The top 10 night harvesters that will impress it every time

The perfect cocktails for capsioning a perfect evening.

Good go, champion. You had a perfect and sudden date, you both are back on your pad. As she crosses your shelves and I throw her eyes on your furniture, it's your job to offer another glass of food. So what will it be?

As you probably know, doing the perfect night after a long evening. The idea is to stop something perfectly balanced - not so weak is a buzzkill, but not too loud that ... Well ... you can not do next. And unless you want to jump for the door and erase your number before going home, is not itdare Remember to reach this old natural light that has been partying in your refrigerator for three months.

AlsoBetter life: How can I drink alcohol without gaining weight?

If you need a careful hand, here are perfect ways to break the perfect date and show your bartender skills at the same time. And if the night heats, be sure to read ourTips for doing sex lasting long.

A white Russian

We do not say you should be the guy. But we are notnot To say that, after all, the man knew how to drink. Its emblematic choice of choice, the White Russian, becomes our list of night notes. The drink is smooth and delicious and Smack DAB lands in the center of the Sweet APV button.

Do it: Fill an old glass with ice. Add five parts Vodka and two parts of coffee liquor. Pour three cream parts (or milk) on top. Stir slowly; Prove that you can pay attention.


Nightcaps: negroni

If you return to your PAD after a large meal, a Negroni is the way forward. The semi-bitter drink is the stomach that sets an elixir, so none of you will encounter any problems of this type. In addition, due to a complex flavor profile and a flamboyant color, Negroni seems to be a difficult concoction to do. This appearance, of course, could not be further from the truth.

Do it: Stir in equal parts Gin, Campari and sweet red vermouth in an ice cream glass. Garnish with a twisted tradition dictates orange; Gustatic taste buds dictate lemon.

New York sour

Nightcaps: New York Sour

This touch on a sour whiskey frankly deserves the square of Whiskey Sour on the cocktail pantheon. The addition of a red float to sour whisky tense the hardness of the basic drink - and makes this concoction one of the most tasty, most versatile harmful.

Do it:Make a sour whiskey (two bourbon or Rye parts, a part of the lemon juice, a simple, ice). Fill the rest of the glass - at this point, it should not be more than a game, with a soft red wine, like Grenache.

French connection

Nightcaps, French connection

Has the drinks been named after the film or movie named after the drink? Or are they both derived from a fully separate counterpart? At the end of the day (or rather, night), no matter: Drinking a French connection does not consist in reinforcing any connection.

Do it: Pour equal pieces Amaretto and Cognac on the ice. Stir. Sip. Enjoy.


Nightcaps, sidecar
Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

As the legend did it, the Hotel Ritz in Paris invented this seductive cocktail during the American prohibition, from all alcoholic expatriates (that is to say artists). If this tale is true, we reversed some previous opinions and we are now eternally grateful for one of the imperfections of American history. Without prohibition, we would not have the sweetest and sexy niGhtacs. The decline is a lively 20/20. And the Saoul view is a happy 20/40.

Do it: Combine two parts of Cognac, part of the lemon juice, a second triple part and ice in a cocktail shaker. Shake as your life depends on it. Serve straight.


Nightcaps, sazerac

A fair warning: it's a powerful potion. And until the house bartending goes, it is easy to ruin the execution. But if you are in the mood at the atmosphere of a high-risk reward game, which you are probably, see how it is finished after the first date - you could do a lot worse than playing with absinthe. Just keep these strong night nights with one, guys, or you may find yourself with the absinthe where he really matters.

Do it:Grab Cooled Glass - That's why you have to keep some in your freezer at any time - and rinse it at the absinthe. Then, in a separate shaker, combine rye (we recommend an ounce and a half), a cube of sugar, ice and three dashes of Peychaud. Incorporate until the sugar melt, then run into the cold glass. Serve right, with a touch.


Nightcaps, hot toddy

Unless you live in Siberia or, I do not Dunno,Fairbanks, AlaskaThere is probably only a few months every year, you can really enjoy this cocktail. So enjoy these months. When winter comes, cook some of these harmrs. Do not forget to deactivate the stove before turning your flame.

Daiquiri Hemingway

Do it:To boil the water. Start wood on the fire. Mix two parts of soft brown alcohol (we recommend rum or bourbon), some of the honey and some cumshots of lemon in a cup. Fill the cup with boiled water. Add a pinch of cinnamon. Go comfortable fire.

Nightcaps, Hemingway daiquiri
Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

Here is a replica drink with a large story: back in the day, a Barman of Havana, by the demand for the favorite alcoholism of each, has designed a neat twist on the classical Daiquiri. And now, nearly a century later, we have an ideal cocktail for any situation - especially wearing a fun evening. The addition of maraschino liquor to the Daiquiri classic ensures what is otherwise an acidic drink. And the combination of cherry, grapefruit and lime makes this libation unreasonably refreshing - almost as refreshing as a guy who can make his own night shirts.

Do it: Get two parts of the white rum, some of the grapefruit juice, part of the lime juice and part of the maraschino liquor. Pour a shaker on the ice and shake. Serve straight. Pay attention to, uh, the block of the writer.


Nightcaps, old fashioned

I can not go wrong with the classic. There is a reason, after all, the old fashioned has the name he does: everyone loves him, every time. That said, in a way, the quality of these things manages the range; Despite a proven and true recipe, a bar will serve the best you have ever had, while the place around the corner offers pure pastry. So impress it. Master this, and offer the best she has ever had.

Do it:Mix a sugar cube, two dashes of Angostura and three dashes of water still in an old-fashioned glass. (Do you really need us to tell you the type of glass here?) Add Bourbon. (We recommend two ounces.) Garnish with an orange twist and a cherry of Maraschino.

A glass of white

Nightcaps, white wine

Hey, it's not lazy. Covering all your bases is never lazy and the wine base is a very frequent base. When it comes to nocturnes, go with white on the red, to attenuate spots. Nobody wants to embrace a guy with an oxford or a purple teeth.

Do it: Open a bottle. To pay.

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Tags: dating / women
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