These people need a COVID test now, says Dr. Fauci

"Flood the system with tests," he says.

People who do not show the symptoms of COVID-19 should be tested more easily, ideally with easy-to-use testing, at home, saidDr. Anthony FauciThe top expert on infectious diseases of the nation, in an interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo Thursday night.

"I have been now now, very, which grows a lot of the idea that you need to test people in the asymptomatic group," said Fuci, who reiterated his months there is a call "to flood the system with tests ". For more details on why this must happen, read it and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

Dr. Fauci says we urgently need to have a precise meaning of the spread of the community

Fauci said that this was needed to get a precise meaning of the spread of the community, which in the case of COVID-19 occurred in large part without symptoms.In addition to the "highly specific and very sensitive" tests, which would identify, isolation and tracing of contacts for infected people, Fauci said he wanted to see a home-based COVID-19 test widely available . "It's custody, that you can do you yourself," he explained. "Because if you can do it, you can get a situation in which someone would know if they are infected or if the family they bring dinner are infected."

"But you have to have a lot of that," said Façi, adding that the recent FDA approved home test is "just the first step" because it requires a prescription. "I would like to see a place where you do not even need a prescription," he said. "We must be able to have a good firm manager on who is infected and is not."

"Let's stop thinking about that," he exhorted. "Let's do it right."

RELATED: 21 subtle signs that you have already had Covid

Asymptomatic spread a concern in Thanksgiving

The coronavirus has been particularly difficult to control because infected people can disseminate the disease for 14 days without showing symptoms - and almost half of the infected people may never show symptoms.

Partly because of this, Covid-19 cases are rising in the 50 states, driven by small gatherings as a cooler weather, many Americans inland. As hospital beds meet the country, health leaders are nervous about what the Thanksgiving holiday will mean for the infection rate and the capacity of newly infected coronavirus patients to worry about care.

Thursday, the CDC advised Americans to avoid Thanksgiving trips and limiting gatherings to people who live in the same household, which means that those who lived mainly in the same house for at least 14 days.

RELATED: Dr. Fauci says that most people did it before capturing Covid

Thanksgiving Tips of Fauci

"Each family unit should determine a risk determination about the holidays, about whether they want to have Thanksgiving traditional meal," has advised Fauci. "You take a look at your family and you say that I have a person who is an elderly who is an elderly person, a person with an underlying medical condition that could put them at increased risk of violent result. ? If they are infected, do I get infected, do you want to take this risk right now? Or I mean that the prudent thing to do for the moment is to withdraw and keep it in the unit family that you live. "

As for yourself, do everything you can to prevent you from installing and spread-Covid-19 in the first place:Carry a face maskBe tested if you think you have coronavirus, avoid crowds (and bars and evenings of the house), practice social distance, do only run essential races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas and to cross this healthiest pandemic, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

Categories: Health
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