38 things no man more than 40 should they wear

Keep away from this banana bag, a friend.

Nobody likes to tell him what to do. We get, and we respect you enough to know that you are an intelligent man, read well, guy successfully. So, do not consider these mandates or admonstations. On the contrary, take them as sweet suggestions.

After all, we know what it is like to finally get the lifetime, and you blink and twenty years have passed, and people give you strange look at the things you are able to wear without thinking of two times. But you have to ask yourself:Do I really wear this Fanny Pack? Does the bread really have to me? Should I really be handcuffed my jeans like Huck Finn?

The truth is that we do not think so. So, if one of the 40 elements below are things that you always wear on the same semi-regular base, and you have 40 years or more-please consider the possibility that your life could be at least slightly improved by eliminating them from your routine. And for more excellent tips for living your best life, be sure to read these40 things that only men more than 40 know.

Your high school-ERA Cologne

Black Drakkar has his time. Let it go. (We are not trying to help. Swear.) And for more self-improvement tips, consult the20 things that every man more than 40 would have in his office.


Do you work on a farm? Are you going at any time in the future use one or pitchfork smoking a Corncob pipe? Are you an early child? If you answered "no" to one of these questions, then you know what to do (or do not do).

Long man bangs

Jared Leto with long man bangs, something no man over 40 should wear

"CornJared Leto A man bangs and he is 45, "you protest for us to answer. "? Is there anyone in your life where you can say, "But Jared Leto does that !," And go out with her "and speaking of Hollywood, do not miss these37 EVERY MAN FILMS More than 40 should be able to the proposal.


If you can not drag into your pants, the way you say that you drink too much beer of its nature.


Hey, we went to university, and we also have our Goth / EMO periods. And you know what? You too can remove this look. This does not mean that you can not ruminate while listening to Fall Out Boy-just leave the makeup at home. And for more great style tips, make sure to check the20 definitive style rules for men over 40.

A thong

If there is one thing that literally has 100% of your beach love colleagues are not curious to know, this is the exact size and proportions of everything you have.

A Halloween Racy Costume

If your Halloween costumes can not be explained without the "sexy" adjective, you have to rethink your approach.

Shark-tooth necklaces

shark tooth necklace, something no man over 40 should wear

If you are a professional surfer, we will let slip. But otherwise, it's time to retire this bad boy.

Horizontal broad stripes

You are not hamburgling.

Fanny Packs

No matter how expensive or luxury you think that Fanny Pack is, it's always a strange bulge on your hip. Instead, shake a backpack or messenger bag. And if you ride a backpack, here's how to know if you shouldSimple strap or double-strap it.


Even if you have the body to remove that, you do not have the body to remove that.

Velcro sports shoes

We understand that in this crazy hectic world, the last thing you need to worry about is laces. But you are now adult, and it's time of man up. Repeat after us: "rabbit ears, rabbit ears, playing by a tree, crisscrossed the tree, trying to catch me ...".

Trucker caps

Unless, of course, that you are driving a half.

inline skates

If you remember the last time you heard "she is a bad mama Jama" and you impressed your best gal with some killer skating movements, so everything is fine, keep the skates. Otherwise, we advise you to convey them to your children.


A controversial catch, I realize, given the great precariousness of men's clothing these days. But the combination of scampling graying in your hair and a shirt Unscake just shouts, "I'm too hard to be cool casual. »


Unfortunately, you are not showing your eccentric person. You are just telling the world: "I'm too cheap to buy more socks. »

Face painting for sports events

It has a lot of ways to show your support without looking for a surchargeBrave Heart.

Pyjama pants in public

There is a person who could ever go out with this look, and his name is Hugh Hefner.

The sweater Your mom gave you for Christmas 10 years ago

Unless she is personally knitting, she will not even realize it is missing.

A cap

There was aBreastfieldepisode about that. Do not do the people cross on the other side of the street.

Studded belts

We may go on a member, but we do not believe that a guy with a 401K and the business card should try his hand with a chic biker.

Captain hat

Trust us: There are many, many, many more efficient ways to the project authority.

moisturizing scented

If you want your skin smell like lavender except for the bedroom.


peg-and-roll pants, something no man over 40 should wear

Some fashion choices seem like a good idea in the head, but reality does not even come close to life at the height. Consider this exhibition A. Unless your goal was to look like an old man in a PSA of the 80s.

Man bun

A guy of 40 something with a man's little bread was weird in 2015, when this hairstyle was still fashionable. But this expedition has sailed. Now you are like the guy of 40 something wearing a juicy couture tracksuit.

Head-to-pastels feet

Can work if pastels associated with an anchor color like, white, gray, black or beige. Pastel green and pastel blue make you an Easter egg.

Clothes tight or inconstant

You can afford to pay for the luxury of suitable clothes.

Sandals with socks

A moment ago in a man's life when he can claim that the terrible Cringingly fashion choices like this are supposed to be ironic. But no one has been buying this excuse anymore.

Your brilliant club shirt

If a shirt appearance as it has been pre-treated with Vaseline, or can not be looked at directly without wearing eclipse glasses, it's not something that belongs to your plus wardrobe.

A bowler hat

Maybe you are in Steampunk Cosplay, we do not know. But it's something you do privately. It is not the definition of "casual business holding. »

Biblings (far from the bike)

Bike shorts, something no man over 40 should wear

These short films exist for a singular purpose, do not show your silhouette at the grocery store. If you are confused why no one wants to see, please reread our above tips on strings.

A Great Scarf Ridicusly

Sorry, Dr. Who.

Sexist t-shirts

We love a t-shirt with a funny slogan as much as anyone. But a t-shirt with a limit (or completely on the line) sexist joke as "fresh baby history ... Now, make me a sandwich," just proves that you are an emotionally stunted man-child whose last relationship Significant was with all the porn he downloads.

Vests that are not part of a three-piece suit

Are you Han Solo? No? OK. It's time to wear this jacket to Goodwill.

Clipped mobile phone to your belt

If you have trouble shooting your phone from your pocket, your pants are probably too tight.

Side cutting trends

a man wearing a tank top, something no man should wear in his 40s

You want to show your torn body. But maybe it's not the way to do it. On a woman, it's sexy. On a guy, it looks like you just been attacked by a pitbull.

medicine carpet

Baja hoodie, something no man over 40 should wear

It is incredible from your Baja Mexican hoodies have not already disintegrated, but if they still exist somehow miraculously, and not the overwhelming smell of weeds, which does not mean they belong to your body.


Ironically, in 2017, this stifling classic is an accessory of a young man.

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Categories: Style
Tags: fashion / Over 40
By: amy-seing
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