Brilliant <em> Star Wars' </ em> Daisy Ridley beats anxiety

"My cortisol was so high that my body was constantly flying or flying."

Daisy Ridley is a 25-year-old actress who, in addition to being absolutely beautiful and stainless, has the main role coveted in one of the most successful film franchises of all time. So you would think she would rise up and feel at the top of the world. But in a candid coverage storyFor the January issue ofCharm, Ridley revealed that the pressure to enter such a huge role as Rey in the newStars wars The trilogy brought a wave of insecurity and anxiety:

"I did this test in January of last year and [doctors] said that my body should be stressful by 30%, 70% normal," she said. "I had 70% stress and 30% normal. My cortisol was so high or something like that, that my body was constantly flying or flying."

It was not only the pressure to be an iconic model for a new generation of women who completed it either. As many women, Ridley suffers from imposition syndrome - an inability to internalize the achievements and fear of being damaged as a "fraud" - respond to its many achievements. In the interview, Ridley saidCharm Writer Allison P. Davis only when the legendary actor / director Kenneth Branagh has committed him for his adaptation ofMurder on the East ExpressShe "felt a little bit certain of that, because I did not feel like it's good enough for that," and I even asked Branagh if someone had him hired.

In addition to that, she suffers from insecurities of the image of the body. Ridley was opened in the past to treat endometriosis and polycystic ovarian syndrome - two extremely common disorders in women - and in particular the skin problems they gave it. Last year, she shared an Instagram position in which she said that at some point that her skin was so serious that she could not leave the house without makeup and "feel so self-awareness left My blanket confidence. " You will not find this picture now, however, because Ridley has removed his account after a little pain of the sled.

"I was on Instagram, trying to do all that, and people were not very nice," she said. "I posted a thing about firearms regulation because I was at an event in tribute to the Orlando shooting shooting in Pulse [where 49 people were killed and more than 50 years were injured ]. People were not enjoyable the way I looked. And I was like, 'I'm outside' ... I'm just not equipped for that. I am super sensitive - nottoo much Sensitive - but I really feel things. "

In fact, if there is one thing that wants people to understand from her is that despite her fame and success, she always looks like an ordinary person with regular problems, such as stress and esteem weak.

"People can be a bit like" Oh my God, your life is different from mine. "But no, it's not. Everyone had the same problems. We all get jobs, and we lose them. We spend a good time, and we do not spend a good time. That's it, you know? "

So, how does she treat with her anxiety? She follows the wise advice of the end of the end, from Great Carrie Fisher, who reminded him that it is normal to feel like that and everyone has trouble and do their best.

"Carrie Fisher said," Do you know when people come to you for a photo? "And I was like, was not it really intimidating? She told me she kissed a fan once and [felt the fan] Heart was the race. She was like:" That's what You must remember: it is the nervous for everyone. "

And she gave him another good advice, who had to find his own way of fighting these embarrassing feelings.

"I guess, according to the essence, [Fisher's advice was]: you do you. She said you can deal with things in your way. She chose to deal with things with humor, what n 'Is not like that I treat with things, but it's ok. You can use many ways, do it however the hell you want and succeed massively. And everything is fine. "

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