It's the best way to make a sit-up

Some changes to your form will put you on the road to six-pack glory.

A little time, it's not too long ago, the fitness community seemed to be prepared for a collective conviction of one of our most fundamental exercises: the sit-up. HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOLnoted You should complete the exercise entirely. The American armyhas gradually deleted fitness exams. Even people at the international sports Sciences Associationadvisable Exchanging sit-ups for a combination of boards and crunches. By peopleLivetrongSIT-UPS can censorly cause you to throw your back, henier a disk, or even bury your neck. But we are here to tell you that sit-ups are completely essential to any training routine. All you have to do is make sure your form is crushed perfectly.

"Sit-ups are definitely good," saysKatie Barrett, principal instructor toCyclist studio b / radius in Boston and a certified personal trainer. "Its main function is to work yourRectus abdominis, who are these six-pack muscles that most people want. But it will also work on your hip flexors and other stabilizing basic muscles. "Here, Barrett walks us through the process of transforming your sit-up into a totally harmless and totally torn exercise. And for more AB training sessions, consult theAb exercises that you will get a six pack in six weeks.

Configure the carpet.

There are about 42,614 Matters AB specializing in the market. You can get stuffed carpets, padded carpets, curved carpets, cutting mats - you name it! A typical exercise mat will do well. And yes, you still need to use one: the padding will prevent your heel from unwanted pain and discomfort that might cause sit-ups on a hard surface.

Look at your six.

When you lie on the carpet, make sure that you are aligned so that your head falls entirely within the rug limits. In this way, you will not get unfortunate surprises by inadvertently striking the back of your skull on the soil harder and unwanted. (While you're there, learnThe only reason you do not have abs - and repair it.)

Bring your heels into.

"Then you want to bring your heels to your buttocks," says Barrett. Your legs must create an angle of 90 degrees. Really dig your feet into the ground, stabilize.

Consider calling in a backup.

If you let yourself have trouble browsing sit-ups with securely placed feet, it could help find something - or someone - to help hold your feet in a place. A bar. Two dumbbells (one for each foot). A gym gym companion - if your hygiene is about, of course. All that you want.

Get your arms in the right place.

"The biggest mistake - and many people do it here - puts my hand behind your head," says Barrett. "By putting your hand behind your head and using them to pull yourself in the sit-up, you can film your neck." Instead, she suggests crossing your arms on the chest or even let them hang at your side, parallel to the ground.


Now that you are in the right position, you are ready to do some sit-ups. So: Sit down. "You want to be fundamentally perpendicular to the ground," says Barrett. Your chest should be about the knee. (If you followed step 3 and your legs are at the angle of a suitable 90 degree, that is to say.)

Look at your breathing.

Any good form of fitness is worth their salt will tell you: the technique of breathing is as important as the appropriate form. For sit-ups, says Barrett, the key is to "inhale while you come down and exhale up." Each representative should be a breathing.


Once you reach the top of the sit-up, start your descent. "A way that you can challenge your abs even more consists of going down slowly," says Barrett. "In this way, you have the concentric contraction of the muscles." (A concentric contraction is, more or less, what you may be familiar with "flexible". As the muscle contracts, it shortens and directly leads to an increase in muscle packaging - and growth.) Go to 'At the end until your back is flat on the floor.


Sit back again. And go back slowly again. For a video primer on how to do it perfectly, check out this guy: he made it fall.

Keep it until you wanted to cry.

With regard to sit-ups, you should make representatives to muscle burnout - in other words, continue until you can not do anymore. Start by doing 2 to 3 sets of this and, over time, build you to complement 4 to 6 sets.

The difficulty of a notch.

"Once you master [SIT-UPS] on the floor, do it on a decline bench," says Barrett. "You will have gravity as an extra force."

The difficultyof them Notes.

To make SIT-UPS even more difficult than they are on a decline bench, come back to the ground and take a weight. You can use a drug bullet, a bar plate, a single dumbbell or a Kettlebell. Depending on your fitness level, you can do different levels of weight. Start with 5 or 10 pounds to see how it feels before progressing higher.

The difficulty Three Notes.

Once you got weighted sit-ups, Pat, cottons things and make weighted sit-ups on a decline bench . It will really get your burning core.


You have mastered the sit-up. Now, try The biggest exercise of Augish dish that you do not do .

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