"Sleepy Hollow" Showrunner entitled Star Nicole Beharie "Crazy", says the new book

Sources that have worked on the show claim that it has become the scapegoat for a multitude of problems on the set.

The supernatural procedure Sleepy hollow was considered by many criticisms as one of the most promising new shows To make his debut in the fall of 2013. But at the end of his third season, the show was down, as Nicole Beharie The character, the agent of the FBI Abbie Mills, was killed. Between the end Sleepy hollow The first season and the shocking departure of Beharie, part of the series of the series was very vocal online on the problems they had noticed, in particular in the field of Abbie - one of the two protagonist defendants - being sidelined or underdeveloped. Whoever was A fan of the show And on social networks at that time, will remember the way in which rumors have stolen from the temperaments and the drama of the actors who occur behind the scenes in the middle of his drop in quality. Now, in his new book, Burn it: power, complicity and call for change in Hollywood , journalist Maureen Ryan sharing ideas of many people who have worked on the Sleepy hollow .

The actors and crew members told Ryan how Beharie, who is black, was systematically qualified as "difficult" and did not receive the same treatment as his co-chief, Tom Mison , which is white. A Sleepy hollow The writer even said this season 3 showrunner Clifton Campbell told him that Beharie was "crazy" and forbade her to speak to the actor. Continue reading to learn more.

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None of the star had ever led a show before.

Many sources to which Ryan spoke noted that Mison and Beharie, none of whom had been the head of a series before, seemed exceeded by the positions in which they found themselves when Sleepy hollow has become a surprise success. The spectacle - in which an Ichabod Crane (Mison) resurrected and a current officer of the application of laws (Beharie) are associated to fight demons and other supernatural threats - was shot in Wilmington, in North Carolina, which has Obliged certain actors to wear a heavy period and period the high heat costumes and filming would have often been a long time. The questions were also complicated by disagreements between the members of the creative team and certain upheavals of the program of the show, Fox.

"It was very tense from the start," said a crew member identified as Frank in Ryan.

In the midst of all these tensions, however, several sources said that Beharie had become a scapegoat. While some people who worked on the show told Ryan that their interactions with the star were "professional" and "pleasant", others did not get along with her, and the word began to spread, there understood to writers writing for her character, that she caused problems.

"You essentially turn writers against one of the tracks. I think it is contrary to the ethics of labeling the person a problem before the majority of people had the chance to have experience with the person" said a source named Robert, adding that gossip "created a very American environment."

Mison and Beharie would not have liked each other.

A source named Paul said that Sleepy hollow It was "a situation where the two tracks did not want to have much to do with each other" and even that the frequent arcs of Ichabod to Abber on the screen were a solution to Mison and Beharie not wanting to s' embrace. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

These feelings were undoubtedly improved by what several sources said that Ryan was an unequal treatment among the stars of the series. In a Los Angeles Times Interview in 2020, Beharie said That she and mison fell ill during the production, and that even "he was authorized to return to England for a month", she was led to work and ended up "in urgent care". In Ryan's book, Orlando Jones , who played the boss of Abbie Frank in seasons 1 and 2, says that Beharie worked for more hours than Mison (including due to problems that production apparently had with stylish black hair) and that he had a driver, while she turned to the bet. (For his part, Jones, who is also black, said he was offered a lower salary for season 2 than for season 1, which finally led to his departure.)

Producers pushed a more important role for Katrina ( Katia Winter ), Ichabod's wife, and more focus on their relationship, even if fans call for a romance between Ichabod and Abbie. In addition, Ryan writes that several sources say that Lyndie Greenwood , who played Abbie's sister Jenny received more time because she was considered a possible replacement of Beharie at the start.

Meanwhile, sources told Ryan that Mison could also be difficult to work, although it was the behavior of Beharie that was criticized.

"Tom was also a handful - he had his own set of problems," said Paul. "I always said that on any other show, it would have been the biggest problem."

Mison and Beharie refused to be interviewed for Burn .

A writer says a showrunner called Beharie "Crazy".

Nicole Beharie in 2014
Frederick M. Brown / Getty Images

For season 3, Clifton Campbell took over Sleepy hollow . Ryan spoke with Shernold Edwards , who was delighted to join the show as a writer the same season. Edwards said that she had previously met and took a photo with Beharie at an event and that she had sent her a message with the news that she had been hired, receiving a congratulations response.

The writer said she had mentioned the meeting with Beharie to talk about the series and his character one day in the Sleepy hollow Writer room. "He just went disabled , "Said Edwards about Campbell." He was like "you can't talk to him. No one can talk to him. She's crazy." "

It surprised Edwards, especially because she said that she had been informed during her job interview that as a black woman, she would be a friend in Beharie in writing staff.

Campbell told Ryan in a written response that Edwards' demand was "obviously false" and that he had never described Beharie as "crazy".

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A publicist spread to an baseless rumor after Beharie left the show.

Nicole Beharie in 2022
Momodu Mansaray / Getty Images

Covered Ryan Sleepy hollow While it was always on the air, and in her book, she tells something that happened to have written critically about Abbie's abandonment in a way that advanced the story of His white counterpart - Ichabod Crane de Mison. She claims that after the publication of her article, a member of the Fox public relations team, she identifies as Kelly transmitted a more complementary piece on the final of season 3, then called it. On the call, said Ryan, Kelly criticized Beharie as impossible to work and repeated a rumor that she had bitten someone on the Sleepy hollow crew.

By looking for his book, Ryan was not able to corroborate the story that Beharie had bitten a hairdresser during the production of a promotional spot of season 1. Jones said that he had been with Beharie the whole day and that it would have been impossible for something to happen without someone to testify. By email, the hairdresser refused to "discuss in detail what happened on Sleepy hollow With Nicole Beharie. "The journalist did not find anyone who claimed to have seen the alleged assault. Nevertheless, the rumor was repeated and had an impact on Beharie's career. As Ryan, the 38 exit player notes Sleepy hollow , and she also writes that people in the industry have told the actor's reputation towards her as a fact.

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