium, interviews and presentations for work. "
10 Get a rubber group
Make a habit of "patrolling" your mind in order to identify negative and counterproductive thought trains when they appear. "Affirm what you want in your life. Take responsibility for what you hold in your mind. Thoughts become things ... Choose the right! 'Keep a positive attitude and see the glass half full is a habit" , declaresDr. Fran Walfish, family psychotherapist and relationship and author ofThe parent's parent.
You can try a behavioral approach: place a rubber group on your wrist and click on it when you notice a negative thought or reactive fear. This will help you refocus on your wrist's discomfort.
"It gives you the opportunity to focus on your fear (whatmay arrive) or replace it with a more optimistic view (what you havewant to Arrive), says Walfish. If these negative thoughts are too persistent and related to work, it's worth ensuring that there is no other change that you should do - if you recognize one of the20 red flags that shout "you are in the wrong work," You will need a larger solution than the behavioral approach.
11 Get a pen and paper

Create a tangible recording of your triggers, moments where you feel under pressure, and the moments when you feel comfortable will help you at home in what breaks down. "We all have strength and weaknesses, and we teach what challenges you will help you meet the challenge with open eyes," saysHeather Monahan, Expert in the way of life, also called "boss in heels". "Logging also gives you the possibility of following your previous roadblocks and document how to overcome them."
You should create awritten libraryYour positive and negative experiences so that you can design your strategy for future and quiet future successes. Give the structure and detail of your ups and downs and discuss them help effectively improve your problem-solving approaches. "You feel louder when you can think about your achievements," says Monahan. "I like to remember my darkest days and celebrate that I did it through these moments so I could certainly do it through everything that is in front of me now."
12 Use the "Quiet" method
If you have tried some of them and the pressure persists,Nicole wood, CEO and Coaching Company Co-FounderAma La Vida, suggests using a methodology that she helped develop, summarized with the acronym "calm".
"When you feel overwhelmed, you should first call it," says the wood. "In order to start tackling your stress, you must first be conscious n ° 1 that you are stressed and you have caused it. Then you should ask for help." There is nothing wrong with asking for help and having this important tool in your repertoire goes a long way. It is important to get your priorities in order and what you can be most effective.
The rest, you shouldto delegate. "Have a friend, a partner or a colleague even taking something small out of your immediately clear plate the space in your mind and decrease your stress level," adds wood.
"Third, you should laugh. This is one of the simplest but effective techniques for mastery of stress. Laughter relaxes the body, stimulates the immune system, frees endorphins and burns calories." Then finish it with meditation.
"I encourage you to think outside the box and the traditional definition of what qualifies as meditation," says the wood. "All that helps you relax your body and that your mind can be considered a form of meditation, to take a walk to make yoga to read a book."
13 Exercise
Stress is not all mental, often, it follows from physical activity (or its absence). The best way to relieve the sense of pressure is probably a journey to the gym or a race around the neighborhood. So why are you sitting there? Get up and go out there - and if you need inspiration, learnThe 11 ways that fit people motivate themselves to go to the gym.
14 Rethinking your meal

Beyond the physical movement, what you put in your body can affect the pressure of the pressure. In order to have the optimal energy to tackle stress, adjust your power to yoursleeping and work schedule.
"Eat food to help you sleep a good night," says Walfish. "Drink milk, eating turkey, turkey, cheese, yogurt or ice before going to bed. Yes, there is an old truth adage on hot milk! The tryptophan ingredient has a Natural calming agent that relaxes without drugs. "
It adds that oats also promotes a good sleep because they are rich in melatonin; Cherries also contain melatonin and are therefore a good snack at bedtime, if you need it. It's one of25 biggest sleep myths This food has little impact on your sleep habits - it has been proven that eating high calcium vegetables can also improve your sleep quality.
15 Check your posture

Another instantaneous way to physically raise mental stress: recording in your posture. You can positively improve your mood and vigilance by standing or sitting in order to make your flow of energy optimally, bringing you your calm.
"Make sure they sit straight, both feet on the floor and shoulders back," saysLara Heacock, coach of executive life. "This combines not only the search on the language of the body and the reduction of the stress hormone, but the practition of a physical movement brings you back to the moment, instead of letting your mind turn without control."
If the wrong posture has already taken a toll on your spine, readOur definitive guide to eliminate pain at the bottom of the back forever.
16 Focus on the immediate, not the future
Stress often grows to imagine a distant and unpleasant future. Instead, reduce your concentration to look at what is happening right now - and what you can do about it. "When the stressful feelings go up, know that they will pass," saysGraham Betchart, coach of mental skills for the best players of the NBA and creator ofLucid, an athlete of meditation applications can use daily to keep your head in the game. "[Tell you]" There is no need to react, I can let them be there and do my thing, no matter what . "
Visionaries and prospective leaders constantly have their minds on the results. Theylive in the future. Although this can be effective when considering long-term goals, this projection creates stress when you are in the heat of competition or an important professional challenge, you detach from the present.
"A surgeon will fail if he thinks the result of surgery," says Betchart. "If something unexpected goes wrong, some surgeons will immediately think:" I'm going to lose my job if it happens. I will pursue me for professional misconduct. I do not know how to talk to parents. "What they need to focus is about solving the problem." Concentrate on the now: you can even break it in aGame plan at the hour on time that will help you conquer your stress.
17 Stress
"Many problems we face to become stressed or worried, is that we associate ourselves with these words", declaresAri Banayan,Habit co-founder and co-author ofMorning Sidekick Journal. "If we started accepting both stress and anxiety whenever they presented themselves as reactions, we must see some situations, we can see that we do not have to be ruled by them."
Instead of fearing the feeling of pressure, Banayan exhorts that guys consider their arrival as "events" that occur and can be treated rationally. "Use your logical thinking to remind you that stress will not help you react adequately to what it is that," says Banayan.
18 Turn pressure into a motivator

"We need to create a new relationship with pressure: change energy," saysAimee BernsteinPresident ofOpen minded adventures. "Consider that every time there is a job or a task to do, the energy enters our system to help us do the job. If we resist, collapse or deny pressure, we will live without discomfort, distress And over time, illness. Our performance. Our performance will suffer. "
The pressure can be a powerful driver to make youreach moreAnd you, if you discover and quiet know how to take advantage of it. "If we open and align, feel alive and our trust, presence, perception, performance, creativity and well-being will be improved," adds Bernstein. "When we see the pressure as a source of energy and taping in his feed, we will accomplish while feeling more calm and concentrated. It is a counter-intuitive message that frenetic professionals can actually use. »
19 Remember what is important
Stress and pressure plus evolve with the responsibilities you take and when your own abilities are in question. "The pressure is linked to the way we interpret a situation," saysSteve Portenga, Performance Psychologist for the Sports Psychology CouncilIPerformance Consultants. "We are most likely at the pressure of experience when we consider the situation as with significant consequences related to evaluated objectives, results or commitments. We feel the most pressure if we think the situation is related to our identity or sense of oneself. »
Stress makes you rethink your actions to protect your sense of self, leaving the current goals in the background. Clarify your priorities and what matters really, you can give yourself a sense of perspective and calm. For more simple tips like this, consult10 Large Lessons From Life from Internet HeartThrobSteve Carell.
20 Try Martial Arts

While meditation and yoga get a lot of attention to help them align your body and mind, when you need to calm down, you can also consider revisingKarate kid. Martial arts combines physics with the spiritual for complete absorption and philosophy that can be useful reapplied.
"One of the aspects of dealing with a high stress situation is the tunnel's vision," saysBruce Bibee, ofBruce Bibee Council, Kung Fu San Soo Center. "Everything collapses to a single home, usually not something that calms. The brain, then, begins cycling with doubts, fears, etc. And a feedback loop is created. This happens not only in the moment of traumatic events, but is also evident in long-term stress responses. " So, take a break from your work to try a new class at the gym or simply loop down on your current training routine by following these30 best ways to stay in shape while working.
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