100 things that no woman over 40 should never say

All clichés and expressions that are really under you.

As you get older, something inverse begins to happen: you start ringing more and more like your age. And if you are a woman, this is probably an even worse experience for you, because you discover that you start sounding more and more like a person: your mother. (The horror!)

But to make sure that it does not happen to you, we have isolated all the words and phrases, tired clichés to the common lines of older women, often say they are going down - that no woman over 40 years old should pronounce. So, read it, hit these words from your vocabulary and feel that your spirits are increasing. And for more help in the language department, know the40 words more than 40 years old people will not understand.

"When I was your age ..."

phrases women over 40 should stop using

The intention is clear: you try to bridge the gap with a younger person. We understood. But for all these good intentions, all saying is to alienate you from a younger person even more. And for more ways to graciously, fly these100 anti-aging secrets to watch and feel younger than ever.

"It's too late"

its too late is a phrase women over 40 should stop using

He isnottoo late! Hire your best friend to quickly pinch your arm every time you say something so stupid! If you think 40 is too late in your life to do something, what are your projects for the next 40 years? And for more things you should say, know thatBy saying that this word will stimulate your mood by 25%.

"I do not like change"

serious looking woman

Does anyone really like change? After all, the change is scary, it is unknown and it is largely out of your control, so no matter how old you are, change is never fun. But youhave switch. Things are changing at 8 pm, things change to 30 years and they will continue to change to 40. So, rather than reprimand everything, do your best to kiss it. And for more advice on aging, consult these40 myths on life after 40 bursts!

"If I'm honest ..."

phrases women over 40 should stop using

It is a great no-no-no-number at this stage of your life. By preferring your words with a declaration of honesty, you say essentially that you would not have been honest otherwise.

"Does this make sense?"

two women talking

This is one of the first sentences that women use without knowing themselves to undermine their own words and words. You should never ask anyone if what you think is logical. Be confident in your beliefs, your thoughts and your words. Instead of,know that they make sense. You are 40 years old, you no longer need the validation of someone that you are able to create words together successfully, logically and clearly.

"Bring the crisis of mid-life"

phrases women over 40 should stop using

Of course, you embrace life in your forties. But do not be so disturbing. This mid-life crisis is not necessarily an inevitability, so why bring it? To say that it will only give you the air and will not feel secure.

"I hate my body"

woman beauty routine

Your body has worn you so far and you should appreciate it, not put it out. Maybe your 20s and 30 years old, you could be forgiven for a small self-hate, but now that you are in your forties, a good superficial self hatred is under you. And for more information on your brilliant body, check the40 ways your body changes after 40.

"We made love"

phrases women over 40 should stop using

You are a woman and you have "had sex".

"Why me?"

sad woman

Life is not fair and it certainly does not go as planned. But you should not ask, "Why me?" Rather request, "whynot me? "Do not live with pity. Instead, accept your life, yourself and your faults. And for more things than you should say, here is here50 Questions of relationship to renit your love.

"Life would be easier if ..."

life would be easier if is something women over 40 should stop saying

If what? If you were richer? Younger? Prettier? More athletic? More sociable? More outgoing? Remember: complaints do not change anything.

"The best years of my life have already arrived"

older couple

Wrong. Of course, you have had good times. Maybe you became a parent, fell in love with your career or education or creative project you are proud of. Regardless of your past life and your past achievements, you must believe that the best is coming.

"My partner manages that"

my partner handles that is something women over 40 should stop saying

It does not matter if you talk about finances, taxes, manuals or car problems. Do you really want to be a woman who has to count on someone? It's never too late to learn. Instead of writing things as your partner's territory, try to teach you to budget, make tax deductions or change the oil in your car. You will not be sorry, especially if the day will come when your partner is not there to lend one hand.

"This" music "sounds like noise"

this music sounds like noise is something women in their 40s should stop saying

Turning 40 is never an excuse to discourage things from other people.

"Without wanting to offend you"

woman on phone

To this sentence nevernot Offense caused?

"I will never have a baby"

ill never have a baby

There are more medical options available to women than ever, and women in their 40s have children now more than ever. You never know what could happen if you are open-minded.

"But I always ..."

phrases women over 40 should stop saying

Of course, your path worked for 40 years, but are you really ready to look at things from someone else's point of view?

"I guess I'll never go to all the places I wanted to go. »

phrases women over 40 should stop saying

Why not? Because you did not travel in your 20 years? Or your 30 years? It seems that your 40s are time, now more than ever,startVisit all the places you have dreamed.

"Today's children"

phrases women over 40 should stop using

You are officially a woman in a bad mood!

"If I said my mother ..."

three generations of a family

Chances are, you have probably done (or variant or another), and even if you do not have it, you should not use it as a tote to describe how you behavior was better than someone else. We all fail, especially since teenagers. So why not meet during this universal human experience, rather than strange to each other?

"It's impossible"

phrases women over 40 should stop using

It is 2017. Donald Trump is the president, your phone recognizes your face, and we have self-driving electric cars. Literally nothing is impossible.

"I'm not an expert"

phrases women over 40 should stop saying

No matter what you are talking about, but you will not affect you by saying that you are not an expert. Your opinions are valid for whatever-.


sorry is something women over 40 should stop saying

You can say, "I'm sorry. You can say, "I'm sorry" or "all my apologies. But please stop throwing "sorry" around as it is the new icebreaker. Never apologize to speak.

"I'm too old for that"

older woman in workout room.

Unless you talk to watch Disney Junior for your own pleasure, there is really nothing you are too old for. You are not too old to drive a certain car, wear heels needles, or return to school.

"You will understand when you are older"

phrases women over 40 should stop using

This is a fake, a line to throw and you know! Instead, take the time to explain your and help the other to understand what you really feel.

"Because I said it"

family argument

Once again, people will appreciate when you take the time to explain your thought.

"Not at my age"

not at my age is something women over 40 should stop saying

ImagineViola Davis,Julia child, andMartha Stewart have received their possibilities and says: "No. Not at my age. " To hit.

"I'm not trying something new"

phrases women over 40 should stop using

Instead, you challenge yourself to get out of your comfort zone most often.

" In my time ... "

woman on phone

Nothing positive never comes after a sentence prefaced by "Back in my day. You simply taught you. Stop!

"Yoga is not for me"

phrases women in their 40s should stop saying

Never close the door to anything, and that goes doubling for yoga. Women over 40 collect as many benefits of yoga, including the improvement of mental health, greater flexibility and reduction of anxiety.

"Exercise is not for me"

older woman exercising, look younger 50

Get your buttocks at the gym, no matter how old you are.

" Meditation? I'm not Buddhist ... "

older woman meditating

Stop what you do, download theHeadacheApplication, and committed to meditate (early) for five minutes a day. You will feel better instantly. And no, you do not have to travel to Tibet.

"Maybe if I were younger"

phrases women over 40 should stop using

What would you do? To skydive? Travel in the world? Get your scuba diving certification? There is still a lot of time to accomplish what you want. Never let your age be an excuse.

"I had your age once, you know"

phrases women over 40 should stop saying

Again, your intention is clear: you try to connect with a younger person. But that does not work. If you talk to a teenager, expect an immediate eye-roll.

"There is no more time for ..."

there's no time is a phrase women over 40 should stop using

You are 40. You are not 96. Stop acting as your life is over.

"You can not teach an old dog new stuff"

phrases women over 40 should stop using

Hold a tranche of expenses off the bacon stove in the air and tell your dog aged 15 to spin in a circle. Congrats: You come and learned an old dog a new turn.

"I just think that ..."

phrases women over 40 should stop using

This little "just" is the word work against you. You do not doonly think ... youthink…

"I do not need an iPhone"

phrases women over 40 should stop using

Why do you still live in stone age with a razr?

"I can be wrong, but ..."

phrases women over 40 should stop using

Yes, you could be. But why report it? Let the other people involved in the conversation make this judgment. Do not give up on a silver tray, which reinforces the fact that you can imagine.

"You know what I mean?"

smiling woman

You are 40 now. You do not need everyone's validation. If they do not know what you mean, they will tell you, but ask for can be interpreted as weak.

"When I was small…"

phrases women over 40 should stop using

Here is a different saying to drive with:in my experience WhereWhen it happened to me...

"I am a free spirit. »

liberated and free woman Being Single in your thirties

Although you really believed you believe that most, this phrase is most commonly used to describe a crowd of bad behavior. For example, "sorry, I arrived at your wedding three hours late - I'm just a free spirit and I do not believe in watches."

"Say it does not stand out of this bad behavior," says Karen A. Thomas certified label instructor, founder ofKaren Thomas Label. "Better just accept your mistake and move on to apologize."

"It's not my job."

not my job

Although things are offered to do at work that were not literally in the job description when you have signed, it does not mean that you should not be willing to go slightly beyond the initial requests defined for you . Unless it puts you in danger, whether mentally or physically, it is probably better to try at least doing what you are posed - or at least direct your colleague to someone who could be able to help.

"It's 5 hours somewhere."

Woman drinking wine

You have more than 40 years: if you want to drink the day, go ahead and do it, but let's call it what it is.

"These people…"

Older woman on smartphone

This sentence never ends well. Although it may seem like you're touching specifically telling the people you're talking about what you're talking about, this sentence still seems worse.

"I am ugly."

Woman yelling at herself in the mirror

You have done 40 years - an accomplishment in itself - it is therefore high time that you have worked on this self-esteem. If you really think you think you're ugly, you will need more than just someone's self-esteem that you admit that, and in most cases, call you yourself that you seem like you need Insurance from other than what you say is not true. "Derogatory comments, even when directed by yourself, meets a fishing for a compliment," says Thomas. "To refrain from saying anything at all."

"Never heard of him / her."

non coffee energy boosters

Frequently dropped in the commentary sections of articles online, the use of this sentence in the era of smartphones is similar to saying, "I am too lazy to look at things."

"The boys will be boys."

men cooking outdoors

Unless you are really eager to absolve an entire sex of the responsibility of their actions, it is time to retire this sentence.

"I am such [insert a zodiac sign]."

zodiac signs

You are 40 years old. It's time to stop claiming that your date of birth is responsible for your behavior in a certain way. You and you alone are responsible for the way you act and answer things.

"I'm cold."

Relaxing in office Life Easier

Almost anyone who is really relaxed has never pronounced this sentence. And among the few people who could classify as "thrill" who said on themselves, their "cooled" means little more than ", I wear flipples with job interviews."

"Do I need Botox?"

stop judging women over 40

If you ask someone else that, you probably already know the answer to this question. "It's safer to save this issue for a health professional rather than an occasional conversation with a friend," says Thomas.

"Follow your passion."

woman painting

It's super nice to imagine that everyone can just follow their dreams and live the lives they have always wanted. However, preaching this gospel to those who must work - not necessarily about the things they are passionate - for a life is always worthy of the life of the eyes.

"It does not mean anything to me."

person overthinking, stressed

Being ignorant is never a good look, and when you are 40 years old, you should know better. Instead of admitting that you do not know anything about a subject when you are in conversation, try to ask the place.

"Working hard, play strong."

Working Mother

The most commonly used as an excuse for binge consumption, this sentence seems even more ridiculous from about forty of something because it is a Tuesday morning hunting Tuesday morning.

"It's not the way we used to do things."

Sexist at Work

Times change - often for the better. It is not because something is not the way you grew up, it does not mean that it is necessarily bad, because this phrase implies frequently.

"My trip."

50 compliments

The word "trip" is launched as often as it has lost all this meaning. Despite what your phrasing can indicate, coming with a skin care routine that you like is not really worthy of being nicknamed a "trip".

"At least I worked for everything I have."

50 compliments

Many people assume that because they worked hard to get where they are, it means that those who did not appreciate the same success did not work clear enough. Of course, it's not true and implying that it's rude (and often classic).

"I make fun less."

Older Woman with Bowl Yo Mama Jokes

Although this sentence is a lot embarrassing because of the disappointment, it is also incorrect: if you could worry about something, it means you care about that. If you inspect when using this sentence, it's at least saying it correctly: "I do not care."

"More money, more problems."

Woman and money, Bad Dating Marriage Tips

Unless you quote Biggie, it's time to retire this sentence. In addition, money can certainly buy a way to solve many of these supposed problems, anyway.

"Nobody wants to see me doing this."

woman on beach

Whether you're talking about wearing a bikini on the beach or meeting again, using this type of self-dispensarian speech will only make you pretend sad for others - and that will probably not feel the feeling, either .

"From my point of view…"

thoughtful woman on computer

This sentence is also redundant that confused: do you usually tell people from the anecdotes of other peoples' perspectives during occasional conversation?


mom and daughter talking Moms Should Never Say

This word has a meaning. You do not haveliterally Go to a date with a guy who was as big as a giraffe.

"Play stupid games, win stupid prices."

board game

Commonly used to reduce someone who is reached in one way or another, this insensitizing phrase is as ridiculous as the people he claims to the Lampoon.

"My parents will ride in their graves if they saw ..."

bad puns

Already an unpleasant visual image, the use of this expression simply shows that other people are defined in your way that you (and the generations that came in front of you) are and were. Time changes. The corpses of your parents can rest.

"All this technology ruins things."

Woman Using Fingerprint Scanner on Smartphone

Truly? Autonomous cars that could save lives and the ability to know what happens on the other side of the globe to a minute is bad things, you say?

"They are just jealous."

fitness woman posing for selfie in mirror

Usually, an excuse to brush why other people might be angry with you, this phrase carefully ignores one of the virtually-universal truths of life: most people do not spend their boiling days with jealousy on the lives of 'other people.

"Everything happens for a reason."

woman talking to another woman

Not only is this sentence revealing, it is also easy to report his Morgacies. Do you really think there is a good reason behind pediatric cancer and hunger in the world?

"No matter."

angry woman

As rude as these unless you are a member of the cast ofDisapparativeIt's time to retire this expression.

"I have to make a diet."

chronic dieting is a weight loss secret that doesn't work

If you try to get his health, by all means, talk to members of your inner circle. However, if you simply disconnect this information, it crosses the fishing of compliments. "Speaking of weight in a negative light (as well as look for a compliment), it's bad taste," says Thomas.

"My generation ..."

stop judging women over 40

While you may think that your points of view speak for an entire generation of people, remember this:you Not.

"I'm sorry you think that."

woman comforts upset friend

As you have reached 40, it is high time that you have learned to excuse you correctly. It does not just mean someone you're sorry to feel bad about something that happened, but you actually recognize your share.

"Live, laugh, love."

Friends Laughing at Cafe Anti-Aging

If something you're about to say is also something you've seen once on a pillow at Homeboods, it's time to reconsider.

"I just said."

Grandma, older mom sitting down with her grown adult daughter for a drink

Only pronounced after someone says something inappropriate, inappropriate, or both, there is no time like the present to drop this sentence from your vocabulary.

"It's not Ladylike."

woman shocked on computer

While having a reinforcement contest or falling from a mechanical bull in a Jell-o pool may not be the strongest of sophistication, acting as if all women must behave in a certain way is at the Ancient and sexist times.

"Watch the good side of things."

mom comforting daughter Moms Should Never Say

Although it can be well intentioned, if someone has trouble, it's about your place to try to show them good in the situation. Sometimes things are just bad, and it's ok too.

"That's what I'm here for."

chef secrets

Whether you told the role in your relationship or as a parent, this sentence necessarily decreases your autonomy. After all, it's not really your job to make clothes or cook dinner.

"Sorry, not sorry."

Mother Daughter Fighting Things No Parent Wants to Hear

Did it sound out of half Lovato's mouth? Sure. Does this mean that this remnant remnant should remain part of your vocabulary? Definitely not.

"The mercury must be retrograde."

star gazing Best Date Ideas

Does it look like the world suddenly in upheaval without apparent reason? It has nothing to do with the alignment of the planets: things happen sometimes.

"One case from Monday."

energy before noon

You may not know again again the work week, but unless you feature a Garfield panel, it's time to put this sentence in bed.

"Mr. Mom."

father dad son

What's about a man who does things to take care of his home or family, like spending time with his children, cleaning or cooking, which automatically does his behavior? wife? We already have a word for men with children who do these kinds of things: dad.

"It's like that."

Woman Raising Her Chin Body Language That Kills First Impressions

Unless you just intend to waste your time by pronouncing sentences without meaning, you should have removed this Ode with complacency.

"Teamwork is at the root of dreams."

Business team, team

One of the most used desktop jargon pieces, this sentence raises the following question: Have you ever had a dream that understood in a cabin?

"Do not be crazy."

Older couple having an argument and fighting on the couch

Not only is this sentence revealed by those of the mental health community, it is also quite revealing of anyone that you have pronounced. Unless you want to completely close a conversation, it is best to grasp this sentence as soon as possible.

"I can never be friends with women."

couple flirting outside

Although it's going to have a group of male predominantly friends, if you really think there are no women on the planet, you can hear you, it's time to admit that you are the problem.

"Ice Queen."

mature woman in nightgown in bed

Although most of the expressions specifically used for women disappear are sufficiently ugly such as these, the latter, which assumes that all women should be hot and blurred - is particularly useful.

"Only god can judge me."

stop judging women over 40

Although you may think that's true, there are many people, such as your boss and police, who will judge you so long before scrapping this deadly coil.

"The way women are dressed ..."

dress well 50s

Unless someone carries something obviously offensive (a shirt with a racist slogan, for example), it's probably not your business to judge. Just because you're not in the way another woman looks when she goes out does not mean she's in evil.

"If it happens, it will happen."

woman smiling

Just like the claim of destiny or the universe is at fault for our joys and our miseries, this sentence easily removes this essential human factor from the things that happen to us.

"Sorry for the delay."

Time Being Single in your thirties

Although it may seem relatively unofficial, we apologize has become a reflex for so many women, especially those of more than 40 - who even send an e-mail later than expected does not seem to earn a long answer. Instead, try to thank people for their patience rather than excuse you for the potential (and probably) an unnoticed disadvantage in the first place.

"If you can not handle my worst, you do not deserve my best."

older woman smiling

Instead of telling people that the behavior of yours that they should tolerate, maybe consider not being "at your worst" so long? If people do not like you in your worst, it's because, by your own admission, you are the worst.

"The children are so sweet nowadays."

mom comforting crying child

And 100 years ago, it was good to send children to work in a coal mine. You do not have to love that, but progress is progress.

"I'm here for a good time, not for a long time."

Healthy Older Woman women's Health myths

You have already been here for 40 years - something, once relatively long by many standards of people. In addition, you are not a competitor of reality, so stop it with capture sentences.

"It's a stupid question, but ..."

Office workplace

There is no reason to put me just because you are curious about something. Nobody has ever been smarter by not asking any questions, after all.

"My daughters."

50 compliments

While you do not even approve old at age 40, it's time to stop referring to your similar-adult friends as "girls". You are adult women - and it's time for you to have this fact.

"I am entitled to my opinion."

secretly hilarious things

Of course you are entitled to your opinion! Of course, some opinions are morally unpleasant or false.

"Stay-at-home-moms are so ..."

mom and daughter doing hair Moms Should Never Say

It's not because you feel that you had all this parenting does not mean it's a good look to denounce other mothers. You may think that moms stay at home have easy compared to the work you do, but you're trying to spend all day, every day, find enough Pinterest projects to keep an irritable child and A busy dentition child.

"Work moms are so ..."

50 compliments

Similarly, if you hit women to come back to work after having children, you only contribute to an endless negativity cycle. Having two working parents is an economic necessity for many families and it's quite stupid to assume that moms must automatically give up their career when they have children.

"It is not fair."

older person on ipad

Unfortunately, life as a whole is not right. If you have more than 12 years, it's time to put this sentence in bed.

"Do not sound prejudices, but ..."

old people talking

There has never been a non-prejudicated statement that follows this preface.

"I can not even."

Astonishing Facts

The ultimate in adolescents revockers, this sentence should not be pronounced per person under 40 years old.

"I do not care."

woman at desk with head in hands

Nobody has ever rented someone else for their apparent apathy. Despite what you might think, do not worry to make you seem lazy, not cool. And for more amazing advice for your best decade, learn these 40 current mistakes No woman more than 40 should do.

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Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Over 40
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