Mr. Fauci says there is now proof that coronavirus spreads in this way

The senior health official gives cautious credibility as a coronavirus in a new interview.

When it comes to helping prevent the greatest propagation of coronavirus, nothing has been more important than discoveringHow it is transmitted. While it seems clear now that you areUnlikely to get Covid-19 surfaces And this transmission of person to no one is the most common of the most common scientists have had trouble coming to a consensus on a particular subject:spill. Now,Anthony Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), says thatThere is rising evidence to maintain that coronavirus is airborne.

Talking with theAMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL(Jama) On August 3, Fauci said, "I think there is certainly aaerosolization degree, "Before clarifying carefully" but I'll take a step back and make sure we learn the facts before starting to talk about it. "

He continued: "It's something we're learning more and more. We need to make sure we're humble enough to accumulate new knowledge and use it as we get it."

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Fauci's declarations are closely concerned in accordance with the updated guidance of the World Health Organization, which recognized July 9th that theCoronavirus was capable of airborne propagation Instead of only through large droplets passed through sneezing or coughing.

There are two types of different droplets, the heaviest that are expelled through coughs and sneezing that tend to fall on the ground quickly and light micro -roplarsTravels much bigger distances and hang in the air longer. In mid-July, Fauci had an interview withMark Zuckerberg On Facebook Live and explained the difference in these droplets.

"Most droplets, when people talk and see that few spray comes out, are greater than five micrometers. These are the kind that they are pretty heavy, mark, they are no longer three feet, at the Most of the six feet, "said Fauci." That's why we say, when you're outside, stay at least six feet of someone's separation. "

But then, "there are other droplets less than five micrometers", continued withden. "These are the ones who can" aerosolize ". Aerosolize means, instead of getting out of your mouth and falling from three to six feet, it can be to float around the air and stay in the air for a period time. "

The recognition of WHO that Covid-19 can be aerosolized has come after 239 clinicians, engineers, doctors and scientists published an open letter in the newspaperClinical Infectious Diseases exhorting WHO to re-evaluate their position onAerosolized transmission. The update stated that, although more research is needed "taking into account the possible implications of this type of transmission", acknowledged that the airborne propagation of the virus between nearby people is possible, especially inpoorly ventilated areas.

"We have to pay a little more attention now to therecirculation of the air inside, "Fauci saysJama. "Hide inside inside when you're in a situation like this is something that is as important as wearing masks when you're out of treating with individuals with whom you do not know where They come or who they are. "

The big question is now to know how much these microdroplans contribute to the CVIV-19 transmission. And for more new information on the propagation of coronavirus, checkThe CDC now says it could play an "important role" in Covid transmission.

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