20 terrible adolescent health habits older people still have

Do not let these maintenance habits derail your health as an adult.

Ah, youth. As they say, it is wasted with young people. But take it from us: just because you feel nostalgic for these careless teenage games does not mean that you should try to recreate them. For many people, these teenagers' habits have never really evolved in adults, which often leads to catastrophic results for our health. We gathered the worst offenders with respect to adolescent habits, seniors are hung instead of leaving. And when you want to free yourself from these constraints weighing you, start with the40 things to let go in your 40s.

Skip breakfast

energy before noon

Breakfast is called the most important meal of the day for a reason. And while you were able to leave the house at vacation at 17, in doing so at 40 years is not a great plan. In fact, research published in theBritish Nutrition Journal reveals that eating breakfast at home can even reduce your risk of weight gain. And when you need more energy to power your day, start with the25 non-coffee ways to strengthen your energy levels.

Eating integer meals out of vending machines

Friends Eating Ice Cream Anti-Aging

Although you could eat tons of sugar as a teenager, in doing so that an adult is a risky proposal, to put it well. In addition to weight gain and diabetes, research published in theNew England Journal of Medicine Even connects high glucose rates with increased risk of dementia. And when you want Nix this sweet tooth for good,This is the safest way to reduce the sugar of your diet.

To sleep

sleeping man

It's not because you do not have a traditional work schedule does not mean you should wake up at noon as you are a teenager. Not only the sunlight early morning is a potential weight regulator, according to researchers atNorthwest Universitybut also research suggests thatThe first birds eat healthier, too much. (In addition, the whole "does not wasting all your day" is a very good argument too.) And for a more relaxing night, start with the20 nocturnal habits guaranteed to help you sleep better.

Do not worry about the nutrition

Eating all low fat things can back fire on you

These nutrition labels may not have much imported to you as a teenager, but they should in your adult life. And unfortunately, only on61.6% of adults Give these nutritional facts any thought.

Skip a sunscreen

Woman Applying Sunscreen Anti-Aging

Even teenagers should put on a sunscreen when they come out, but the chances you particularly diligent about this habit as a thin child. However, if you want to slow the aging process and reduce your risk of skin cancer, it is imperative that you put on a solar screen every day, regardless of time. And unfortunately, just finished22% of adults Wear it regularly. And for more things that you are too old for: here is the40 words over 40 people did not understand.

Let the stress build

Stressed out man

This cooler stress you have worn like a teenager was not good for your health, and it's not good for you as an adult, either. Unfortunately, research suggestsStress is on the rise Among the adults, and can have a deleterious effect on our well-being. In addition to increasing the levels of cortisol, putting a risk of weight gain and harmful belly fat,Stress was linked to Alzheimer, also. So, to the extent possible, enjoy a certain meditation, go for a walk or take some deep breaths. And when you want to reduce the stress for good, start with the30 easy ways to combat stress.

Eat fast food

millennial eating burger

It is not surprising that fast food is not good for you, but most teenagers can usually escape some fast food meals a week, anyway. Unfortunately, most have not abandoned the usual adulthood, with8 on 10 Americans eat fast food every week. Instead of these fast food snacks, start making your meal healthier today with the50 best foods for your brain.

Ignore ills and pain

Rib pain surprising cancer symptom

"Walk it!" Guess what: you are no longer a child! These minor pain and pains that you would have brushed as a teenager often continue to become unauthorized in adulthood. However, you would be surprised at the speed with which a sudden injury or pain can turn into something serious, so see your doctor as soon as possible when something new emerges. And for more ways to stay healthy,Here are many calories you need to eat to stay young.


alarm clock how to sleep better

You probably not have thought twice hitting the snooze button like a teenager, knowing that mom or dad possibly entering and getting out of bed, anyway. However, many of us have always hit Snooze on a regular basis of adults, disturbing our internal clocks and visiting us late. In fact, research published inPlos areveals that awakening can abruptly cause sleep inertia, which can affect vigilance and global cognitive function. So, when you are an adult, try to deny this habit in the bud, preferably in favor of a natural awakening.

Eat until you're stuffed

weight loss motivation

Teenagers often eat until they can literally bear the thought of another bite. In adulthood, many of us do the same and have spare tires to prove it. However, eating until you are satisfied and no bursts, can help you lose these extra pounds without feeling private. And for some healthy celebrity healthy life tips, discoverHow Sharon Stone is about 30 years old.

Gobble the trans fat

Woman Eating Donut

As a healer, you probably could not choose a trans fat in a range. (And that's important? When you are 15 years old, your body is basically rubber.) But unfortunately, for many adults, which is always true.

However, familiarize yourself with where they could be hidden will serve you long term: in fact, according to research carried outWake Forest Baptist Medical Center, Animals have won more weight on a diet rich in fat than those who have eaten the same number of calories without the trans fat.

Sitting all day

energy before noon

You probably did not think too much about the time you spent sitting like a child. However, you should probably have. Even adults who know better tend to spend about half of their sitting hours sitting, putting them at risk of diabetes, weight gain, heart disease and even death, according to research published in theAnnals of internal medicine.

Eat in front of the TV

40 compliments

If you consume virtually every meal in front of television as a teenager, you are not alone. Unfortunately, this habit often carries adulthood with adult effects: research published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition The distracted links eating, like these meals consumed during the netflix bin, with weight gain.

Skip the gym

boost your confidence

For many teenagers, hitting the gym is simply not on their agenda. And unfortunately, a lack of exercise is a habit of many adults are guilty. In fact, theCDC reveals that up to 80% of adults do not have enough exercise.

Chiller on vegetables

Woman Eating Salad

Foods amenities tend to be a basic food for teenagers, with few fruits and vegetables that make it on the menu. The bad news? The same goes for many adults, with 90% of US adults obtainedLess fruits and vegetables what recommended.


Businessman Smoking Cigarette Anti-Aging

You knew that smoking was not good for you when you did it as a teenager, but that does not keep many people to light adults. In reality,research Suggests that more than 15% of the adult population is still breathtaking on a cigarette from time to time.

Stupid snacking

Couple, sandwiches

Some additional calories here and there probably do not worry too much when you were a teenager. However, many of us are not accomplished as our metabolisms slowed later in life, contributing to our growing obesity rates.

Do not see the dentist

Lab Results

Your teenage fear of the dentist has probably not disappeared simply because you have reached adulthood. Many teenagers are not really happy to have their cleaned teeth and cavities filled, and many adults feel the same way. In fact, research reveals that one third of Americanshad not seen their dentist the previous year. Unfortunately, skip the dentist can lead to a loss of teeth and can even contribute to heart health problems over time.

Consume too much sodium

ditching salt can get rid of wrinkles

You probably did not give much thought to your sodium consumption as a teenager, and for many adults, it's always true. In fact, about 90% ofAmericans get too much sodium In their diet, to put at risk of high blood pressure and stroke.

Stay all night

Tired Business Man

These last nights that you enjoyed as a teenager are often difficult to abandon in adulthood. However, the exhaustion, the irritability and the day mainly in ruin you will enjoy after staying until Sunrise was not worth the adult sentence. And although you may have better equipped to handle all teen quarters, do not think they do not affect you: published searches inTo sleep reveals that one night of sleep deprivation affected the performance of teenage study topics on a range of tasks given to them. And when you want to know why you do not sleep as well at night, discover the40 ways your sleep changes over 40 years.

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Tags: wellness
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