Science says that this is the best way to wash an apple

Chances that you hurt that bad.

Even if your skill set is desperately low, one would imagine that washing an apple is a fairly basic task that everyone knows how to do, right?


Wednesday,Lili it, A food scientist at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst,published a study It compared the best ways to remove harmful pesticides in the US apples, using bleach to tap water and baking soda. Most of us have probably wash an apple under running water for a few minutes or go old-school and rub it against our shirt, but the survey found that tap water was not enough to get rid the phoset and thiabendazole, two moderately toxic pesticides that are often used on apples to protect them from insects and fungi.

The winner of the study was the baking soda, which physically degrades fastest pesticides, which facilitates the removal. Peeling Apple was the most effective way to get rid of toxins, but it cancels some of the nutritional benefits of eating the skin. It is worth nothing that there is no way to remove 100% of pesticides because thiabendazole actually penetrates the apple surface. Nevertheless, having succeeded in eliminating 80% thiabendazole and 95% of phoset, baking soda is your best choice to avoid these pesticides, which could be toxic to humans at high concentrations.

At home, he recommends washing the apples mixing about one tablespoon of baking soda with two cups of water for best results.

The study is somewhat limited in that it has not tested other popular cleaning solutions (such as vinegar) or other pesticides found in apples. But as Halloween approaches, with all its caramel apple and apple cider cider is always a good thing to keep in mind!

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