50 things you do not see anymore in the offices

"What is a false machine?"

The offices are not what they were. And it's a good thing. A study of the Economic and Commercial Research Center revealed that the workplaces are 84% more efficient than in the 1970s. And it is not because the office workers at the time were lazy rods. Today's offices have better technology, a more user-friendly environment and bosses less likely to belong to you on the ass as a motivation to try stronger.

But it's hard not to feel nostalgic. Back in 2012, LinkedIn the workforce professionals interviewed and asked them what disappeared from the modern office. Their "disappeared office" list, which included items such as desktops, tape recorders and fax machines, barely striped on the surface. An office in 2017 could not be more different from that of 2007 or even 1987.

Here are 50 things that were once routine in the offices across the country, but today are well on their way to extinction. And for more amusing trivia, do not miss the complete list ofThe most craziest bizarre celebrities.


Side gigs writing typewriter

An office without an electric typewriter on each desk was unthinkable. Today, you would have a chance to find an old typewriter in the storage of your business.



Each office had one. Well, where were you going to keep your numbers important? Yourtelephone? In addition, if you have to inject a certain modernity into your workspace, consult the20 things that every man over 40 should have in his office.

Bar trolley

bar cart

A guy can not wait to spend a work day without his mid-day scotch break, can he? We are not animals. Speaking of: if you dream of alcohol at your desk, you might be one of theRed flags that shout that you are in the wrong work.

Carbon paper

carbon paper

When you "cc", someone in a work e-mail, it's stenographic for "carbon copy". It's a return when when important documents were duplicated with carbon paper. Imagine e-mails that lead to ink fingers and you get the general idea.

Copy cards

copy machine

You knew you were important if the company trusted you with the coveted Kinko copy card. You had the power to slap this card on the counter and announce staff ", I need these people gatheredand clip. "

Water cooling hangers


It was not just a big distributor full of fresh water. The water cooler was also a respite for a day of work, a place to collect colleagues to gather and chat on their colleagues or tell the best lines of their favorite television shows.

We get our water in bottles now and interfeline gossip no longer cunning to stay hydrated. For more office anthropology, here is15 things dictatorics bosses prohibited to their companies.


life reminders, home ownership

It's hard to understand more than we needed a single machine just to count. It isa whole calculator did. Now we have computers on our offices and in our pockets capable of counting and much more.

A Trackball Computer Mouse

trackball mouse

Remember these things? They seemed so futuristic and strange, like something aTron movie. Now they seem old and cute, like something aTron movie.

Hat racks

hat rack

Nowadays, who carries hats to start?

Aerial envelopes

air mail envelope

When you needed a document delivered faster than ordinary mail, and FedEx was not something that still existed, people used the air. The postage was a little higher so that the envelopes are so thin they felt almost translucent.

Geometric art

geometric art office stuff

Look at the movie of the 80s on a corporate desk and the bigwigs have always gigantic abstract art on their walls. What was it on colorful cubes and triangles that were transmitted to the world "I am the guy in charge?"

Pen plate holders

pen holder

The pens were so vital to the 20th century they had their own holder. Because you never knew when you might need a pen. Unlike today, when you ask for a pen seems as strange as asking a colleague to light your cigarette.

Paper cutters

paper shredder

Or as we call them today, "Clear the story of your browser".


stock ticker

Today, a ticker stocks are the scroll numbers at the bottom of the screen on any financial press network. But there was a moment when a company required the most recent information on the stocks needed for a machine that continually splashes a strip of paper with all the latest digits.


Obsolete, fax machine

"Hey," some of you will protest. "We have a fax in our office!" And certainly. But when was the last time you really haveused this?

Telex machines

telex machine

Just like text messages, but using (like theNew York Times describes them in 1988) "voluminous, noisy and exuspedably slow machines". But it was texts without emojis, so maybewas A better world at the time.

Air projectors

overhead projector

These things seemed once so futuristic and advanced. Now, the use of an air projector for a presentation makes you look like a retired college teacher.

Secretary pools

secretary pool

A commercial magazine of 1961 calledSecondary secretary Expected that the "Secretary of the Future" would not have to come to the office until noon and could take a month vacation because of advances such as "the electronic computer". Provides, they were a little good. The secretaries have not come until noon, because unfortunately, their work is being eliminated. Executive Assistants (return to 2017 HERE) are increasingly rare if it is not entirely non-existent these days.

Drip coffee machines

coffee maker

Sorry, old coffee machines. We live in a world of keurigue now.

Rotating phones

rotary phone

With a real scroll wheel! Every phone call was like playingWheel of Fortune.



Before our phones become the only recording device we need, these tiny recorders were there to capture each meeting or interviews, even just a thought that passes us to forget.

Face time required with your boss

Business team, team

This was the only way to move forward. The more he or she saw you and interact with you, the best are your chances of Nabuer this great promotion. But many workers today rarely see their bosses and probably could not choose their faces from a range.

Interfering envelope

interoffice mail

Before the e-mail and the Adobe virtual signature, documents were distributed through an office in a Manilla Decrepatit envelope that could only be closed by a piece of chain wrapped around a button. Yes, it was a little heavy and stupid like that sounds.

Three-pieces suit

three piece suit

If you wanted to be taken seriously as a professional, you had to dress up. And that meant wearing your most fanciful clothes in the office. A combination at the very least and a combination of three pieces customized if you have had great career ambitions.


pantyhose stockings

The same vestible codes requested for women and tights wererigorous in an office.

Pneumatic tubes

pneumatic tubes

When you needed to get an important document on another floor and did not have time to walk it down, you can simply stick it into a cylindrical container and make it appear in a pneumatic tube, which would propel it as A straight rocket to its destination.


postage stamps

The postal packages for your business in the past involved the licking of tiny colored squares and to fix enough postal service to the desired location. Yes, yesterday's office involved more licking than you can imagine.

Laser pointers

laser pointer

For when you wanted to point to something in the presentation, but I did not want to leave your seat or stretch his arms.



If you already feel bored by your desktop equipment, the printer is too slow, the Internet is not reliable - Do not forget that there was a moment when copying an important corporate document had had to use a crank.

Palm drivers

palm pilot

Twenty years ago, these pocket devices, sometimes called "PDA" (personal digital assistants), were the essential accessories of any ambitious office employee.


office cubicle

It was your own home, without a gateway and a roof. Most offices torn these walls for an open office, where everyone shares what is essentially a large conference room. Is it a step forward or backward? It's the latter if you believe a recent title ofFortune Magazine, who declared "it's time to bring the office cabin!"


slide projector

Yes, it was Don Draper's favoritetechnology to launch customers. (You know what if not Don Draper liked? Basically all this list.) Oh, and talk about Don Draper, check ourInterview with Jon Hamm.

Offices with chairs

happier woman relaxing at work desk

Of course, well, they always exist. But they could be left before knowing it, because the service station revolution continues to pick up steam.

Computer screens bigger than the file cabinet

bulky computer monitor

We are not talking about the width, we hear the depth of these old computer screens. They could be so big and bulky, there was barely enough room on your desk for a keyboard.


office tray

With so many files to keep organized, the desktop was the only way to protect your drowning workspace into a paper tsunami.

Drawers with spare clothes

dress shirts

When was the last time you saw a colleague tripped at the office of the first morning-a-shaved hour and the last night clip to cool off with a net white dress shirt from his desk and splashing. After-shave? Exactly. It's no longer 1958.

USB Flash Drive

flash drives

There must be a garbage discharge somewhere that contains mountains of old flash readers, thousands of thousands of tiny devices we have thought so indispensable.

Office lamps with swingarm

desk lamp

This adorable articulated office lamp of the opening of each film Pixar was once a pillar of office offices.

Using sticky notes for reminders

sticky notes

It was the graffiti of any office cabin, the walls covered with yellow squares, each with a thought or a reminder that we were scared would slip.


telecopier machine

Before the fax, the offices delivered important documents with something called fax. He had to be attached to an ordinary phone, then a call was made to the person you emit. Then they had to connect their fax machine, or something, we are not entirely sure. It seems complicated. But at the time, it was a revelation. Like amagazine announcement of 1966 springs, you can "send letters by phone!"

Matrix printer

dot matrix printer

Just like an inkjet printer, but stronger and slower, and with lots of festive ink stains.

The corner office for managers / leaders

corner office

He was the white whale of every ambitious young white necklace. The new office is "I work at home".

Office parts heldTooffice

office party

Nothing says "Let's take a party" like drowning in the conference room. Less office parties in the office means 100% fewer xeroxic cropped.


CD case, obsolete

It looked like your favorite soundtrack of "Jam Mix 2003", but it was really stored for all your essential work files.


chalk board

Ideal for brainstorming in a world where computers were little more than voluminous writing machines.

Onion skin paper

onion skin paper

A thin and translucent paper ideal for duplicate copies with carbon paper (see # 4 above). It could also disintegrate between your hands if you have supported too much.

Office cafeteria

office cafeteria

Like the desktop cooler but with paninis.


cigarettes in ashtray

Not only smoking was allowed in the offices, but the ashtrays were a workstone. Do not provide your employees from the ashtrays was like welcoming them to start the garbage of the trash.

Holder of the business card

business card holder

There has not been a point in networking if you have not had a place to keep all these business cards that you have received new contacts. Each office worker is worth his salt worn around a card filled with cards, proof that people had given you a little broth with their names on it in exchange for a small piece of paper paper with your name above.

Standard working hours

Man stressed, work, hiring

Remember to come at 9 o'clock and from 17h? Yes, we do not do it either.

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